
Professor Huiyu Zhou

Professor of Machine Learning

School/Department: Computing and Mathematical Sciences, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 5295


Address: Room 529B, Ken Edwards Building, School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH


ORCID: 0000-0003-1634-9840

Group webpage:


Prof. Huiyu Zhou received a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Radio Technology from Huazhong University of Science and Technology of China and a Master of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering from University of Dundee of United Kingdom, respectively. He was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Computer Vision from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, supervised by Professors Patrick Green (Psychology) and Andrew Wallace (Computer Engineering).

Prof. Zhou heads the AI and Machine Learning Group and leads the Biomedical Image Processing Lab (BIPL) at University of Leicester. He was Director of MSc Programme (2018-2019) and Coordinator of MSc Distance Learning at Informatics (2018-2022), and is PGR Director of CMS, Deputy Director of Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and Modelling (AIDAM) and Member of the Executive Group of Apollo-Leicester Centre for Digital Health and Precision Medicine. Prior to this appointment, he worked as Reader (2018-2020) at University of Leicester, and Lecturer (2012-2017) at the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Queen's University Belfast (QUB). He was a visiting scholar of QUB during 2018-2020.

Prof. Zhou serves as:

Technical Committee of "IEEE Cognitive and Developmental Systems", "Information Assurance & Intelligence Multimedia-Mobile Communications in IEEE SMC Society", "Biometrics Task Force" and "Robotics Task Force" of the Intelligent Systems Applications Technical Committee, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and "Task Force on Secure Learning" of the IEEE CIS Neural Networks Technical Committee.

Editor-in-Chief of Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Associate Editor/EBM of IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Pattern Recognition, PeerJ Computer Science, Security and Safety, Scientific Reports, Machine Intelligence Research, International Journal of Image and Graphics, Intelligent Marine Technology and Systems and IEEE Access, Editorial Board Member and Guest Editor of several refereed journals.

Associate Editor of ICRA (2019-2023) and Area Chair of BMVC (2019-2024) and IJCAI (2021/2024/2025).

Reviewer for high profile journals (e.g. Nature/Lancet/IEEE TPAMI/TIP/TMI/TNNLS/TCybernetics/TRobotics) and Technical Program Committee/Reviewer for major conferences (e.g. NeurIPS/ICLR/AAAI/IJCAI/CVPR/ICCV/ECCV/ICRA/CHI/BMVC/MICCAI).

External examiner for under- and post-graduates/PhD candidates from universities of UK (e.g. Imperial, Manchester and QMUL), Hong Kong (e.g. HKU and PolyU), Australia (e.g. UNSW Sydney), India (e.g. Anna and Andhra) and China (e.g. SHU and XJTLU), and Digital Design and Branding MSc of Brunel University London (2018-2019).

Assessor of Promotion of Faculty Members of UK, China/HK, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Pakistan.

Interview/SIFT Panel Member of UKRI FLF, UKRI AI CDT and Hubs. Grant reviewer for the research proposals submitted to Horizon Europe, EU H2020, SNSF of Switzerland, South Africa's NRF, SF of Republic of Serbia, CHIST-ERA, RA of Slovakia, CSF of Czech, National Science Centre Poland, AME IRG&YIRG of Singapore, RGC and ITC of Hong Kong, QNRF (Qatar), Cara (Syria Programme), NIHR, MRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, UKRI FLF, NC3Rs, Leverhulme Trust, Newton International Fellowship of Royal Society, Wellcome Trust, Heart Research UK, NICHS, NEAT and RSE.


  • BRIDGES for Dementia Network (Building research innovation co-developing greater empowerment and support for people living with dementia), Co-I (PI: Jennifer MacRitchie), EPSRC, 2025-2028, £1.97M. [Press release, News 1News 2]
  • EPSRC IDLA PhD Studentship (with AstraZeneca LTD.), Academic Supervisor, EPSRC, 2025-2030, £143K. 
  • NIHR Health Protection Research Units (HPRUs), Co-I (PI: Anna Hansell), NIHR, 2024-2029, £5.5M. [News release]
  • The University of Leicester and Bluesky International Limited, Co-PI (with Kevin Tansey), Innovate UK/KTP, 2024-2026, £234K.
  • Research Excellence Awards, Co-I (PI: André Ng), British Heart Foundation, 2024-2029, £3M. Press releases.
  • "A conveyor belt system with AI to sort returned posts" (with Postworks Ltd.), PI, Innovate UK/KTN, 3/2024-7/2024, £30750.
  • "Advancing machine learning to achieve real-world early detection and personalised disease outcome prediction of inflammatory arthritis", Co-I (PI: Weizi Li), EPSRC, 2023-2025, Total budget: £619K, UoL allocation: £120K. We are now recruiting a Research Assistant (closed): Job Advertisement
  • "Self-learning digital twins for sustainable land management", Co-I (PI: Heiko Balzter), EPSRC, 2023-2025, £2.5M.
  • "Retinal microvasculature as a window into detecting stage B heart failure in type 2 diabetes", Co-I (PI: Gaurav Gulsin), BHF Accelerator Award, 2022-2023, £36K. 
  • "MPhil Project: Enhancement of throughput through signal processing/power control", Co-I (PI: Tanya Vladimirova), AST SpaceMobile UK, 2022-2023, £34K.
  • "Robust watermarking scheme in medical images for smart healthcare", PI (Co-PI: Amit Kumar Singh), International Exchanges, Royal Society, 2022-24, £12K.
  • "Bring reinforcement-learning into radio light network for massive connections", UoL Lead, H2020-ICT, 2021-2023. Total budget: €5.67M, UoL allocation: €399K.
  • "The Dickens Code", Technical Lead (PI: Dr. Claire Wood), AHRC, 2021-23, £33K.
  • "Maximising research impact for a study on COVID-19 vaccine uptake within Chinese communities in the UK", Co-I (PI: Dr. Sarah Gong), ESRC Impact Acceleration, 2021-2023, £9983.
  • "Co-design and implement a COVID-19 vaccine uptake intervention within Chinese communities in England", Co-I (PI: Dr. Sarah Gong), AHRC, 5/2021-11/2021, £79958.
  • "Intelligent collaborative network model of complex equipment remanufacturing based on industrial IoT information perception", PI (Co-PI: Prof. W. Liu), Royal Society, 2021-2023, £12K.
  • "Optimising deep neural networks for fully automating a novel technology for risk stratification of sudden cardiac death", Co-I (PI: Prof. Andre Ng), MRC CIC, 2021, £43K.
  • "Deep learning methods for early detection of myocardial ischemia using digital and paper ECGs", Co-I (PI: Dr. Xin Li), The van Geest Heart and Cardiovascular Disease Research Fund, 2020-2021. £11769.
  • "The detection of small objects in a large area through data fusion", Co-I (PI: Prof. Lu Liu), British Telecom,2020-2021. £14964.
  • "Analysis of Twitter discussions on COVID-19 in Nigeria: Understanding trends in attitudes and social media strategies", Co-I (PI: Prof. Reiko Heckel), GCRF IRDF, May-July, 2020. £11795.
  • "Automated analysis of housing construction progress through remote sensing", PI, Research England and Stevenson Astrosat Ltd, April 2020-May, 2021. £94K.
  • "Deep learning in cell line authentication", PI, AstraZeneca Cambridge, 2020-2024, £30K.
  • "ESRC IAA Strategic Partnership: East Midlands Police and Academic Collaboration", Co-I (PI: Dr. Andy Newton), ESRC IAA, 2019-2021, £46K.
  • "Deep learning for refining LifeMap - a new technology for risk stratification of sudden cardiac death", Co-I (PI: Prof. Andre Ng), MRC CIC, 2019-2020, £43K.
  • "Kinect measurement of range, rhythm and rate of motion for evaluating shoulder diseases", UoL PI, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, 2018-2019, £5K.
  • "Cross-cultural computer-supported collaborative learning for student capacity building in data science", Co-I (PI: Prof. Effie Law), STFC ODA Award, 2018, £17,699.
  • “Smart distribution grid: a market driven approach for the next generation of advanced operation models and services” (DOMINOES), UoL PI, H2020, 2017-2021. Total budget: €4M, UoL allocation: €304K.
  • “Video traffic analysis for abnormal event detection”, PI, Newton Advanced Fellowship, 2017-2023. £105K. In addition, 500K (RMB) are provided from NSF of China.
  • “AUTOMAC: AUTOmated Mouse behAviour reCognition”, PI, EPSRC, UK, 2016-2017. £99K.
  • “Feasibility study of ECG identification algorithms”, PI, B-Secur Ltd., 2016-2017. £62K.
  • “An early warning foetal motion detection system”, PI, Puffin Trust, 2017-2018. £2K.
  • “Using game theory to assess the effects of social norms and social networks on adolescent smoking in schools: a proof of concept study”, Co-I, MRC, 2018-2021. £727K.
  • "Application of a novel automated behaviour monitoring system to study the effects of Alzheimer's disease pathology in mouse models", Co-I, Alzheimer Research UK, Pump-Priming Fund, 2017-2018. £5K.
  • “Plasmofluidic analytical device: a rapid point-of-sampling diagnostic and management support platform for infectious and antimicrobial resistant pathogens”, Co-I, Agri-Food Quest, 2016-2018. £250K.
  • “Mobile plasmofluidic paper-based analytical device: A rapid diagnostic and management support platform to combat multi-drug resistance for resource-poor settings”, Co-I, subtask of EPSRC QUBAN Programme, 2016-2017. Total budget: £395K and the team's allocation: £50K.
  • “Smartphone analyzers for on-site testing of food quality and safety” (FoodSmartPhone), Co-I, H2020-MSCA-ITN, 2017-2020. Total budget: €2.84M, QUB allocation: €820K.
  • “Pathological cancer image analysis”, Co-PI, Invest NI/Philips Pathology, UK, 2016-2018. £299K.
  • “Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT 2)”, Co-I, EPSRC/Innovate UK/Invest NI, 2015-2020. Total budget: £38M.


A full list of publications can be found at Google Scholar and DBLP. Our team is making continuous efforts to share the source code and/or datasets of each piece of the published works with the research community. Recent publications (accepted or published after 1st Jan. 2021) include:


"Robotics and Autonomous Systems and Engineering Applications of Computational Intelligence", Gu, J., Hu, F., Zhou, H., Fei, Z. and Yang, E. (Editors), Springer, 2024. Proc. of LSMS and LCSEE. 

"Medical Information Processing and Security: Techniques and applications", Singh, A.K. and Zhou, H. (Editors), Book series on eHealth Technologies, IET, Jan, 2023.

"Applications of intelligent systems in multi-model information analytics", Sugumaran, V., Xu, Z. and Zhou, H. (Editors), Springer, 2021.

Editorials/Special Issues

Zhang, H., Ding, Z. and Zhou, H. "Artificial intelligence in healthcare and rehabilitation", Healthcare and Rehabilitation, 30/06/2025.

Ju, Y., Dong, J., Yu, H. and Zhou, H. "Underwater visual signal processing in the data-driven era", Frontiers in Marine Science, 27/02/2025.

Zheng, H., Nie, J., Zhou, H., Liu, A.-A. and Zhang, X. "Deep learning for marine sciences, volume II", Frontiers in Marine Science, 22/10/2024.

Zhang, F., Zhou, H., Gao, F. and Ma, L. "Target recognition and detection based on high resolution radar images", Remote Sensing, deadline of submission: 31/10/2024.

Jiang, T., Chen, Y., Wang, Y. and Zhou, H. "Security and privacy in machine learning artificial intelligence", Applied Sciences, deadline for submission: 30/10/2024. 

Jiang, Z., Zhou, H., Sadka, A., Tao, D. and Guo, Y. "Transformers for Medical Image Analysis", Machine Intelligence Research, deadline for submission: 1/7/2024.

Zhou, T., Zhou, H. and Li, C. "Deep learning in computer-aided diagnosis based on medical image", Computers, Materials & Continua, 2024.

Zheng, H., Nie, J., Zhou, H., Liu, A.-A. and Zhang, X. "Deep learning for marine sciences", Frontiers in Marine Science, 2023.

Zhou, Y., Qiao, C. and Zhou, H. "Guest editorial: Intelligent control and applications for robotics, Volume II", Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2023.

Zhou, Y., Qiao, C., Wu, L. and Zhou, H. "Guest editorial: Intelligent control and applications for robotics", Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2022.

Singh, A., Zhou, H. and Berretti, S. "Guest editorial: Medical data security solution for healthcare industries", IEEE Tans. on Industrial Informatics, 2022, 18(8), 5558-5560.

Zhou, H., Li, L. Shan, S., Wang, S. and Liu, J.K. "Editorial: Discrimination of genuine and posed facial expressions of emotion", Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2021, 15: 771529.

Shamsolmoali, P., Garcia, S., Zhou, H. and Celebi, E.M. "Advances in domain adaptation in computer vision", Image and Vision Computing, 2021, 114: 104268.


