
Dr James Jewkes

Lecturer of Industrial Fluid Dynamics

School/Department: Engineering, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 3716



I am a fluid mechanics lecturer with a background in the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of turbulent flows. My research interests range from large-eddy simulation of turbulent jets and boundary layers, to the haemodynamics of the left descending coronary artery, and more recently to the optimisation of high pressure die casting mould cooling channels. My MEng (1st) in Mechanical Engineering was awarded at Warwick University in 2002 followed by a PhD in large eddy simulation (LES) at Warwick in 2008 supervised by (the late) Professor Peter Carpenter and Dr Yongmann Chung. I have worked for IBM UK, Prodrive, and TotalSim UK, and for various universities including Curtin University in Western Australia, the University of South Wales, and Coventry University. In November 2021 I became a Lecturer of Industrial Fluid Mechanics at the University of Leicester. I have held grants as CI from the Australian Research Council and Innovate UK and am currently PI on EPSRC EP/V02695X/1 “Better Bubblers: Jet Impingement Within a Dead-End Channel”.


- J.W. Jewkes, EPSRC New Investigator Award, EP/V02695X/1 “Better Bubblers: Jet Impingement Within a Dead-End Channel "", £310073, 2021-2024.
- E. Abdelfatah, J.W. Jewkes, Innovate UK TSB TS/R011249/1 “3D-printed conformal cooling channels for extended tooling life"", £235574, 2018-2020 (extended to 2021).
- A.D. Lucey, R. Narayanaswamy, J.W. Jewkes, V. Narayanan, and Y.M. Chung, ARC DP130103271 “The phenomenology of unsteady impinging jets: fluid dynamics and heat transfer"", $260,000 AUD, 2013-2016.

Research Background:
- Postdoc: CFD investigation of the haemodynamics of flow in the left descending coronary artery at Curtin University in Western Australia, 2009-2011
- EC Grant G4RD-CT-2002-00748 “Aeromems II : Advanced aerodynamic flow control using MEMS."", employed as a research associate on this project during my PhD in the large-eddy simulation of turbulent boundary layers and jets at Warwick University.

Other activities:
- Reviewer for various journals including Journal of Biomechanics, Physics of Fluids and the AIAA Journal.
- Member of the EPSRC Associate Peer Review College.
- Three journal papers included in the REF2021 submission at Coventry University.


Selected Journal Papers

Abo-Serie, E., Jewkes, J., Zeng, T., and Liang, Y., Simplified CFD Model for Assessing the Cooling Channel Design in 3D Printed High-Pressure Tools for Aluminium Alloy Casting, SAE Technical Paper 2021-01-0270, 2021.

Chaugule, V., Narayanaswamy, R., Lucey, A.D., Narayanan, V. and Jewkes, J.W., 2018. Particle image velocimetry and infrared thermography of turbulent jet impingement on an oscillating surface. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 98, pp.576-593.

Natarajan, T., Jewkes, J.W., Lucey, A.D., Narayanaswamy, R. and Chung, Y.M., 2017. Large-eddy simulations of a turbulent jet impinging on a vibrating heated wall. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 65, pp.277-298.

Chaichana, T., Sun, Z. and Jewkes, J.W., 2014. Impact of plaques in the left coronary artery on wall shear stress and pressure gradient in coronary side branches. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 17(2), pp.108-118.

Chaichana, T., Sun, Z. and Jewkes, J.W., 2013. Hemodynamic impacts of left coronary stenosis: A patient-specific analysis. Acta of bioengineering and biomechanics, 15(3).

Chaichana, T., Sun, Z. and Jewkes, J.W., 2013. Hemodynamic analysis of the effect of different types of plaques in the left coronary artery. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 37(3), pp.197-206.

Chaichana, T., Sun, Z. and Jewkes, J.W., 2013. Hemodynamic impacts of various types of stenosis in the left coronary artery bifurcation: a patient-specific analysis. Physica Medica, 29(5), pp.447-452.

Chaichana, T., Sun, Z. and Jewkes, J.W., 2012. Computational fluid dynamics analysis of the effect of plaques in the left coronary artery. Computational and mathematical methods in medicine, 2012.

Chaichana, T., Sun, Z. and Jewkes, J.W., 2011. Computation of hemodynamics in the left coronary artery with variable angulations. Journal of biomechanics, 44(10), pp.1869-1878.

Jewkes, J.W., Chung, Y.M. and Carpenter, P.W., 2011. Modifications to a turbulent inflow generation method for boundary-layer flows. AIAA journal, 49(1), pp.247-250.


I am accepting PhD students in any field related to the ongoing research described above.

Current PhD students:
- T. Zeng (supv. E. Abo-Serie, M. Henry, J.W. Jewkes), Conformal cooling of high pressure aluminium die-casting cooling channels, Coventry University
- E. Oran (supv. E. Abo-Serie, M. Henry, J.W. Jewkes), Design and optimisation of impeller blades for a heart assist pump, Coventry University
- A. Divakaran (supv. E. Gkanas, E. Abo-Serie, J.W. Jewkes), Design and optimisation of a cooling system for an e-scooter motor, Coventry University

Completed PhD Students:
- T. Chaichana (supv. Z. Sun, J.W. Jewkes), “Haemodynamic evaluation of coronary artery plaques: prediction of coronary atherosclerosis and disease progression."", Curtin University, 2012.
- T. Natarajan (supv. A.D. Lucey, R. Narayanaswamy, J.W. Jewkes, “Large-eddy simulations of flow and heat transfer for jet impingement on static and vibrating surfaces"", Curtin University, 2017.
- V. Chaugule (supv. A.D. Lucey, R. Narayanaswamy, J.W. Jewkes), “Experimental investigation of fluid dynamics and heat transfer characteristics of a turbulent jet impinging on an oscillating target surface"", Curtin University, 2017.


University of Leicester
- EG3421 Flight dynamics, Control and Avionics
- EG2004 Engineering Experimentation and Analysis

Coventry University, UK, 2016-2021
- Mechanical Science (1st year/BEng) -2017-2021, fluid mechanics lecturer.
- Thermofluid Mechanics (2nd year/BEng) - 2016-2021, fluid mechanics lecturer.
- Aircraft Aerodynamics (2nd year/BEng) - 2016-2020, CFD lecturer, module leader.

University of South Wales, UK, 2015-2016
- Course Leader MSc Mechanical Engineering
- Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (4th year/MSc) - 2015/2016-, unit coordinator, lecturer.
- Engineering Thermofluids (2nd Year (BSc & BEng), 3rd Year) - 2015/2016-, unit coordinator, lecturer.
- Thermofluids for Engineers (1st Year) - 2015/2016-, lecturer.
- Aerodynamics - Compressible Flow (2nd Year) - 2015/2016-, lecturer.
- Design and Analysis (2nd Year) - 2015/2016-

Curtin University, Western Australia, 2009-2015
- Fluid Mechanics (2nd Year) - 2012, 2014 module leader, lecturer
- Fluid Mechanics (4th Year) - Industrial Fluid Mechanics, lecturer.
- Engineering Mechanics (1st Year), lecturer.

Press and media

I am happy to assist with any topic related to the ongoing research described above.


I am the Director of Admissions for the School of Engineering at Leicester, so you will no-doubt encounter me at various events including Open Days and Offer Holder Days; please feel free to contact me via email or phone if you wish to learn more about studying Engineering at the University of Leicester, I'll be more than happy to help!

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