
Dr Fuxiang Chen

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) / PGR Tutor (Computer Science)

School/Department: Computing and Mathematical Sciences, School of



Dr Fuxiang Chen is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Leicester (UoL), United Kingdom. Prior to joining UoL in 2022, he worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He obtained a PhD degree (in Computer Science and Engineering) from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2018 under the supervision of Prof. Sunghun Kim. He also obtained a Master degree from the National University of Singapore. Besides his experiences in academia, he has also worked in the industry (Startups, Big-Tech companies and Government) for multiple years as a Senior Research Scientist, Research Scientist, IT Manager and Software Engineer.

His research focuses on utilising unstructured data with an emphasis on core Natural Language Understanding, Software Engineering, Medical Images and their practical usages. Recently, he is working on multiple projects, including developing efficient parameter fine-tuning techniques for large language models, among others. In the past, he has worked on a myriad of interesting problems such as automated debugging and explanation, code summarization, code generation, analysis of pre-trained language models, paraphrase generation, automated test case generation, rumour detection, summarization of low-resource news, etc.


My broad research interests are in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Software Engineering (SE). For a more fine-grained list of my interests, please see below:

  • Machine Learning / Deep Learning for paraphrasing
  • Machine Learning / Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (NLP) application
  • Machine Learning / Deep Learning for medical image analysis
  • Image generation and translation via Machine Learning / Deep Learning
  • Machine Learning / Deep Learning for code summarization, program debugging and test case generation
  • Social media analysis and text mining


Selected Publications

AdvFusion: Adapter-based Knowledge Transfer for Code Summarization on Code Language Models. Iman Saberi, Amirreza Esmaeili, Fatemeh Fard, Fuxiang Chen. SANER 2025 (CORE A Publication) To Appear

Studying Versioning in Stack Overflow. Yiyun Chen, Fuxiang Chen, Mijung Kim, Fatemeh Fard. ASE (Poster Track) 2024 (CORE A* Publication)

ELSNC: A Semi-supervised Community Detection Method with Integration of Embedding- enhanced Links and Node Content in Attributed Networks. Jinxin Cao, Xiaoyang Zou, Weizhong Xu, Weiping Ding, Hengrong Ju, Lu Liu, Fuxiang Chen, Di Jin. Applied Soft Computing 2024

A Semi-Supervised GCN-Based Community Detection Algorithm. Shuhan Shi, Lei-lei Shi, Lu Liu, Zi-xuan Han, Liang Jiang, Fuxiang Chen. IEEE ISPA 2024

A Novel Graph-representation-based Multi-scale Feature Fusion Approach for Road Segmentation. Zhenyang Li, Siyang Song, Fuxiang Chen, Lu Liu. IEEE ICNSC 2024

Utilization of Pre-trained Language Model for Adapter-based Knowledge Transfer in Software Engineering. Iman Saberi, Fatemeh H. Fard, Fuxiang Chen. EMSE 2024 (CORE A* Publication)

LAMNER: code comment generation using character language model and named entity recognition. Rishab Sharma, Fuxiang Chen, Fatemeh H. Fard. ICPC 2022: 48-59 (CORE A Publication)

On the transferability of pre-trained language models for low-resource programming languages. Fuxiang Chen, Fatemeh H. Fard, David Lo, Timofey Bryksin. ICPC 2022: 401-412 (CORE A Publication)

An exploratory study on code attention in BERT.  Rishab Sharma, Fuxiang Chen, Fatemeh H. Fard, David Lo. ICPC 2022: 437-448 (CORE A Publication)

Novel Natural Language Summarization of Program Code via Leveraging Multiple Input Representations. Fuxiang Chen, Mijung Kim, Jaegul Choo. EMNLP (Findings) 2021: 2510-2520 (CORE A* Publication)

Paraphrase Diversification Using Counterfactual Debiasing. Sunghyun Park, Seung-won Hwang, Fuxiang Chen, Jaegul Choo, Jung-Woo Ha, Sunghun Kim, Jinyeong Yim. AAAI 2019: 6883-6891 (CORE A* Publication)

InSPeCT: Iterated Local Search for Solving Path Conditions. Fuxiang Chen, Aldy Gunawan, David Lo, Sunghun Kim. CASE 2019: 1724-1729 (CORE A Publication)

NL2pSQL: Generating Pseudo-SQL Queries from Under-Specified Natural Language Questions. Fuxiang Chen, Seung-won Hwang, Jaegul Choo, Jung-Woo Ha, Sunghun Kim. EMNLP/IJCNLP (1) 2019: 2603-2613 (CORE A* Publication)

Now You See It, Now You Don't! A Study of Content Modification Behavior in Facebook. Fuxiang Chen, Ee-Peng Lim. WWW (Companion Volume) 2017: 1515-1520 (CORE A Publication)

Crowd debugging. Fuxiang Chen, Sunghun Kim. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2015: 320-332 (CORE A* Publication)


I am always looking for self-motivated Postdocs, prospective graduate students, and undergraduate students. If you're interested in working with me, please send me an email introducing yourself with your full Curriculum Vitae and transcript. 

Current MPhil / PhD Students

1st Supervisor

Jia-ji Wang (MPhil - from 2023, to start PhD)
Yiyun Chen, GTA Scholarship Awardee (PhD - from 2024)
Yongyi Ji, CSC Scholarship Awardee (PhD - from 2024)
Zhenyang Li (PhD - from 2019)
Ziquan Zhu, CSC Scholarship Awardee (PhD - from 2021)

2nd Supervisor

Alanoud A.M. Alqahtani, Saudi Arabia Government Scholarship Awardee (PhD - from 2023)


BSc / MSc Students

I supervise a number of final year BSc / MSc students every year. If you are interested to be supervised by me, please contact me via e-mail to introduce yourself and tell me why you want me to supervise your FYP.


Semester 1

CO3095  Software Measurement and Quality Assurance 
CO7095 Software Measurement and Quality Assurance 
CO3201 BSc Computer Science Final Year Project
CO3202  BSc Entrepreneurial Final Year Project 
CO4210-7210  Personal and Group Skills 


Semester 2

CO2114 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
CO3201 BSc Computer Science Final Year Project (Continued from Semester 1)
CO3202  BSc Entrepreneurial Final Year Project (Continued from Semester 1)



 Organizing Chair   ICDM Workshop 2020
 Session Chair  ICPC 2022


Program Committee Member / Reviewer

AAAI  2021
AACL   2023, 2022, 2021, 2020
ACL   2024, 2023, 2021
ASE   2024 (Artifact Evaluation Track PC)
COLING   2025 
EACL   2023
EMNLP   2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020
MSR   2025 (Junior PC)
NAACL   2025 (Industry Track), 2021
ICPC   2022
IJCAI   2024, 2023, 2022, 2021
TSE   2024, 2023 
FORGE   2025, 2024 


Invited Guest Reviewer

EMSE  2015


External Reviewer

ASE   2013 - 2016
FSE   2013 - 2016
ICSE   2013 - 2016


University of Leicester Citizen Recognition Award   2023 
Nominated for HKUST Professor Samuel Chanson Best Teaching Assistant Award   2017
PhD Scholarship Award   2013 - 2017
ACM SIGSOFT Research Travel Award   2015
HKUST Research Travel Award   2015
National Service Commendation Award   2003

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