Shamsolmoali, P., Zarepoor, M., Zhou, H., Felsberg, M., Tao, D. and Li, X. "From missing pieces to masterpieces: Image completion with context-adaptive diffusion", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Accepted for publication. 

Ren, X., Zhou, W., Yuan, N., Li, F., Ruan, Y. and Zhou, H. "Prompt-based polyp segmentation during endoscopy", Medical Image Analysis. 2025, Vol. 102, 103510. [Source code]

Wu, X., Fei, M., Zhou, W., Du, S., Fei, Z. and Zhou, H. "Binary Banyan tree growth optimization: A practical approach to high-dimensional feature selection", Knowledge-Based Systems. 2025, Vol. 315, 113252. [Source code] 

Lin, N., Zhang, L., Wu, T., Hawbani, A., Zhou, H. and Zhao, L. "Surface multiple object tracking: an accurate HAT-YOLOv8-ADT tracking model", IEEE Internet of Things. Published online. 

Zhou, F., Yang, X., Chen, F., Chen, L., Jiang, Z., Zhu, H., Heckel, R., Wang, H., Fei, M. and Zhou, H. "Cross-skeleton interaction graph aggregation network for representation learning of mouse social behaviour", IEEE Trans. on Image Processing. 2025, Vol. 34, 623-638. [arXiv] [Source code]

Ma, H., Liu, T., Zhang, Y., Fei, M. and Zhou, H. "Maximum correntropy smoothers based on information theoretical learning in non-Gaussian environments", Trans. of the Institute of Measurement and Control. Published online. 

Singh, M., Singh, K.N., Mohan, A., Singh, A.K. and Zhou, H. "Deep learning based medical image segmentation for encryption with copyright protection through data hiding", Computers and Electrical Engineering. 2025, Vol. 123, Part C, 110202. 

Ju, Y., Xiao, J., Zhang, C., Xie, H., Luo, A., Zhou, H., Dong, J. and Kot, A.C. "Towards marine snow removal with fusing Fourier information", Information Fusion. 2025, Vol. 117, 102810. [Source code]

Xu, Z., Zhang, R., Li, Z., Cheng, S., Zhou, H., Li, W. and Gao, X. "CF3d: Category fused 3D point cloud retrieval", Signal Processing. 2025, Vol. 230, 109805. [Source code]

Zhang, M., Bzura, A., Baitei, E.Y., Zhou, Z., Spicer, J.B., Poile, C., Rogel, J., Branson, A., King, A., Barber, S., Kamata, T., Dzialo, J., Harber, J., Greystoke, A., Nusrat, N., Faulkner, D., Sun, Q., Nolan, L., Hahne, J.C., Scotland, M., Walter, H., Darlison, L., Morgan, B., Bajaj, A., Brookes, C., Hollox, E.J., Lubawska, D., Jama, M., Griffiths, G., Nakas, A., Kutywayo, K., Luo, J.-L., Klampasta, A., Cooper, A., Halder, K., Wells-Jordam, P., Zhou, H., Dudbridge, F., Thomas, A., Richards, C.J., Pritchard, C., Yang, H., Barer, M. and Fennell, D.A. "A gut microbiota rheostat forecasts responsiveness to PD-L1 and VEGF blockade in mesothelioma". Nature Communications. 2024, 15: 7187. 

Wang, G., Zhang, X., Peng, Z., Zhang, T., Tang, X., Zhou, H. and Jiao, L. "Negative deterministic information based multiple instance learning for weakly supervised object detection and segmentation", IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. Published online. [Early version] [Source code]

Ju, Y., Lam, K.-M., Xie, W., Zhou, H., Dong, J. and Shi, B. "Deep learning methods for calibrated photometric stereo and beyond", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 2024, 46(11), 7154-7172. [arXiv] [Project page]

Du, D., Zhang, C., Peng, C., Fei, M. and Zhou, H. "Stealthy measurement-aided pole-dynamics attacks with nominal models", IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics. 2024, 54(11), 6653-6666. [arXiv] [Source code]

Zhou, F., Jiang, Z., Zhou, H. and Li, X. "SMC-NCA: Semantic-guided multi-level contrast for semi-supervised temporal action segmentation", IEEE Trans. on Multimedia. 2024, Vol. 26, 11386-11401. [arXiv] [Source code]

Wu, C., Wang, S., Wang, Y., Wang, C., Zhou, H., Zhang, Y. and Wang, Q. "A novel multi-modal population-graph based framework for patients of esophageal squamous cell cancer prognostic risk prediction", IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Published online. [Source code]

Shahzad, M., Shirazi, S.H., Yaqoob, M., Khan, Z., Rasheed, A., Sheikh, I.A., Hayat, A. and Zhou, H. "AneRBC dataset: a benchmark database for computer-aided anemia diagnosis using RBC images", Database. 2024, Article ID baae120. [Database] [Source code]

Wang, L., Chen, L., Wei, K., Zhou, H., Zwiggelaar, R., Fu, W. and Liu, Y. "Weakly supervised pathological differentiation of PCNSL and GBM on multi-site whole slide images", Journal of Medical Imaging. 2025, 12(1), 017502. [Source code]

Zhang, X., Hong, W., Li, Z., Cheng, X., Tang, X., Zhou, H. and Jiao, L. "Hierarchical knowledge graph for multi-label classification of remote sensing images", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Engineering. 2024, Vol. 62, 5645714.

Chen, F., Balzter, H., Ren, P. and Zhou, H. "SRCNet: Seminal image representation collaborative network for oil spill segmentation in SAR imagery", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Engineering. 2024, Vol. 62, 5223718. [arXiv] [Source code]

Zhang, S., Zhou, H. and Zhu, Y. "Why people accept mental health-related misinformation: role of social media metrics in users' information processing", Social Science Computer Review. Published online. [Final version]

Gong, Q., Gao, Z., Somerville, I., Steele, C., Wang, D. and Zhou, H. "Communicating COVID-19 vaccine information to Chinese communities in the UK: a qualitative study of their knowledge, information sources and trust", BMJ Public Health. 2024, 2: e000658. 

Lv, Q., Li, Y., Dong, J., Chen, S., Yu, H., Zhou, H. and Zhang, S. "DomainForensics: Exposing face forgery across domains via bi-directional adaptation", IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics & Security. 2024, Vol. 19, 7275-7289. [Early version

Kong, L., Gao, F., He, X., Wang, J., Sun, J. Zhou, H. and Hussain, A. "Few-shot class-incremental SAR target recognition via orthogonal distributed features", IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. 2025, 61(1), 325-341.

Singh, K.N., Baranwal, N., Singh, A.K., Agrawal, A.K. and Zhou, H. "Using multimodal biometrics, data hiding and encryption for secure healthcare imaging systems", IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics. Published online.

Chen, J., Wang, M., Wang, J., Wang, F. and Zhou, H. "Joint waveform design of radar detection, wireless communication and jamming based on chaotic composite modulation", Electronics Letters. 2024, 60(18), e70033.

Li, F., Liu, H., Li, G., Wang, Y., Zhou, H., Cao, S. and Li, T. "SeSMR: Secure and efficient session-based multimedia recommendation in edge computing", ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing, Communication and Applications. Published online.

Jia, X., Yu, T., Luo, X., Wang, D. and Zhou, H. "Maximizing contrast in XOR-based visual cryptography schemes", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 2024, 34(12), 12849-12861. [Source code]

Wang, Y., Zhou, H. and Dong, X. "Terrain scene generation using a lightweight vector quantized generative adversarial network", IEEE Trans. on Big Data. Accepted for publication.

Lei, X., Fei, Z., Zhou, W., Zhou, H. and Fei, M. "Low-light image enhancement based on cell vibration energy model and lightness difference", Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 2024, Vol. 247, 104079. 

Chen, L., Li, T., Zhou, A., Wang, S., Dong, J. and Zhou, H. "Underwater object detection in noisy imbalanced datasets", Pattern Recognition. 32024, Vol. 155, 110649. [Source code]

Kang, C., Prokop, J., Tong, L., Zhou, H., Hu, Y. and Novak, D. "InA: Inhibition adaption on pre-trained language models", Neural Networks. 2024, Vol. 178, 106410. [Final draft] [Source code

Zhang, S., Zhou, H. and Zhu, Y. "Have we found a solution for health misinformation? A ten-year systematic review of health misinformation literature 2013-2022", International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2024, Vol. 188, 105478. 

Luo, Y., Chen, Y., Dou, H. Tan, C. and Zhou, H. "Enhancing privacy management protection through secure and efficient processing of image information based on the fine-grained thumbnail-preserving encryption", Information Processing and Management. 2024, 61(5), 103789. 

Singh, O.P., Singh, K.N., Singh,A.K., Agrawal, A.K. and Zhou, H, "An improved robust algorithm for optimisation-based colour medical image watermarking", Computers and Electrical Engineering. 2024, Vol. 117, 109278.

Liu, Z., Yang, B., Shen, Y., Ni, X., Tsaftaris, S.A. and Zhou, H. "Long-short diffeomorphism memory network for weakly-supervised ultrasound landmark tracking", Medical Image Analysis. 2024, Vol. 94, 103138. [arXiv] [Source code]

Gao, F., Han, X., Wang, J., Sun, J., Hussain, A. and Zhou, H. "SAR ship instance segmentation with dynamic key points information enhancement", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2024, Vol. 17, 11365-11385. [final draft] [Source code]

Dong, H., Qi, H., Zhou, H., Dong, J. and Dong X. "WRD-Net: Water reflection detection using a parallel transformer", Pattern Recognition. 2024, Vol. 152, 110467. [Source code]

Xia, G., Xiao, P., Li, B., Zhang, Y. and Zhou, H. "Joint beamforming and compressed sensing for up-link grant-free access", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications. 2024, 23(9), 10575-10591. [TechRxiv] [Source code

Liao, J., Chen, M., Zhang, K., Zhou, H., Zou, Y., Xiong, W., Zhang, W., Kuang, F. and Zhu, D. "SC-Net: A new strip convolutional network model for rice seedling and weed segmentation in paddy field", Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2024, Vol. 220, 108862. [Source code]

Tong, L., Corrigan, A., Kumar, N.R., Hallbrook, K., Orme, J., Wang, Y. and Zhou, H. "CLANet: A comprehensive framework for cross-batch cell line identification using brightfield images", Medical Image Analysis. 2024, Vol. 94, 103123. [Source code]

Chen, L., Jiang, Z., Barker, J., Zhou, H., Schlindwein, F.S., Nicolson, W., Ng, G.A. and Li, X. "ECGVEDNET: A variational encoder-decoder network for ECG delineation in morphology variant ECGs", IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering. 2024, 71(7), 2143-2153. 

Du, F., Zhou, H., Niu, Y., Han, Z. and Shui, X. "A convolutional and transformer-based multiclassification model for lung adenocarcinoma subtypes", Medical Physics. 2024, 51(8), 5337-5350. [Source code

Gao, F., Zhong, F., Sun, J., Hussain, A. and Zhou, H. "BBox-free SAR ship instance segmentation method based on Gaussian heatmap", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2024, Vol. 62, 5206218. [Source code]

Chang, Z., Gao, X., Li, N., Zhou, H. and Lu, Y. "DRNet: Disentanglement and recombination network for few-shot semantic segmentation", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 2024, 34(7), 5560-5574. [Source code]

Huang, H., Gao, F., Sun, J., Wang, J., Hussain, A. and Zhou, H. "Novel category discovery without forgetting for automatic target recognition", IEEE J. of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2024, Vol. 17, 4408-4420. [Source code]

Gao, F., Kong, L., Lang, R., Sun, J., Wang, J., Hussain, A. and Zhou, H. "SAR target incremental recognition based on features with strong separability", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2024, Vol. 62, 5202813. [Source code]

Zhou, T., Niu, Y., Peng, C., Guo, Y., Liu, F., Lu, H. and Zhou, H. "Vision transformer: to discover the `four secrets` of image patches", Information Fusion. 2024, Vol. 105, 102248.

Qi, H., Zhou, Dong, J. and Dong, X. "Small sample image segmentation by coupling convolutions and transformers", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 2024, 34(7), 5282-5294. [Source code]

Ma, H., Zhang, Y., Sun, S., Zhang, W., Fei, M. and Zhou, H. "Weighted multi-error information entropy based you only look once network for underwater object detection", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2024, Vol. 130, 107766.

