
Dr James Hoey


School/Department: Computing and Mathematical Sciences, School of



I have been working in the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences since September 2020. Before this I completed my PhD studies in the same school focusing on reversible computation and the benefits it provides to the difficult and time consuming task of debugging concurrent executions.


My research focuses on reversible computation. The ability to execute programs in reverse while correctly restoring each intermediate state offers benefits to a range of fields. By requiring no information is lost during an execution, reversible computation is viewed as an aid to producing more energy efficient computation. Other research interests include debugging of concurrent (or multi-threaded) programs and energy efficient software for AI.


Hoey, J., Ulidowski, I.: Reversing an Imperative Concurrent Programming Language. In: Science of Computer Programming, vol. 223 (2022).

Hoey, J., Ulidowski, I.: Towards Causal-Consistent Reversibility of Imperative Concurrent Programs. In Reversible Computation, LNCS, vol. 13354, Springer (2022).

Cau A., Kuhn S., Hoey J.: Reversibility of Executable Interval Temporal Logic Specifications. In: Reversible Computation, LNCS, vol 12805. Springer (2021)

Hoey, J.: Reversing an Imperative Concurrent Programming Language. Ph.D thesis, University of Leicester (2020). 

Hoey, J., Lanese, I., Nishida, N., Ulidowski, I., Vidal, G.: A case study for reversible computing: Reversible debugging of concurrent programs. In: Reversible Computation: Extending Horizons of Computing, LNCS, vol. 12070. Springer (2020).

Mezzina C.A. et al: Software and Reversible Systems: A Survey of Recent Activities. In: Reversible Computation: Extending Horizons of Computing, LNCS, vol. 12070. Springer (2020).

Hoey, J., Ulidowski, I.: Reversible imperative parallel programs and debugging. In: Reversible Computation, LNCS, vol. 11497. Springer (2019)

Hoey, J., Ulidowski, I., Yuen, S.: Reversing parallel programs with blocks and procedures. In: Combined Proceedings of EXPRESS/SOS 2018, EPTCS, vol. 276, pp. 69-86 (2018). 
Hoey, J., Ulidowski, I., Yuen, S.: Reversing imperative parallel programs. In: Combined Proceedings of EXPRESS/SOS 2017, EPTCS, vol. 255, pp. 51-66 (2017).  


I regularly supervise BSc and MSc projects and am open to other supervision. Please contact me to discuss this.


I am currently involved in the teaching of CO2201 Software Engineering Project, CO3101 Computers Society and Professionalism, and CO7207 Generative Development.

In July 2023 I achieved the status of Associate Fellow (AFHEA), and continue to work towards Fellowship.

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