Qi, H., Zhou, H., Dong, J. and Dong, X. "Deep color-corrected multi-scale retinex network for underwater image enhancement", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2024, Vol. 62, 1-13. [Source code]

Du, D., Zhang, C., Lu, Q., Fei, M. and Zhou, H. "Secure control of networked inverted pendulum of visual servo system with adverse effects of image computation", IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology. 2024, 32(3), 1074-1081. [Draft] [Source code]

Shamsolmoali, P., Zareapoor, Zhou, H., Li, X. and Lu, Y. "Distance weighted trans network for image completion", Pattern Recognition. 2024, Vol. 147, 110120. [arXiv] [Source code]

Ju, Y., Shi, B., Chen, Y., Zhou, H., Dong, J. and Lam, K.-M. "GR-PSN: Learning to estimate surface normal and reconstruct photometric stereo images", IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2024, 30(9), 6192-6207. [Source code]

Shamsolmoali, P., Chanussot, J., Zhou, H. and Lu, Y. "Efficient object detection in optical remote sensing imagery via attention-based feature distillation", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2023, Vol. 61, 5624412. [Source code]

Li, B., Dupleich, D., Xia, G., Zhou, H., Zhang, Y., Xiao, P. and Yang, L.-L. "MDD-enabled two-tier THz fronthaul in indoor industrial cell-free massive MIMO", IEEE Trans. on Communications. 2024, 72(3), 1653-1670. [arXiv] [Source code]

Wang, X., Li, Y., Shi, A. and Zhou, H. "Multi-attention aggregation network for remote sensing scene classification", J. of Applied Remote Sensing. 2023, 17(4), 046508.

Zhang, S., Liu, X., Xie, H., Nie, L., Zhou, H., Tao, D. and Li, X. "Learning geometric transformation for point cloud completion", International Journal of Computer Vision. 2023, Vol. 131, 2425-2445. [Final version] [Source code

Singh, M., Baranwal, N., Singh, K.N., Singh, A.K. and Zhou, H. "Deep learning-based biometric image feature extraction for securing medical images through data hiding and joint encryption-compression", Journal of Information Security and Applications. 2023, Vol. 79, 103628. 

Shamsolmoali, P., Zareapoor, M., Zhou, H., Tao, D. and Li, X. "VTAE: Variational transformer autoencoder with manifolds learning", IEEE Trans. on Image Processing. 2023, Vol. 32, 4486-4500. [arXiv] [Source code]

Murray, J.M., Sanchez-Franco, S.C., Sarmiento, O.L., Kimbrough, E.O., Tate, C., Montgomery, S.C., Kumar, R., Dunne, L., Ramalingam, A., Krupka, E.L., Montes, F., Zhou, H., Moore, L., Bauld, L., Llorente, B., Kee, F. and Hunter, R.F. "Selection homophily and peer influence for adolescents' smoking and vaping norms and outcomes in high and middle-income settings", Nature Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 2023, 10, 615. 

Jiang, Z., Rahmani, H., Angelov, P., Vyas, R., Zhou, H., Black, S. and Williams, B. "Deep oriented distance-transform for geometric-aware centerline detection", Pattern Recognition. 2023, 146(3), 110028. [Draft] [Source code]

Singh, H.K., Baranwal, N., Singh, K.N., Singh, A.M. and Zhou, H. "GAN-based watermarking for encrypted images in healthcare scenarios", Neurocomputing. 2023, Vol. 560, 126853. 

Amrit, P., Singh, K.N., Baranwal, N., Singh, J.P. and Zhou, H. "Deep learning-based segmentation for medical data hiding with Galois field", Neural Computing and Applications. Published online.

Zhou, T., Zhang, X., Lu, H., Li, Q., Liu, L. and Zhou, H. "GMRE-iUnet: Isomorphic Unet fusion model for PET and CT lung tumor images", Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2023, Vol. 166, 107514. 

Huang, X., Bajaj, R., Cui, W., Hendricks, M., Wang, Y., Yap, N.A.L., Ramasamy, A., Maung, S., Cap, M., Zhou, H., Toril, R., Dijastra, J., Bourantas, C. and Zhang, Q. "CARDIAN: A novel computational approach for real-time end-diastolic frame detection in intravascular ultrasound using bidirectional attention networks", Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2023, 10, 1250800.

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Huang, X., Bajaj, R., Li, Y., Ye, X., Lin, J., Pugliese, F., Ramasamy, A., Gu, Y., Wang, Y., Torii, R., Dijkstra, J., Zhou, H., Bourantas, C.V. and Zhang, Q. "POST-IVUS: A perceptual organisation-aware selective transformer framework for intravascular ultrasound segmentation", Medical Image Analysis. 2023, Vol. 89, 102922. [Source code]

Kuang, Z., Yan, Z., Zhou, H. and Yu, L. "Cluster-re-supervision: Bridging the gap between image-level and pixel-wise labels for weakly supervised medical image segmentation", IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2023, 27(10), 4890-4901. [Source code]

Li, Y., Wang, L., Huang, X., Wang, Y., Dong, L., Ge, R., Zhou, H., Ye, J. and Zhang, Q. "Sketch-supervised histopathology tumor segmentation: Dual CNN-transformer with global normalised CAM", IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2024, 28(1), 66-77. [Source code]

Singh, O.P., Singh, K.N., Baranwal, N., Agrawal, A.K., Singh, A.K. and Zhou, H. "HIDEmarks: hiding multiple marks for robust medical data sharing using IWT-LSB", Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2024, 83(8), 24919-24937. 

Chen, Z., Cai. L., Chen, C., Yang, X., Yuan, B., Lu, Q. and Zhou, H. "Unsupervised image-to-image translation in multi-parametric MRI of bladder cancer", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2023, Vol. 124, 106547.

Li, Y., Lan, R., Huang, H., Zhou, H., Liu, Z., Pang, C. and Luo, X. "Single traffic image deraining via similarity-diversity model", IEEE Trans. on Intelligence Transportation Systems. 2024, 25(1), 90-103. [Final version]

Zhu, X., Zhang, X., Zhang, T., Tang, X., Chen, P., Zhou, H. and Jiao, L. "Semantics and  contour based interactive learning network for building footprint extraction", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2023, Vol. 61, 1-13. [Source code]

Wang, G., Zhang, X., Zhu, P., Tang, X., Chen, P., Jiao, L.C. and Zhou, H. "High-quality angle prediction for oriented object detection in remote sensing images", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2023, Vol. 61, 5614714.

Wang, X., Zhang, Z., Jing, S. and Zhou, H. "Attention-aware three-branch network for salient object detection in remote sensing images", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2023, Vol. 20, 6007305.

Gao, F., Huang, H., Yue, Z., Li, D., Ge, S.S., Lee, T.H. and Zhou, H. "Cross-modality features fusion for synthetic aperture radar image segmentation", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2023, Vol. 61, 5214814. [Source code]

Chen, Y., Zhou, H., Li, T., Li, J. and Zhou, H. "Multi-factor incentive mechanism for federated learning in IoT: A Stackelberg game approach", IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2023, 10(24), 21595-21606. 

Lu, Z., Zhu, T., Zhou, H., Zhang, L. and Jia, C. "An image enhancement method for side-scan sonar image based on multi-stage reparing image fusion", Electronics. 2023, 12(17), 3553.

Du, D., Zhang, C., Zhang, J., Sun, Q., Fei, M. and Zhou, H. "Stealthiness analysis of the identified model-based covert attacks with unknown model", IEEE Trans. on Control of Network Systems. 2024, 11(2), 623-634. 

Li, Z., Zhang, S., Zhang, Z., Meng, Q., Liu, Q. and Zhou, H. "Attention guided domain alignment for conditional face image generation", Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 2023, Vol. 234, 103740.

Wu, J., Wei, Z., Zhang, J., Guo, X., Jia, D., Xu, J., Zhang, Y., Li, Q. and Zhou, H. "Environmental knowledge-driven over-the-horizon preparation loss prediction based on short- and long- parallel double-flow TrellisNets", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation. 2023, 71(12), 9799-9813. [Final version] [Source code]

Mousavirad, S.J., Schaefer, G., Zhou, H. and Moghadam, M.H. "How effective are current population-based metaheuristic algorithms for variance-based multi-level image threshold?", Knowledge-Based Systems. 2023, Vol. 272, 110587. 

Huang, H., Gao, F., Wang, J., Hussain, A. and Zhou, H. "An incremental SAR automatic recognition framework via memory-augmented weight align and enhances discrimination", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2023, Vol. 20, 4005205. 

Lan, W., Yang, T., Chen, Q., Zhang, S., Dong, Y., Zhou, H. and Pan Y. "Multiview subspace clustering via low-rank symmetric affinity graph", IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2024, 35(8), 11382-11395. [Final version] [Source code]

Du, S., Zhu, H., Zhang, Y., Wang, D., Shi, J., Xing, N., Lin, G. and Zhou, H. "Controllable image captioning with feature refinement and multilayer fusion", Applied Sciences. 2023, 13(8), 5020. 

Yang, L., Qiao, C., Zhou, H., Calhoun, V.D., Stephen, J.M., Wilson, T.W. and Wang, Y. "Explainable multimodal deep dictionary learning to capture developmental differences from three fMRI paradigms", IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering. 2023, 70(8), 2404-2415. [Final version]

Chen, Y., Yang, H., Wang, X., Wang, Q. and Zhou, H. "GLH: From global to local gradient attacks with high-frequency momentum guidance for object detection", Entropy. 2023, 25(3), 461.

Chen, M., Liao, J., Zhu, D., Zhou, H., Zou, Y., Zhang, S. and Liu, L. "MCC-Net: A class attention-enhanced multi-scale model for internal structure segmentation of rice seedling stem", Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2023, Vol. 207, 107717. 

Geballa-Koukoula, A., Ross, G.M.S., Bosman, A.J., Zhao, Y., Zhou, H., Nielen, M.W.F., Rafferty, K., Elliott, C.T. and Salentijn, G.IJ. "Best practices and current implementation of emerging smartphone-based (bio)sensors - Part 2: Development, validation, and social impact", Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 2023, Vol. 161, 116986. 

Wang, Y., Liu, M., Ma, H., Fan, S., Zhou, H., Ju, S., Wang, X. and Yang, Q. "Enabling scalable and unlinkable payment channel hubs with oblivious puzzle transfer", Information Sciences. 2023, Vol. 630, 713-726.

Zhao, Z., Liu, Y., Zeng, Z., Chen, Z. and Zhou, H. "Privacy-preserving electricity theft detection based on blockchain", IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid. 2023, 14(5), 4047-4059. [Final version] [arXiv] [Source code]

Qin, X., Niu, Y., Zhou, H., Li, X., Jia, W. and Zheng, Y. "Driver drowsiness EEG detection based on tree federated learning and interpretable network", International Journal of Neural Systems. 2023, 33(3), 2350009.

Chen, F., Balzter, H., Zhou, F., Ren, P. and Zhou, H. "DGNet: Distribution guided efficient learning for oil spill image segmentation". IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2023, Vol. 61, 1-17. [arXiv] [Source code]

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Zhao, Y., Ferguson, S., Zhou, H., Elliott, C. and Rafferty, K. "Colour alignment for relative colour constancy via non-standard references", IEEE Trans. on Image Processing. 2022, Vol. 31, 6591-6604. [arXiv] [Source code and datasets]

Gao, F., Huo, Y., Sun, J., Yu, T., Hussain, A. and Zhou, H. "Ellipse encoding for arbitrary-oriented SAR ship detection based on dynamic key points", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2022, Vol. 60, 1-28.

Wu, X., Zhou, W., Fei, M. and Zhou, H. "Banyan tree growth optimization and application", Cluster Computing. 2024, Vol. 27, 411-441.

Xu, F., Qiao, C., Zhou, H., Calhoun, V.D., Stephen, J.M., Wilson, T.W. and Wang, Y. "An explainable autoencoder with multi-paradigm fMRI fusion for identifying differences in dynamic functional connectivity during brain development", Neural Networks. 2023, Vol. 159, 185-197.

Ross, G., Zhao, Y., Bosman, A.J., Geballa-Koukoula, A.G., Zhou, H., Elliott, C., Nielen, M.W.F., Rafferty, K. and Salentijn, G.I.J. "Best practices and current implementation of emerging smartphone-based (bio)sensors - Part 1: Data handling and ethics", Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 2023, Vol. 158, 116863.

Yan, Y., Zhang, Y., Gao, F., Sun, J., Hussain, A. and Zhou, H. "A tri-model SAR semi-supervised recognition method based on attention-augmented convolutional networks", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2022, Vol. 15, 9566-9583.

Zhang, X., Wu, D., Zhu, D. and Zhou, H. "Multi-channel SAR moving target detection via RPCA-Net", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2022, Vol. 19, 1-5.

Sun, H., Lang, W., Xu, C., Qi, Y., Geng, L., Liu, N. and Zhou, H. "Graph-based discriminative feature learning for fine-grained image retrieval", Signal Processing: Image Communication. 2023, Vol. 110, 116885. [Source code]

O.P. Singh, A.K. Singh and Zhou, H. "Multimodal fusion-based image hiding algorithm for secure healthcare system", IEEE Intelligent Systems. 2023, 38(4), 53-61. [Source code]

Ren, X., Zheng, X., Cui, L., Wang, G. and Zhou, H. "Asymmetric similarity-preserving discrete hashing for image retrieval", Applied Intelligence. 2023, Vol. 53, 12114-12131.

Ren, X., Zheng, X., Zhou, H., Liu, W. and Dong, X. "Contrastive hashing with vision Transformer for image retrieval", International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2022, 37(12), 12192-12211. 

Tate, C., Kumar, R., Murray, J.M., Sanchez-Franco, S., Sarmiento, O.L., Montgomery, S.C., Zhou, H., Ramalingam, A., Krupka, E., Kimbrough, E., Kee, F. and Hunter, R.F. "The personality and cognitive traits associated with adolescents' sensitivity to social norms", Scientific Reports. 2022, 12, 15247.

Gao, F., Xu, J., Lang, R., Wang, J., Hussain, A. and Zhou, H. "A few-shot learning method for SAR images based on weighted distance and feature fusion", Remote Sensing. 2022, 14(18), 4583.

Du, D., Wu, L., Zhang, C., Fei, Z., Yang, L., Fei, M. and Zhou, H. "Co-design secure control based on image attack detection and data compensation for networked visual control systems", IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2022, Vol. 71, 3524314. [Source code]

Zhao, Y., Ferguson, S., Zhou, H. and Rafferty, K. "Representation camera response function by a single latent variable and fully connected neural network", Signal, Image and Video Processing. 2023, Vol. 17, 1429-1437. [arXiv] [Source code]

Wang, X., Chen, C., Lan, R., Liu, L., Zhou, H. and Luo X. "Binary representation via jointly personalized sparse hashing", ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications. 2022, 18(3s), Article No.: 137. [arXiv] [Source code]

Li, F., Yu, S., Li, G., Yang, M. and Zhou, H. "Intelligent Federated Learning on Lattice-based Efficient Heterogeneous Signcryption", International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2022, 37(11), 9480-9507.

Li, F., Cui, Y., Wang, J., Zhou, H., Wang, X. and Yang, Q. "Lattice-based batch authentication scheme with dynamic identity revocation in VANET", International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2022, 37(11), 9442-9460.

Chen, R., Zhou, W., Li, Y. and Zhou, H. "Video-based cross-modal auxiliary network for multimodal sentiment analysis", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 2022, 32(12), 8703-8716. [arXiv] [Source code]

Chen, Y., Ma, J., Wang, X., Zhang, X. and Zhou, H. "DE-RSTC: A rational secure two-party computation protocol based on direction entropy", International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2022, 37(11), 8947-8967. [arXiv]

Chen, L., Zhou, F., Wang, S., Dong, J., Li, N., Ma, H., Wang, X. and Zhou, H. "SWIPENET: Object detection in noisy underwater scenes", Pattern Recognition. 2022, Vol. 132, 108926. [arXiv] [Source code]

Lang, W., Sun, H., Xu, C., Liu, N. and Zhou, H. "Discriminative feature mining hashing for fine-grained image retrieval", Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 2022, Vol. 87, 103592. [Source code]

Li, T., Rong, S., Chen, L., Zhou, H. and He, B. "Underwater motion deblurring based on cascaded attention mechanism", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering. 2024, 49(1), 262-278. [Final version] [Dataset 1 and dataset 2]

Wang, X., Mao, Z., Shi, A., Zhang, Z. and Zhou, H. "Dropout-based adversarial training networks for remote sensing scene classification", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2022, Vol. 19, 6512905. [Datasets and source code]

Liu, Z., Tong, L., Jiang, Z., Chen, L., Zhou, F., Zhang, Q., Zhang, X., Jin, Y. and Zhou, H. "Deep learning based brain tumor segmentation: A survey", Complex & Intelligent Systems. 2023, Vol. 9, 1001-1026. [arXiv] [Project page with source code]

Gao, F., Tu, J., Wang, J., Hussain, A. and Zhou, H. "RoadSeg-CD: A network with connectivity array and direction map for road extraction from SAR images", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2022, 15, 3992-4003.

Lei, X., Fei, Z., Zhou, W., Zhou, H. and Fei, M. "Low-light image enhancement using the cell vibration model", IEEE Trans. on Multimedia. 2023, Vol. 25, 4439-4454. [arXiv] [Source code]

Xiong, P., Long, C., Zhou, H., Zhang, X. and Shen, X. "GNSS TEC-based earthquake ionospheric perturbation detection using a novel deep learning framework", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2022, Vol. 15, 4248-4263. [Source code]

Singh, O.P., Singh, A.K., Agrawal, A.K. and Zhou, H. "SecDH: Security of COVID-19 images based on data hiding with PCA", Computer Communications. 2022, Vol. 191, 368-377.

Tong, L., Corrigan, A., Kumar, N.R., Hallbrook, K., Orme, J., Wang, Y. and Zhou, H. "An automated cell line authentication method for AstraZeneca Global Cell Bank using deep neural networks on brightfield images", Scientific Reports. 2022, 12: 7894. [Source code]

Anand, A., Singh, A. and Zhou, H. "ViMDH: Visible-imperceptible medical data hiding for Internet of Medical Things", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics. 2023, 19(1), 849-856.

Du, D., Zhang, C., Li, X., Fei, M. and Zhou, H. "Attack detection for networked control systems using event-triggered dynamic watermarking", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics. 2023, 19(1), 351-361. [arXiv] [Source code]

Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Zhao, M., Han, X., Zhou, H., Wang, X., and Koe, A., "BSM-Ether: Bribery Selfish Mining in Blockchain-based healthcare systems", Information Sciences. 2022, Vol. 601, 1-17.

Jiang, Z., Liu, Z., Chen, L., Tong, L., Zhang, X., Lan, X., Crookes, D., Yang, M.-H. and Zhou, H. "Detecting and tracking of multiple mice using part proposal networks", IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2023, 34(12), 9806-9820. [arXiv] [Source code]

Wei, Z., Liang, D., Zhang, D., Zhang, L., Geng, Q., Wei, M. and Zhou, H. "Learning Calibrated-Guidance for Object Detection in Aerial Images", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2022, Vol. 15, 2721-2733. [arXiv] [Source code]

Lv, X., Zhang, S., Liu, Q., Xie, H., Zhong, B. and Zhou, H. "BacklitNet: A dataset and network for backlit image enhancement", Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 2022, Vol. 218, 103403. [Supplementary]

Li, T., Rong, S., Zhao, W., Chen, L., Liu, Y., Zhou, H. and He, B. "Underwater image enhancement using adaptive color restoration and dehazing", Optics Express. 2022, 30(4), 6216-6235.

Li, F., Liu, Z., Wang, Y., Wu, N., Yu, J., Gao, C. and Zhou, H. "Aitac: an identity-based traceable anonymous communication model", J. of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 2022, Vol. 13, 1353-1362.

Li, F., Yu, X., Cui, Y., Yu, S., Sun, Y., Wang, Y. and Zhou, H. "An anonymous authentication and key agreement protocol in smart living", Computer Communications. 2022, Vol. 186, 110-120.

Tong, L., Liu, Z., Jiang, Z., Zhou, F., Chen, L., Lyu, J., Zhang, X., Zhang, Q., Sadka, A., Wang, Y., Li, L. and Zhou, H. "Cost-sensitive boosting pruning trees for depression detection on Twitter", IEEE Trans. on Affective Computing. 2023, 14(3), 1898-1911. [arXiv] [Source code and datasets]

Liang, D., Geng, Q., Sun, H., Zhou, H. and Kaneko, S. "Inferred box harmonization and aggregation for degraded face detection in crowds", Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2022, Vol. 81, 35411-35430. [Source code] [Dataset]

Liu, W., Liu, W., Shen, N., Xue, Z., Xie, N., Chen, J. and Zhou, H. "Pricing and collection decision of a close-loop supply chain with fuzzy demand", International Journal of Production Economics. 2022, Vol. 245, 108409.

Li, F., Yu, X., Ge, R., Wang, Y., Yang, C. and Zhou, H. "BCSE: Blockchain-based trusted service evaluation model over big data", Big Data Mining and Analytics, 2022, 5(1), 1-14.

Yu, X., Chen, X., Amrute-Nayak, M., Allgeyer, E., Zhao, A., Chenoweth, H., Clement, M., Harrison, J., Doreth, C., Sirinakis, G., Krieg, T., Zhou, H., Huang, H., Tokuraku, K., Johnston, D., Mallat, Z. and Li, X. "MARK4 controls ischaemic heart failure through microtubule detyrosination", Nature. 2021, Vol. 594, 560-565. [Source code]

Liang, D., Geng, Q., Wei, Z., Vorontsov, D.A., Kim, E.L., Wei, M. and Zhou, H. "Anchor retouching via model interaction for robust object detection in aerial images", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2022, Vol. 60, 1-13. [arXiv] [Source code]

Wang, X., Duan, L., Ning, C. and Zhou, H. "Relation-attention networks for remote sensing scene classification", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2021, Vol. 15, 422-439. [Source code and datasets]

Ren, P., Li, F., Wag, Y., Zhou, H. and Liu, P. "IPSadas: Identity-privacy-aware secure and anonymous data aggregation scheme", International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2022, 37(8), 5290-5324.

Chen, F., Zhang, A., Balzter, H., Ren, P. and Zhou, H. "Oil spill SAR image segmentation via probability distribution modelling", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2022, Vol. 15, 533-5554. [arXiv] [Source code]

Yang, D., Ye, B., Zhang, W., Zhou, H. and Qian, X. "KLPPS: A k-anonymous location privacy protection scheme via dummies and Stackelberg games", Security and Communication Networks. 2021, Article ID 9635411.

Yi, C., Zhang, S., Jiang, F., Liu, J., Ding, Z., Yang, C. and Zhou, H. "Enable fully customized assistance: A novel IMU-based motor intent decoding scheme", IEEE Trans. on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. 2023, 15(4), 2089-2098. [Accepted version]

Chen, Y., Dong, S., Li, T., Wang, Y. and Zhou, H. "Dynamic multi-key FHE in asymmetric key setting from LWE", IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics & Security. 2021, Vol. 16, 5239-5249. [Accepted version]

Gao, F., Huo, Y., Wang, J., Hussain, A. and Zhou, H. "Anchor-free SAR ship instance segmentation with centroid-distance based loss", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2021, Vol. 14, 11352-11371.

Xiong, P., Long, C., Zhou, H., Battiston, R., De Santis, A., Ouzounov, D., Zhang, X. and Shen, X. "Pre-earthquake ionospheric perturbation identification using CSES data via transfer learning", Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2021, 9: 779255. [Source code]

Fei, Z., Yang, E., Yu, L., Li, X., Zhou, H. and Zhou, W. "A novel deep convolution network based emotion analysis system for automatic detection of mild cognitive impairment in the elderly", Neurocomputing. 2022, 468, 306-316. [arXiv]

Zhao, H., Sun, X., Dong, J., Manic, M., Zhou, H. and Yu, H. "Dual discriminator adversarial distillation for data-free model compression", International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2022, 13(5), 1213-1230. [arXiv] [Source code]

Shamsolmoali, P., Zareapoor, M., Chanussot, J., Zhou, H. and Yang, J. "Rotation equivariant feature image pyramid network for object detection in optical remote sensing imagery", IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2022, Vol. 60, 1-14. [arXiv]

Yue, Z., Gao, F., Xiong, Q., Sun, J., Hussain, A. and Zhou, H. "A novel few-shot learning method for Synthetic Aperture Radar image recognition", Neurocomputing. 2021, Vol. 465, 215-227. [Accepted version]

Chen, Y., Sun, J., Yang, Y., Li, T., Niu, X. and Zhou, H. "PSSPR: A source location privacy protection scheme based on sector phantom routing in WSNs", International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2022, 37(2), 1204-1221. [arXiv]

Du, D., Zhang, C., Li, X., Fei, M., Yang, T.C. and Zhou, H. "Secure control of networked control systems using dynamic watermarking", IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics. 2022, 52(12), 13609-13622. [arXiv] [Source code]

Shamsolmoali, P., Chanussot, J., Zareapoor, M., Zhou, H. and Yang, J. "Multi-patch feature pyramid network for weakly supervised object detection in optical remote sensing images", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2022, Vol. 60, 1-13. [arXiv] [Source code is coming]

Sun, H., Cen, J., Liu, N., Liang, D. and Zhou, H. "MPI: Multi-receptive and parallel integration for salient object detection", IET Image Processing. 2021, 15(13), 3281-3291. [arXiv] [Source code]

Zhou, F., Jiang, Z., Liu, Z., Chen, F., Chen, L., Tong, L., Yang, Z., Wang, H., Fei, M., Li, L. and Zhou, H. "Structured context enhancement network for mouse pose estimation", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 2022, 32(5), 2787-2801. [arXiv] [Source code]

Sun, X., Chen, C., Wang, X., Dong, J., Zhou, H. and Chen, S. "Gaussian dynamic convolution for efficient single-image segmentation", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 2022, 32(5), 2937-2948. [arXiv] [Source code]

Wu, D., Zhu, D., Sheng, M., Li, N. and Zhou, H. "Clutter suppression for wideband Radar STAP", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2022, Vol. 60, 1-18. [Accepted version]

Zhang, T., Zhang, X., Zhu, P., Tang, X., Li, C., Jiao, L.-C. and Zhou, H. "Semantic attention and scale complementary network for instance segmentation in remote sensing images", IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics. 2022, 52(10), 10999-11013. [arXiv] [Source code]

Ju, Y., Jian, M., Guo, S., Wang, Y., Zhou, H. and Dong, J. "Incorporating Lambertian priors into surface normals measurement", IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation & Measurement. 2021, Vol. 70, pp. 1-13. [arXiv] [Source code]

Sun, Y., Huang, X., Zhou, H. and Zhang, Q. "SRPN: Similarity-based region proposal networks for nuclei and cells detection in histology images", Medical Image Analysis. 2021, 72, 102142. [arXiv] [Source code]

Li, F., Wang, Y., Ju, H., Yu, X., Wang, Z. and Zhou, H. "LacminCC: lightweight anonymous communication model in cloud computing", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2021, 120.

Jiang, Z., Zhou, F., Zhao, A., Li, X., Li, L., Tao, D., Li, X. and Zhou, H. "Multi-view mouse social behaviour recognition with deep graphical model", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2021, Vol. 30, 5490-5504. [arXiv] [Source code]  

Zhang, Z., Sun, J., Zhou, H. and Xu, C. "Group target tracking based on MS-MeMBer filters", Remote Sensing. 2021, 13(10), 1920. [Source code]

Gan, Y., Dong, X., Zhou, H., Gao, F. and Dong, J. "Learning the precise feature for cluster assignment", IEEE Transaction on Cybernetics. 2022, 52(8), 8587-8600. [arXiv] [Source code]

Gao, Y., Feng, X., Zhang, T., Rigall, E., Zhou, H., Qi, L. and Dong, J. "Wallpaper texture generation and style transfer based on multi-label semantics", IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 2022, 32(3), 1552-1563. [arXiv] [Source code]

Feng, S., Zhou, H. and Dong, H. "Application of deep transfer learning for the prediction of crystal structure of inorganic substances", Computational Materials Science. 2021, Vol. 195, 110476. [Source code]

Wang, X., Duan, L., Shi, A. and Zhou, H. "Multi-level feature fusion networks with adaptive channel dimensionality reduction for remote sensing scene classification", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2022, Vol. 19, 1-5. [Accepted version] [Source code and datasets]

Yi, C., Jiang, F., Zhang, S., Guo, H., Yang, C., Ding, Z., Wei, B. Lan, X. and Zhou, H. "Continuous prediction of lower-limb kinematics from multi-modal biomedical signals", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 2022, 32(5), 2592-2602. [arXiv, source code] [Demo]

He, Y., Gao, F. Wang, J., Hussain, A., Yang, E. and Zhou, H. "Learning polar encodings for arbitrary-oriented ship detection in SAR images", IEEE J. of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2021, 14(3), 3846-3859. [arXiv] [Source code]

Liu, Z., Tong, L., Chen, L., Zhou, F., Jiang, Z., Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., Shan, C., Li, L. and Zhou, H. "CANet: Context aware network for 3D brain tumor segmentation", IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging. 2021, 40(7), 1763-1777. [arXiv] [Source code]

Alkan, A., Abdullah, M., Abdulah, H., Assaf, M. and Zhou, H. "A smart agricultural application: Automated detection of diseases in vine leaves using hybrid deep learning", Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 2021, 45, 717-729. [Accepted version]

Lu, L., Zhu, H., Dong, J., Ju, Y. and Zhou, H. "Three-dimensional reconstruction with a laser line based on image in-painting and multi-spectral photometric stereo", Sensors. 2021, 21(6), 2131. [Source code]

Zhao, A., Dong, J., Li, J., Qi, L. and Zhou, H. "Associated spatio-temporal capsule network for gait recognition", IEEE Trans. on Multimedia. 2022, Vol. 24, 846-860. [arXiv] [Source code]

Xiong, P., Zhai, D., Long, C., Zhou, H., Zhang, X. and Shen, X. "Long short-term memory neural network for ionospheric total electron content forecasting over China", Space Weather. 2021, 19(4), e2020SW002706. [Source code]

Liu, L., Zhou, W., Fei, M., Yang, Z., Yang, H. and Zhou, H. "Distributed fusion estimation for stochastic uncertain systems with networked-induced complexity and multiple noise", IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics. 2022, 52(9), 8753-8769. [arXiv] [Source code]

Zhao, A., Dong, J., Qi, L., Zhang, Q., Li, N., Wang, X. and Zhou, H. "Multimodal gait recognition for neurodegenerative diseases", IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics. 2022, 52(9), 9439-9453. [arXiv] [Source code]

Li, F., Ren, P., Yang, G., Sun, Y., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Li, S. and Zhou, H. "An efficient anonymous communication scheme to protect the privacy of the source node location in the Internet of Things", Security and Communication Networks. 2021, article ID 6670847.

Xiong, P., Tong, L., Zhang, K., Shen, X., Battiston, R., Ouzounov, D., Iuppa, R., Crookes, D., Long, C. and Zhou, H. "Towards advancing the earthquake forecasting by machine learning of satellite data", Science of the Total Environment. 2021, 771, 145256. [arXiv] [Source code]

Xu, W., Chu, J., Yu, X. and Zhou, H. "Energy-efficiency optimization scheme based on SWIPT in distributed antenna systems", KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. 2021, 15(2), pages 673-694.

Shamsolmoali, P., Zareapoor, M., Granger, E., Zhou, H., Wang, R., Celebi, E.M. and Yang, J. "Image synthesis with adversarial networks: A comprehensive survey and case studies", Information Fusion. 2021, Vol. 72, pages 126-146. [arXiv] [More information]

Liu, K., Hu, X., Zhou, H., Tong, L., Widanage, W. and Macro, J. "Feature analyses and modelling of Lithium-ion batteries manufacturing based on Random Forest classification", IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics. 2021,26(6), 2944-2955. [arXiv]

Feng, S., Fu, H., Zhou, H., Wu, Y., Lu, Z. and Dong, H. "A general and transferable deep learning framework for predicting phase formation in materials", npj Computational Materials. 2021, 7, 10. [Source code and dataset]

Wang, X., Wang, S., Ning, C. and Zhou, H. "Enhanced feature pyramid network with deep semantic embedding for remote sensing scene classification", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2021, 59(9), 7918-7932. [Accepted version] [Source code and datasets]

Lv, Q., Sun, X., Chen, C., Dong, J. and Zhou, H. "Parallel complement network for semantic segmentation of road scenes", IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2022, 23(5), 4432-4444. [Accepted version]

Liao, J., Wang, Y., Yin, J., Bi, L., Zhang, S., Zhou, H. and Zhu, D. "An integrated navigation method based on an adaptive Federal Kalman Filter for rice transplanter", Transaction of the ASABE. 2021, 64(2), 389-399.

Tu, J., Gao, F., Sun, J., Hussain, A. and Zhou, H. "Airport detection in SAR images via salient line segment detector and edge-oriented region growing", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2021, 14, 314-326. [Accepted version]

Yu, X., Li, F., Li, T., Wu, N., Wang, H. and Zhou, H. "Trust-based secure directed diffusion routing protocol in WSN", Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 2022, 13, 1405-1417.

Chen, L., Jiang, Z., Tong, L., Liu, Z., Zhao, A., Zhang, Q., Dong, J. and Zhou, H. "Perceptual underwater image enhancement with deep learning and physical priors", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 2021, 31(8), 3078-3092. [arXiv] [Source code and datasets]

Shamsolmoali, P., Zareapoor, M., Zhou, H., Wang, R. and Yang, J. "Road segmentation for remote sensing images using Adversarial Spatial Pyramid Networks", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2021,59(6), 4673-4688. [arXiv] [Source code]

Li, F., Liu, Z., Li, T., Ju, H., Wang, H. and Zhou, H. "Privacy-aware PKI Model with strong forward security", International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 2022, 37(12), 10049-10065.

Xu, Z., Chang, W., Zhu, Y., Dong, L., Zhou, H. and Zhang, Q. "Building high-fidelity human body models from user-generated data", IEEE Trans. on Multimedia. 2021, Vol. 23, 1542-1556. [Accepted version] [Dataset]

Sun, X., Xu, H., Dong, J., Zhou, H., Li, Q. and Chen, C. "Few-shot learning for domain-specific fine-grained image classification", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics. 2021, 68(4), 3588-3598. [arXiv] [Source code]

Lan, X., Zhang, D., Zhang, S., Deepak, J. and Zhou, H. "Robust multi-modality anchor graph-based label prediction for RGB-infrared tracking", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics. Published online. [Accepted version]

Hong, X., Li, H., Miller, P., Zhou, J., Li, L., Crookes, D., Lu, Y., Li, X. and Zhou, H. "Component-based feature saliency for clustering", IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 2021, 33(3), 882-896. [Accepted version] [Source code and dataset]

Li, F., Ge, R., Zhou, H., Wang, Y., Li, T. and Liu, Z. "Tesia: A trusted efficient service evaluation model in IoT based on improved aggregation signature", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 2022, 34(16), e5739. [Accepted version]

Yue, Z., Gao, F., Xiong, Q., Wang, J., Huang, T., Yang, E. and Zhou, H. "A novel semi-supervised convolutional neural network method for Synthetic Aperture Radar image recognition", Cognitive Computation. 2021, 13(4),795-806. [Accepted version]


Wang, X., Zhou, J., Zhou, H., Dong, J. and Li, Y. "HRGR: Enhancing image manipulation detection via hierarchical region-aware graph reasoning", Proc. of IEEE ICME, Nantes, France, 30 June - 4 July, 2025. [arXiv]   

Yang, Z., Jiang, Z., Li, X., Zhou, H., Dong, J., Zhang, H. and Du, Y. "Dynamic semantics disentangling for differential diffusion based virtual try-on", Proc. of ECCV, Milano, Italy, 28 Sep. - 4 Oct., 2024. [Source code]

Zareapoor, M., Shamsolmoali, P., Zhou, H., Lu, Y. and Garcia, S. "Fractional correspondence framework in detection transfer", Proc. of ACM MM, Melbourne, Australia, 28 Oct. - 1 Nov., 2024.

Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Peng, B.,, Zhou, J., Zhou, H. and Dong, J. "Mumpy: Multilateral temproal-view pyramid transformer for video inpainting detection", Proc. of BMVC, Glasgow, UK, 25-28 Nov., 2024.

Wu, C., Wang, C., Wang, Y., Zhou, H., Zhang, Y., Wang, Q. and Wang, S. "MMFusion: Multi-modality diffusion model for lymph node metastasis diagnosis in esophageal cancer", Proc. of MICCAI, Marrakesh, Morocco, 6-10 Oct, 2024. [arXiv] [Source code]

Xie, C., Li, N., Wu, H. and Zhou, H. "Full view tracking: Multi-camera people tracking based on appearance and spatio temporal feature", Proc. of CBASE, Hangzhou, China, 11-13 Oct, 2024.

Ren, T., Yu, W., Chen, M., Zhao, A. and Zhou, H. "TF-FusNet: A novel framework for Parkinson's disease detection via time-frequency domain fusion", Proc. of NLPCC, Hangzhou, China, 1-3 Nov, 2024.

Xing, X., Zhou, H., Fang, Y. and Yang, G. "Assessing the efficacy of invisible watermarks in AI-generated medical images", Proc. of ISBI, Athens, Greece, 27-30 May, 2024. [arXiv]

Xie, C., Li, N., Wu, H. and Zhou, H. "J1F Tracking: Online multi-camera people tracking in just 1 frame", Proc. of RAIIC, Mianyang, China, 5-7 July, 2024.

Zhang, J., Zhou, H. and Lv, N. "Adaptive spatial-temporal modelling for human motion prediction", Proc. of ICIP, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 27-30 Oct, 2024.

Zhang, Y., Fei, Z., Zhou, W., Fei, M. and Zhou, H. "Micro-expression recognition based on apex frame selection strategy and optical flow features", Proc. of LSMS, Suzhou, China, 13-15 Sep 2024.

Xu, J., Du, D., Zhang, Y. and Zhou, H. "A light-weight multi-mapping image encryption algorithm for networked visual control systems", Proc. of LSMS, Suzhou, China, 13-15 Sep 2024.

Yang, X., Zhou, F. and Zhou, H. "Online mouse behavior detection by historical dependency and typical instances", Proc. of ICASSP, Seoul, Korea, 14-19 April, 2024. [Source code]

Yin, Z., Sun, H., Liu, N., Zhou, H. and Shen, J. "FGFusion: Fine-grained lidar-camera fusion for 3D object detection", Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, Xiamen, China, Oct, 2023. [arXiv]

Zhou, M., Li, N., Miao, L. and Zhou, H. "Rotated vehicle object detection and tracking on drone-captured scenarios", Int'l Confer. on Comput. Vis. and Patt. Analy., Hangzhou, China, 2023.

Cui, W., Zhang, Y., Wu, H., Zhou, H., Zeng, L., Chong, B.S., Ji, Q., Zhang, Q. and Wang, Y. "ACT-Tooth: Semi-supervised tooth volume segmentation in CBCT images based on asymmetric CNN-Transformer Network and cross consistency", Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, Changsha, China, 14 April, 2023. [Final version]

Guan, X., Sun, H., Liu, N. and Zhou, H. "Polycentric clustering and structural regularization for source-free unsupervised domain adaptation", British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), London, UK, 21-24 Nov., 2022. [arXiv] [Source code] [youtube]

Qi, Y., Sun, H., Liu, N. and Zhou, H. "A task-aware dual similarity network for fine-grained few-shot learning", The Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Shanghai, China, 10-13 Nov., 2022. [arXiv]

Cui, W., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhou, H., Chong, B., Zeng, L. and Zhang, Q. "CTooth+: A large-scale dental cone beam computed tomography dataset and benchmark for tooth volume segmentation", The MICCAI Workshop on Data Augmentation, Labelling and Imperfections, Singapore, 22 September, 2022. [arXiv]

Li, Y., Wang, X., Dong, L., Ye, J., Wang, L., Ge, R. Zhou, H. and Zhang, Q. "Light annotation fine segmentation: Histology image segmentation based on VGG fusion with global normalisation CAM", The MICCAI Workshop on Computational Mathematics Modellling in Cancer Analysis, Singapore, 18 September, 2022.

Li, Y., Dan, R., Wang, S., Cao, Y., Luo, X., Tan, C., Jia, G., Zhou, H., Wang, Y. and Wang, L. "Plug-and-play shape refinement framework for multi-site and lifespan brain skull stripping", The MICCAI Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging, Singapore, 18 September, 2022. [arXiv]

Lin, Y., Sun, H., Liu, N., Bian, Y., Cen, J. and Zhou, H. "Attention guided network for salient object detection in optical remote sensing images", International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Bristol, United Kingdom, 6-9 September, 2022. [arXiv] [Source code]

Li, Y., Wang, Y., Zhou, H., Wang, H., Jia, G. and Zhang, Q. "Du-net based unsupervised contrastive learning for cancer segmentation in histology images", International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA), Harbin, China, 1-3 August, 2022. [arXiv]

Cui, W., Wang, Y., Zhang, Q., Zhou, H., Song, D., Zuo, X., Jia, G. and Zeng, L. "CTooth: A fully annotated volume segmentation on cone beam computed tomography images", International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA), Harbin, China, 1-3 August, 2022. [arXiv]

Lin, Y., Sun, H., Liu, N., Bian, Y., Cen, J. and Zhou, H. "A lightweight multi-scale context network for salient object detection in optical remote sensing images", International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Montreal, Canada, 21-25 August, 2022. [arXiv] [Source code]

Shamsolmoali, P., Zareapoor, M., Yang, J., Granger, E. and Zhou, H. "Salient skin lesion segmentation via dilated scale-wise feature fusion network", International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Montreal, Canada, 21-25 August, 2022. [arXiv]

Wang, G., Zhang, X., Peng, Z., Tang, X., Zhou, H. and Jiao, L. "Absolutely wrong makes better: Boosting weakly supervised object detection via negative deterministic information", 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Vienna, Austria, 23-29 July, 2022. [arXiv] [Source code]

Xia, G., Zhang, Y., Ge, L. and Zhou, H. "Deep reinforcement learning based dynamic power allocation for uplink device-to-device enabled cell free network", IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB), Bilbao, Spain, 15-17 June, 2022.

Miao, L., Li, N., Zhou, M. and Zhou, H. "CBAM-Yolov5: Improved Yolov5 based on attention model for infrared ship detection", International Conference on Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Processing (ICCAID), 18 March, 2022.

Zhou, M., Li, N., Miao, L. and Zhou, H. "Arbitrary-oriented ship detection with RetinaNet embedded angle vector module", International Conference on Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Processing (ICCAID), 18 March, 2022.

Liang, D., Li, L., Wei, M., Yang, S., Zhang, L., Yang, W., Du, Y. and Zhou, H. "Semantically contrastive learning for low-light image enhancement", 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vancouver, Canada, 21-28 Feb, 2022. [arXiv] [Source code]

Yang, D., Ye, B., Chen, Y., Zhou, H. and Qian, X. "A dummy location selection algorithm based on location semantics and physical distance", International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (ISPEC), Nanjing, China, 19-21 December, 2021.

Chen, L., Jiang, Z., Almeida, T.P., Schlindwein, F.S., Shoker, J.S., Ng, G.A., Zhou, H. and Li, X. "Spatio-temporal ECG network for detecting cardiac disorders from multi-lead ECGs", Computing in Cardiology (CiC), Brno, Czech Republic, 12-15 September, 2021. [Accepted version]

Sun, H., Bian, Y., Liu, N. and Zhou, H. "Multi-scale edge-based U-shape network for salient object detection", the Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI), 8-12 November, 2021, Hanoi, Vietnam. [arXiv] [Source code]

Sun, H., Lin, L., Liu, N. and Zhou, H. "Robust ensembling network for unsupervised domain adaptation", the Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI), 8-12 November, 2021, Hanoi, Vietnam. [arXiv] [Source code]

Zhang, X., Peng, Z., Zhu, P., Zhang, T., Li, C., Zhou, H. and Jiao, L. "Adaptive affinity loss and erroneous pseudo-label refinement for weakly supervised semantic segmentation", ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), pages 5463-5472. 20-24 Oct, 2021, Chengdu, China. [Accepted version]

Geng, Q., Liang, D., Zhou, H., Zhang, L., Sun, H. and Liu, N. "Dense face detection via high-level context mining", IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 15-18 Dec., 2021.

Chen, Z., Wang, S., Hu, Y., Zhou, H., Shen, Y. and Li, X. "Cervical spondylotic myelopathy segmentation using shape-aware U-net", International Conference on Neural Neural Computing for Advanced Applications (NCAA), 27-30Aug. 2021, Guangzhou, China.

Liang, D., Wei, Z., Sun, H. and Zhou, H. "Robust cross-scene foreground segmentation in surveillance video", IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 5-9 July, 2021. [Accepted version]


Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Chen, X., et al. "STS MICCAI 2023 Challenge: Grand challenge on 2D and 3D semi-supervised tooth segmentation",  [arXiv]

Yang, X., Liu, L., Zhou, W., Shi, J., Zhang, Y., Hu, X. and Zhou, H. "Dynamic event-triggered discrete-time linear time-varying system with privacy-preservation", [arXiv]

Zhou, F., Yang, X., Chen, F., Chen, L., Jiang, Z., Zhu, H., Heckel, R., Wang, H., Fei, M. and Zhou, H. "Cross-skeleton interaction graph aggregation network for representation learning of mouse social behaviour", [arXiv]

Li, Y., Dan, R., Wang, S., Cao, Y., Luo, X., Tan, C., Jiang, G., Zhou, H., Wang, Y. and Wang, L. "Source-free domain adaptation for multi-site and lifespan brain skull stripping", [arXiv]

Alon, Y. and Zhou, H. "Neuroplastic graph attention networks for nuclei segmentation in histopathology images", [arXiv]

Zhao, Y., Ferguson, S., Zhou, H., Elliott, C. and Rafferty, K. "Colour alignment for colour relative constancy via non-standard references", [arXiv]

Li, Y., Li, J., Dan, R., Wang, S., Jin, K., Zeng, G., Wang, J., Pan, X., Zhang, Q., Zhou, H., Jin, Q., Wang, L. and Wang, Y. "Dispensed transformer network for unsupervised domain adaptation", [arXiv]

Sun, Y., Lopez, G., Wang, Y., Huang, X. Zhou, H. and Zhang, Q. "Structure-aware scale-adaptive network for cancer segmentation in whole-slide images", [arXiv]

Sun, Y., Huang, X., Wang, Y., Zhou, H. and Zhang, Q. "Magnification-independent histopathological image classification with similarity-based multi-scale embeddings", [arXiv]

Alon, Y., Yu, X. and Zhou, H. "Synthetic generation of three-dimensional cancer cell models from histopathological images", [arXiv]

Alon, Y. and Zhou, H. "Multi-agent reinforcement learning for unmanned aerial vehicle coordination by multi-critic policy gradient optimization", [arXiv] [Source code 1] [Source code 2]

Chen, L., Tong, L., Zhou, F., Jiang, Z., Li, Z., Lv, J., Dong, J. and Zhou, H. "A benchmark dataset for both underwater image enhancement and underwater object detection", [arXiv]


Li, F., Li, G., Wang, J., Cui, X., Zhou, H. and Zhao, G. "Lattice based unique ring signature digital signature method", CN202311344053.0, 15th Dec. 2023.

Li, F., Liu, H., Wang, P., Yu, X. and Zhou, H. "A ciphertext training method based on BGV homomorphic encryption", CN202310771312.1, 17th Nov. 2023.

Li, F., Liu, H., Yu, X., Li, G. and Zhou, H. "Soft attention mechanism learning method based on position encoding", CN202310826639.4, 29th Sep. 2023.

Li, F., Liu, H., Wang, P., Zhang, D. and Zhou, H. "A residual attention learning method based on feature activation reinforcement", CN202310826638.X, 29th Sep. 2023.

Wang, Y., Liu, M., Zhao, M., Li, T., Zhou, H. and Li, F. "A hub-based efficient dazed transmission method", CN202211364863.8, 3rd Feb. 2023.

Li, F., Wang, J.H., Li, G., and Zhou, H. "Identity-based strong forward secure signature method on lattice", CN202210693582.0, 6th Sep. 2022.

Li, F., Li, G., Ge, J., Zhou, H., Yang, M. and Cui, Y. "A safe method for longitudinal federated width learning", CN202211270637.3, 2nd May 2022.

Zhang, X., Jiao, L.-C., Ma, W., Han, X.,, Zhou, H., Hou, B., Yang, S. and Ma, W. "Road extraction method based on fully convolutional neural network ensemble learning", CN201810193120.6, 3rd Sep. 2021.

Zhang, X., Jiao, L.-C., Hou, W., Tang, X., Zhu, P., Zhou, H. and Ma, W. "Remote sensing ship detection method and process based on feature pyramid and distance constrained FCN", CN201811524239.3, 4th May 2021.


PhD opportunities:

  • Dissecting disparities in response to immunotherapies in under-represented patients with head and neck cancer by integrative omics and machine learning. Application deadline (closed): 10th Jan 2025. [Click here]
  • Developing a deep learning-based model to predict rehabilitation outcomes in underserved groups living with multiple long-term conditions. Application deadline (closed): 7th Feb 2025. [Click here]
  • Development of multi-modality learning techniques for early chemical anomaly detection. Application deadline (closed): 18th Feb 2025. [Click here]
  • A multimodal fine-funded foundation model to support precision medicine of mesothelioma.  Application deadline: 10th April 2025. [Click here for more details]

Current PhD/MPhil Students: 

  • M. Xu, "Bio-inspired visual neural networks and applications" (Prof. S. Yue and Dr. D. Hao).
  • A. Alqahtani, "Multi-aspect structured dialogue summarization" (with Drs. E. Tadjouddine and F. Chen). 
  • M. Li, "AI-driven interaction accelerators and mental models" (with Dr. G. Kefalidou). 
  • Y. Zhu, "Deep learning for imbalanced classification" (with Prof. R. Raman). 
  • X. Yang, "Social behaviour analysis of mice" (with Dr. N. Leong).
  • E. Jones, "Effective detection anxiety among adolescents" (with Dr. S. Gong).
  • Z. Li, "Detection of tiny objects in large areas by remote sensing" (with Prof. L. Liu).
  • T. Portilho, "Use of artificial intelligence to treat mental health in prison" (with Dr. E. Palmer).
  • D. Anderson, "Machine Learning" (with Drs. R. Free and R. Bailey).
  • S. Hoare, "Graph model" (with Prof. R. Heckel).
  • J. Rogel, Bioinformatics (with Prof. D. Fennell).
  • G. Xia, Telecommunication with AI (with Dr. B. Ji and Prof. Y. Zhang).
  • H. Zhang, NOMA variants (with Dr. Y. Zhang).

Past PhD/MPhil Students:

  • Z. Liu, "Deep medical image analysis from low-resource shape coding" (with Prof. B. Yang). Passed the viva and now with University of Edinburgh. 
  • W. Yu, "Glaucoma visual field quantification with an eye tracker" (with Prof. H. Yang). Passed the viva.
  • L. Deng, "Crowd counting via deep learning" (with Dr. D. Hao). Passed the viva. 
  • S. Zhang, "How Chinese college students' acceptance to mental health misinformation on Weibo changes over time" (with Dr. Y. Zhu). Passed the viva.
  • L. Tong, “Cell line authentication” (with Prof. H. Yang and Dr. Y. Wang). Passed the viva and working at AstraZeneca Ltd. 
  • F. Zhou, "Automated mouse pose estimation and social behaviour modelling" (with Prof. R. Heckel). Passed the viva and working at University of Liverpool.
  • Y. Alon, "Detection of cancer areas in histopathological images" (with Prof. R. Raman). Passed the viva.
  • F. Chen, "Automating oil spill detection and identification" (with Prof. H. Balzter). Passed the viva.
  • J. Lyu, "Automated classification of mild cognitive impairment" (with Prof. Y. Zhang). Passed the MPhil viva and PhD student at Ulster University. 
  • L. Chen, “Deep learning based underwater object detection” (with Prof. R. Raman). Passed the viva and post-doctorate at University College London. [Link]
  • S. Lu, "Machine Learning" (with Prof. Y. Zhang). PhD awarded.
  • H. Du, "Machine learning for data stream mining in changing environments" (with Prof. R. Raman). PhD awarded and post-doctorate at Dublin City University, Ireland. [Link]
  • Z. Jiang, Mouse behaviour analysis. PhD awarded and now Lecturer at University of Leicester. [Link]
  • B. Cham, "Automated identification of early Alzheimer's disease" (with Dr. R. Zare). 9/2021-9/2022.

Current Post-Doctorates/RA:

  • Dr. Amin Khalili, "3d point of cloud tree species identification", Co-supervisor, 2025-2027.
  • Dr. Rui Qin, "Early detection and personalised disease prediction of inflammatory arthritis", 2023-2025.
  • Dr. Abbas Alatrany, "Retinal-cardiac study", Co-supervisor, 2023-2026.  
  • Mr. Udo, A. and Yu, P., "Belt conveyor system", 2024.

Past Post-Doctorates/RA:

Academic Visitors:

  • Mr. Dennis Dome, United States International University - Africa, Kenya, 2025-2026.
  • Dr. Y. Qiao, NMU, China, 2025-2026.
  • Ms. H. You, TU, China, 2025-2026.
  • Dr. M. Xiao, SIT, China, 2025-2026.
  • Dr. Yinhai Wang, AstraZeneca, UK, 2024-2027.
  • Prof. H. Gao, XMU, China, 2024-2025.
  • Prof. X. Jia, LU, China, 2024-2025.
  • Prof. Y. Peng, CNU, China, 2024.
  • Miss Z. Kong, SU, China, 2024-2025.
  • Mr. Z. Hou, HU, China, 2024-2025.
  • Dr. Thomas Tawiah, University of Education Winneba, Ghana, 2024.
  • Mr. H. Sun, SU, China, 2023-2024.
  • Mr. Lewis Rae, November-December 2023. Internship.
  • Miss Freya Fitch, August-October 2023. Internship. 
  • Profs. M. Gao and Y. Yang, 2023.
  • Dr. T. Liu, SUST, China, 2023-2024.
  • Dr. X. Liu, SUST, China, 2023-2024.
  • Prof. T. Zhou, NMU, China, 2023.
  • Dr. Y. Sun, NMU, China, 2023.
  • Dr. Y. Zhang, NMU, China, 2023-2024.
  • Dr. L. Zhao, NTU, China, 2022-2023.
  • Prof. N. Xin, XUT, China, 2022-2023.
  • Prof. Q. Qin, TGU, China, 2021-2022.
  • Dr. Y. Niu, SDNU, China, 2021-2022.
  • Prof. Y. Yang, NUAA, China, 2022-2023.
  • Prof. Yue Zhang, China, 2022-2025.


  • Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering (CO3091/7091), Autumn 2019-2024, University of Leicester.
  • Service-Oriented Architectures (CO7214/7514), Spring 2018-2019, University of Leicester.
  • Big Data & Predictive Analytics (CO3093/7093), Spring 2018, University of Leicester.
  • Multimedia and Computer Graphics (CO2016), Spring 2018-2019, University of Leicester.

Press and media

  1. Global Radio ( interview  for cyber attacks, 15th April, 2024. 
  2. Invited talk on AI for healthcare, Lanzhou, Gansu, China, 22nd July 2023 (over 330K children/their parents participated in this event online/f2f): [甘肃科协科普大讲堂人工智能讲座] [Video link]
  3. Breakthrough in tackling increasing demand by 'internet of things' on mobile networks, 20th November 2023: UoL, TechXplore, IoT Insider, MIRAGE, Digital Watch Observatory, ISPreview, Ground News,, Communications of the ACM, ScienceDaily, JustoGlobal...
  4. BBC Radio Leicester interview for the use of AI images on social media, 11:15 am, 22nd December 2022. Please click on this link and then move to the time instance.
  5. The Dickens Code Project received 2022 Times Higher Education Research Project of the Year in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences.
  6. The Interdisciplinary Walks Project: More details including audio and description...
  7. "What you wanted to be at 17/18 years old?" -- Here is Zhou's story...
  8. BBC Radio Leicester interview for the Parkinson's disease mouse project, 10:35 am, 8th June 2022. Please click on this link and then move to the time instance.
  9. Dr Claire Wood from School of Arts, Media and Communication had an interview with the "Free Thinking" programme on BBC Radio 3 about the AHRC funded Dickens Code project, where BIPL is a research partner: Media link (in the final 15 minutes).
  10. Mouse social behaviour recognition for identification of Parkinson's disease: Mirror, Miriam Stoppard,UoLPukaar News
  11. Depression detection on Twitter: YahooIndependentMetroTechnology Networks,NewsnprTECHZLE, Analytics Drift, News8Plus, MIMIKAMA, G7BUL
  12. MARK4 controls ischaemic heart failure: CambridgeWeixinBHF, Bioon, Cambridgeindependent, Tech Explorist, Academic Gates, Toutiao, Dwnews
  13. AI termed future of Pakistan's healthcare (The Express Tribune)


UK-Kenya AI Challenge Fund Mini-Workshop, 19th March 2025, The Alan Turing Institute, London, UK. 

Online open discussion (DeepSeek & AI agent), 15th Feb 2025. Invited speaker (with Prof Xiaolan Fu/Oxford and Dr Canoee Liu/DeepMind). 

Joint Women in Leadership and Big Data SIG Meeting (Gender Bias and AI), International Hospital Federation, 11th Feb 2025. Invited speaker. 

University of Leicester and The Apollo University launch global research centre for digital health and precision medicine (my privilege to witness this celebration): Link.

Invited keynote speaker, Workshop on Building Trust in AI Medical Imaging, 24th Jan 2025, University of Leeds, UK.

Invited (plenary or keynote) speech on international conferences in 2025:

- LESCDT'25, 28th-30th Nov 2025, Zhengzhou, China. Keynote speaker. 

- ASMA'25, 14th-16th Nov 2025, Harbin, China. TPC Chair and keynote speaker. 

CSAIA'25, 7th-9th Nov 2025, Changsha, China. TPC Chair.

- MLNLP'25, 7th-9th Nov 2025, Hangzhou, China. Keynote speaker.

- International Workshop on Multimedia Computing for Health and Medicine, ACM MM, 27th-31st Oct 2025, Dublin, Ireland. Keynote speaker. 

- ICMLAI'25, 9th-11th Oct 2025, Dubai, UAE. Program Co-Chair.

- AIPR'25, 19th-21st Sep 2025, Quanzhou, China. Keynote speaker/Advisory Chair.

- IC-AAIP'25, 9th-10th August, Shenyang, China. Program Chair.

- IPICE'25, 25th-27th July 2025, Lanzhou, China. Keynote speaker. 

- AITC'25, 15th-17th July 2025, Hohhot, China. Publication Chair. 

- ICIPMC'25, 27th-29th June 2025, Xi'an, China. Keynote speaker.

- SEAI'25, 20th-22nd June 2025, Fuzhou, China. Program Chair.

- PRML'25, 13th-16th June 2025, Chongqing, China. Publication Co-Chair.

- ICIVIS'25, 6th-8th June 2024, Hangzhou, China. Program Chair.

- CVIPPR'25, 23rd-25th May 2025, Xiamen, China. Keynote speaker.

- CIPCV'25, 16th-18th May 2025, Hangzhou, China. Publication Co-Chair. 

- ICCVAR'25, 16th-18th May 2025, Xi'an, China. Keynote speaker.

- ICICR'25, 16th-18th May 2025, Dalian, China. Technical Committee Chair. 

- ICMIP'25, 26th-28th April 2025, Okinawa, Japan. Publicity Co-Chair. 

ICMLNN'25, 18th-20th April 2025, Soochow, China. TPC Chair. 

- ICIPAI'25, 18th-20th April 2025, Changchun, China. Keynote speaker. 

- ICBDIE'25, 21st-23rd Feb 2025, Beijing, China. General Co-Chair. 

ICOMIC'25, 10th-12th Jan 2025, Wuhan, China. Program Co-Chair.

- ICCDE'25, 13th-15th Jan 2025, Bangkok, Thailand. Regional Co-Chair. 

- ICSIM'25, 10th-12th Jan 2025, Singapore. Program Co-Chair. 

- ICIGP'25, 3rd-5th Jan 2025, Macau, China. Publication Co-Chair.

Area Chair on AI, IEEE MetroXRAINE, 21st-23rd Oct 2024, London, UK.

Invited talk, School of Computer Science, University of Exeter, 14th Oct 2024. 

Invited speaker, Workshop on Stable Neuromorphic Computations, 29th-30th April 2024, King's College London, UK. Please register here.

Invited (plenary or keynote) speech on international conferences in 2024:

- Workshop on Computer Vision Applications of AI, 17th December 2024, Cambridge, UK. Keynote speaker. 

- ICMOR'24, 13th-15th December 2024, Beijing, China. Keynote speaker. 

- International Industry-University-Research Collaboration Conference Shanghai Session on "Biology and Modern Agriculture", 5th December 2024, Hefei, China. Keynote speaker. 

- New generation artificial intelligence frontier technology graduate academic forum, School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, China. Keynote speaker. 

- CEII'24, 14th-17th December 2024, Singapore. Program Committees Co-Chair.

- RSTIP'24, 29th Nov - 1st Dec 2024, Dali, China. Keynote speaker. 

- ICCVIT'24, 24th-27th Nov 2024, Huaibei, Anhui, China. Publication Co-Chair.

DMIP'24, 8th-11th Nov 2024, Osaka, Japan. Keynote speaker. 

ICAIC'24, 31st October 2024, Wuhan, China.

- CECCT'24, 25th-27th Oct 2024, Chengdu, China. Conference Co-Chair.

- ICIPVS'24, 26th-27th Oct 2024, Qingdao, China. Program Co-Chair. 

- ArtInHCI'24, 26th Oct 2024, Kunming, China. Keynote speaker. 

- ICAIAM'24, 20th-21st Oct 2024, Frankfurt, Germany. Keynote speaker/Co-Chair of the AI session. Link.

- EITCE'24, 18th-20th Oct 2024, Haikou, China. Keynote speaker.

- MLNLP'24, 18th-20th Oct 2024, Chengdu, China. Conference Co-Chair. 

- IIoTBBDSC'24, 20th-22nd Sep 2024, online. Keynote speaker. 

- IPPR'24, 6th-8th Sep 2024, Qingdao, China. Conference Co-Chair/Keynote speaker. .

- ISEEIE'24, 28th-30th August 2024, Leicester, UK. Conference Co-Chair.

- ICDMS'24, 9th-11th August 2024, Chongqing, China. Technical Program Committee Chair.

- IPICE'24, 9th-11th August 2024, Fuzhou, China. Keynote speaker. 

CLNLP'24, 19th-21st July 2024, Yinchuan, China. Program Chair/Keynote speaker. 

- ISPC'24, 19th-21st July 2024, Qingdao, China.

- BCAS'24, 6h-7th July 2024, Beijing, China.

- CCCAI'24, 21st-23rd June 2024, Jeju, Korea. Keynote speaker. 

- SEAI'24, 21st-23rd June 2024, Xiamen, China. 

- ATIP'24, 21st-23rd June 2024, London, UK.

- MVRMLM'24, co-located with ICMR'24, 14th June 2024, Phuket, Thailand. Keynote speaker. 

ICETCI'24, 24th-26th May 2024, Changchun, China.

- AIFU'24, 18th-19th May 2024, Zurich, Switzerland. Program Chair.

- CIPCV'24, 17th-19th May 2024, Xiamen, China. Publication Co-Chair. 

- ICIEIS'24, 17th-19th May 2024, Shenzhen, China. Organising Committee Chair.

- IEAI'24, 24th-26th April 2024, Bangkok, Thailand. 

- CRIS'24, 20th-21st April 2024, Melbourne, Australia. Program Chair.

- ACMLC'24, 19th-21st April 2024 (postponed to 26th-28th July 2024), Bangkok, Thailand. Publicity Chair. 

- CVIDL'24, 19th-21st April 2024, Zhuhai, China.

- ICIPAI'24, 19th-21st April 2024, Suzhou, China.

- CMLDS'24, 12th-14th April 2024, Singapore. Publication Chair.

- ICICR'24, 12th-14th April 2024, Dalian, China. Technical Committee Chair.

- CAMMIC'24, 22nd-24th March 2024, Kaifeng, China.

- MISAI'24, 15th-19th February 2024, Sanya, China.

ICSIM'24, 23rd-25th Jan 2024, Suva, Fiji. Program Chair.

CICBA'24, 23rd-25th Jan 2024, online.

- ICCDE'24, 15th-17th Jan 2024, Bangkok, Thailand. [Talk video]

Invited talk on "Modelling uncertainty in image analysis", School of Computing, Newcastle University, 15th December 2023.

2023 International Symposium of Resilient and Sustainable City & 23rd Annual General Meeting of the UK-CARE, Keynote Speech on "Artificial intelligence and its applications in remote sensing", University of Loughborough, UK, 9th December 2023.

Leading the future healthcare CFD day, University of Leicester, 30th November 2023. Invited speaker on "Behavioral phenotyping of Parkinson's disease model mice".

Workshop on Machine Vision for Earth Observation and Environment Monitoring (MVEO), British Machine Vision Conference, 24th November 2023, Aberdeen, UK. Co-organiser. 

BAAI智源LIVE第56期 "Image-to-image translation via diffusion models", Chair of the discussion, 23rd November 2023: Meeting link

AIDAM Winter AI Workshop, College Court, Leicester, 13th December, 2023. Please register for your attendance (free of charge):

Invited talk on "Behavioral phenotyping of Parkinson's disease model mice", CMS research Workshop with Institute for Precision Health (IPH), University of Leicester, 10th November 2023.

Invited talks on AI in a number of Chinese universities (25th June - 15th August 2023) in time order: Shanghai University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Xiangsi Lake College of Guangxi University for Nationalities, Guangxi Medical University, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Guizhou University, Beihang University, Peking University, Anhui Agricultural University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Guangxi University for Nationalities, and Guangxi University.

Invited talk on "Learning uncertainty in image understanding", Harbin Engineering University, China, 20th June 2023.

IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), 15th-18th Oct 2023, Pittsburgh, USA. Associate Editor. 

IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1st-4th Oct 2023, Maui, USA. Associate Editor.

Invited talk on "Learning uncertainty in image understanding", University of York, UK, 8th June 2023.

Invited talk on "Can we handle uncertainty in image analysis?", Putian University, China, 21st May 2023. [Link to the talk]

Invited talk on "Modelling uncertainty in image analysis", University of Birmingham, 25th April 2023. [Link]

Invited talk on "Targeting uncertainty in image analysis", Xi'an University of Post and Telecommunications, China, 13th April 2023.

Invited talk on "Modelling uncertainty in image analysis", University of Nottingham, 29th March 2023.

Invited talk on "Modelling uncertainty in image analysis", University of Kent, 1st March 2023. [Link to the talk]

Invited (plenary or keynote) speech on international conferences in 2023:

- ICIEAI'23, 22nd-24th December 2023, Xiamen, China.

CEII'23, 15th-16th December 2023, Hong Kong, China. 

- DMBD'23, 9th-12th December 2023, Sanya, China. Cancelled. 

OMCV'23, 8th-10th December 2023, Hankou, China. General Chair. Cancelled. 

CVVR'23, 22nd-24th November 2023, Sanya, China. 

SENTECH'23, 16th-18th November 2023, Rome, Italy.

- ICIECV'23, 28th-30th October 2023, Qingdao, China.

ArtInHCI'23, 27th-29th October 2023, Wuhan, China. [Video link]

- ICBSP'23, 20th-22nd October 2023, Singapore. Honorary Chair.

- AIAM'23, 20th-21st October 2023, Brussels, Belgium. [Media]

MVIPIT'23, 22nd-24th September2023, Hangzhou, China.

- BDIIE'23, 17th-18th September 2023, Wuhan, China. General Co-Chair. 

- IESAIRT'23, 8th September 2023, online. 

- AIPMV'23, 15th-17th September 2023, Qingdao, China. Conference Co-Chair.

- CCRIS'23, 25th-27th August 2023, Guangzhou, China.

- EAI BDTA'23, 23rd-24th August, 2023, Edinburgh, Scotland. General Co-Chair. 

- CLNLP'23, 18th-20th August, 2023, Nanjing, China. Conference Chair. 

- ISRAI'23, 14th-16th August, 2023, London, UK. 

BICS'23, 5th-6th August, 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Advisory Board and Publicity Chair.

- AICS'23, 26th-28th July, Wuhan, China. Program Chair/Keynote Speaker.

CTIS'23, 17th-19th June 2023, Wuhan, China.

- DEMENTIA'23, 16th-17th June 2023, Rome, Italy. Xinyu Yang and Huiyu Zhou.

- CIPCV'23, 19th-21st May 2023, Xi'an, China.

- SIUSAI'23, 21st-23rd April 2023, Shenzhen, China. 

- ICSIM'23, 31st Jan-2nd February 2023, Palmerston North, New Zealand. 

Invited talk on "New artificial intelligence technologies in healthcare", online, Hong Kong University, China, 14th December 2022.

Invited talk on "Transforming healthcare with artificial intelligence", online, Hengyang Normal University, China, 12th December 2022.

Panel member, China-UK Technology Summit, Imperial College London, 10th December, 2022.

General Chair, AIDAM Winter AI Workshop, University of Leicester, 9th December 2022.

Invited talk on "Artificial intelligence in health care", online, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, 30th Nov 2022.

Invited talk on "AIDAM empowers data driven artificial intelligence", AGM of UK-Jiangsu 20+20 World Class University Consortium, 18th Nov 2022.

Assessor, Times Higher Education World University Rankings, 16th Nov 2022.

Invited talk on "Modelling uncertainty in image analysis", Robust Stable and Secure AI Research Workshop, 16th Nov 2022.

Invited talk on "AIDAM empowers data driven artificial intelligence", online, GE UK, 14th Nov 2022.

Invited talk on "Artificial intelligence for histopathological image analysis", Zhejiang University, China, 11th Nov 2022.

Invited talk on "Artificial intelligence for histology image analysis", University of Ulster, UK, 26th Oct 2022.

Invited talk on "Artificial intelligence based histology image analysis", Hohai University, China, 20th Oct 2022.

Invited talk on "Smartphone technologies for food quality and safety", University of Leeds, 19th Oct 2022.

Taster lectures: "Can machines crack the Dickens code?" on University Open Days, University of Leicester, 8th Oct and 12th Nov 2022.

Invited talk on EPSRC Future Blood Testing Network+: Artificial Intelligence for Identification of Blood Cells, University of Reading, 14th Sep 2022.

A Research Associate in Computer Science for EU Horizon 2020 6G BRAINS is available (closed): Job Adv Link.

A new PhD studentship is available (closed): "Deep learning for imbalanced classification". Open to UK and non-UK applicants.

Frontiers in Radiology, Research Topic "Computer-aided diagnosis based on medical image: trends and future research". Abstract deadline: 22nd July, 2022, and manuscript deadline: 20th September, 2022.

Graduate Teaching Assistantships/PhD for September 2022 start are available. Please check out application details here (closed now):

A new MPhil studentship is available (closed now): "Enhancing throughput satellite communication links through signal processing/power control techniques".

Evaluation of machine learning algorithms for anomaly detection (by Dr. Nebrase Elmrabit): Online talk.

Invited (plenary or keynote) speech on international conferences in 2022: 

- Invited talk on AI in healthcare, Dalian University of Technology, China, 12th April, 2022.

- Invited talk on AI, Guangxi Minzu University, China, 15th April, 2022.

- Invited talk on AI, NUAA, China, 16th April, 2022.

- ICACDS'22, 22nd-23rd April, 2022, Kurnool, India.

- Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, 8th May, 2022.

- ICAIBD'22, 27th-30th May, 2022, Chengdu, China.

- ICIPMC'22, 27th-29th May, 2022, Xi'an, China.

- "Lead a Research Centre", in the theme of career development in the UK university, Aging and Sustainability, ABCP'22, 1st July, 2022, Birmingham, UK. 

- CMI'22, 15th-17th July, 2022, Chengdu, China.

- FAIML'22, 19th-21st July, 2022, Hangzhou, China.

- ECNLPIR'22, 19th-21st July, 2022, Hangzhou, China.

- ICBIBE'22, 19th-21st July, 2022, Qingdao, China.

- ICCEAI'22, 22th-24th July, 2022, Shijiazhuang, China.

- AICS'22, 30th-31st July, 2022, Beijing, China.

- ICIVIS'22, 29th-31st July, 2022, Jinan, China.

- ADMIT'22, 23th-25th Sep, 2022, Xi'an, China

- VRIS'22, 21th-23rd Oct, 2022, Nanjing, China.

- CSAE'22, 21th-23rd Oct, 2022, Nanjing, China.

- ICBSP'22, 28th-30th Oct, 2022, Nanning, China.

- ICIS'22, 28th-31st Oct, 2022, Xi'an, China.

- MLIS'22, 8th-11th November, 2022, Seoul, Korea.

- CEII'22, 16th-17th December, 2022, Hangzhou, China.

CFAIS'22, 16th-21st December, 2022, Beijing, China.

ICHVR'22, 29th-30th December, 2022, Nanjing, China. 

A new PhD studentship is available (application deadline is 9th Jan 2022): "Developing biologically plausible models of eye movement control and visual processing in reading". Open to UK and non-UK applicants. [Eligibility]

A new PhD studentship is available for application (closed now): "Deep learning for imbalanced classification" or findaphd. Open to UK and non-UK applicants, and funding includes a full overseas fee waiver.

Online symposium: "Decoding Dickens: Contexts, inspirations, approaches", where Huiyu Zhou gave the talk entitled "Can machines crack the Dickens code?" during 2.00 pm - 6.30 pm (BST) on 23rd July 2021.

IEEE RAS Prestigious Lecture: "Transform image understanding with artificial intelligence" by Huiyu Zhou at 4.00 pm (BST) on 1st July 2021.

Centenary inaugural lecture series: "Dealing with uncertainty in image analysis" by Huiyu Zhou at 5.30 pm(BST) on 1st June 2021.

Invited (or keynote) speech on international conferences in 2021:

- Workshop on "Artificial Intelligence in Health Sciences", 20th December, 2021, University of Karachi, Pakistan. (Media News)

- FSDM'21, 27th Oct, 2021, Seoul, Korea.

- Medical Image Computing Seminar (MICS), "Tackling challenges in machine learning based analysis of histopathological imagery", 28th Sep, 2021.

- ICCEAI'21, 27-29 Aug, 2021, Shanghai, China.

- ICETCI'21, 27-29 August, 2021, Changchun, China.

- ICGIP'21, 18-20 Aug, 2021, Kunming, China.

- AICS'21, 29-31 July, 2021, Beijing, China.

- BIBE'21, 20-22 July, 2021, Hangzhou, China.

- ABCP'21, "Depression detection on Twitter", 2-3 July, 2021, UK/online.

- WABD'21, 12-14 March, 2021, Fuzhou, China (Talk is available here).

- CISE'21, 5-7 Jan, 2021, Sanya, China.

Frontiers in Neurorobotics, Research Topic "Intelligent Control and Applications for Robotics". Abstract deadline: 31st August, 2021, and manuscript deadline: 31st December, 2021.

IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics, special issue on "Medical data security solution for healthcare industries". Deadline: 30th June, 2021. Closed now.

Three Graduate Teaching Assistantships for September 2021 start are available. Please check out the project details on "PhD Projects for GTA Applications" of the following link (closed now):

A new PhD studentship is available for application (closed now): "Combat Parkinson's disease - using artificial intelligence to monitor social behaviours of mice".

A RA post on cyber-security is now available (closed now):

Three Graduate Teaching Assistantships for September 2020 start are available. Please go through the project proposals here (closed now):


Leicester BHF Research Excellence Centre, where I am a Co-I, won the Research Excellence & Impact Award at the University's Citizens' Awards 2024. 28th Nov 2024.

Nominated for a Superstar Award for Best Lecturer, University of Leicester, 10th June 2024. 

The Dickens Code Project received 2022 Times Higher Education Research Project of the Year in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences.

Nominated for a Superstar Award for Best Lecturer, University of Leicester, 7th June 2022.

Nominated for a Superstar Award for Best Lecturer, University of Leicester, 21st May 2021.

CVIU 2012 Most Cited Paper Award.

MIUA2020 Best Paper Award.

ICPRAM 2016 Best Paper Award in the Area of Applications.

Shortlisted for "ICPRAM 2017 Best Student Paper Award" and "MBEC 2006 Nightingale Prize". 


Prof. Zhou's research specialisation includes machine learning, computer vision, intelligent systems and signal processing. His research interest has focused on the development of AI/machine learning algorithms that enable a system to better understand and interpret images/signals.


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