Dr Francis Donbesuur
Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship

School/Department: School of Business
I am an Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship at the University of Leicester School of Business. Prior to joining the University of Leicester in 2022, I was a Lecturer in International Business, Strategy and Innovation at Loughborough University.
My primary research focuses on the interface between strategic and international entrepreneurship, within the contexts of developing and emerging economies. My research have been published in CABS 4 and 3 rated journals including The Journal of Product Innovation Management, British Journal of Management, R&D Management; Journal of Business Research, Technovation, International Business Review, Journal of International Management, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, among others.
In addition, my research have been presented at global conferences such as the annual meetings of the Academy of Management, Academy of International Business, and the American Marketing Association; and has won awards including the 2017 Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy Best Conference paper and the 2018 Academy of International Business (African Chapter) Best PhD Conference Paper.
Outside of classroom, I have been involved as a Co-Investigator on a European Social Fund project on SME productivity within the North Western part of England.
- Strategic and International Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship, Grand Challenges and SDGs
- Developing and Emerging Economies
Zahoor, N., Khan, H., Donbesuur, F., Khan, Z., & Rajwani, T. (2023). Grand Challenges and Emerging Market SMEs: The Role of Strategic Agility and Gender Diversity. Journal of Product Innovation Management. (ABS: 4; ABDC: A*)
Donbesuur, F., Owusu-Yirenkyi, D., Ampong, G. O. A., & Hultman, M. (2023). Enhancing export intensity of entrepreneurial firms through bricolage and international opportunity recognition: The differential roles of explorative and exploitative learning. Journal of Business Research, 156. (ABS: 3; ABDC: A)
Donbesuur, F., Zahoor, N., Al-Tabbaa, O., Adomako, S., & Tarba, S. Y. (2023). On the performance of platform-based international new ventures: The roles of non-market strategies and managerial competencies. Journal of International Management. (ABS: 3; ABDC: A)
Ahsan, M., Adomako, S., Donbesuur, F., & Mole, K. F. (2022). Entrepreneurial Passion and Product Innovation Intensity in New Ventures: Mediating Effects of Exploration and Exploitation Activities. British Journal of Management. (ABS: 4; ABDC: A)
Donbesuur, F., Hultman, M., Boso, N., & Oghazi, P. (2022). Growth implications of creation and discovery behavior among family firms: the moderating role of venture age International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. (ABS: 3; ABDC: B)
Kun, Y., Tang, J., Donbesuur, F., & Adomako, S. (2022). Institutional Support for Entrepreneurship and New Venture Internationalization: Evidence from Small Firms in Ghana. Journal of Business Research. (ABS: 3; ABDC: A)
Donbesuur, F., Hultman, M., Oghazi, P., & Boso, N. (2022). External knowledge resources, opportunity recognition, legitimacy strategies and new venture performance: evidence from a sub-Saharan African economy. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. (ABS: 3; ABDC: A)
Kyu, Y., Zahoor, N., Donbesuur, F., & Khan, H. (2022). Entrepreneurial Alertness and Business Model Innovation in Dynamic Markets: International Performance Implications for SMEs. R and D Management. (ABS: 3; ABDC: A)
Zahoor, N., Khan, Z., Wu, J., Tarba, S. Y., Donbesuur, F., & Khan, H. (2022). Vertical alliances and innovation: A systematic review of the literature and a future research agenda. Technovation, 102588. (ABS: 3; ABDC: A)
Adomako, S., Amankwah-Amoah, J., Donbesuur, F., Ahsan, M., Danso, A., & Uddin, M. (2022). Strategic agility of SMEs in emerging economies: Antecedents, consequences and boundary conditions. International Business Review. (ABS: 3; ABDC: A)
Donbesuur, F., Zahoor, N., & Boso, N. (2022). International network formation, home market institutional support and post-entry performance of international new ventures. International Business Review, 31(3), 101968. (ABS: 3; ABDC: A)
Zahoor, N., Donbesuur, F., Nwoba, A. C., & Khan, H. (2021). Regional expansion of emerging market SMEs: the roles of domestic market environmental uncertainty and international alliance partner diversity. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. (ABS: 3; ABDC: A)
Adomako, S., Frimpong, K., Amankwah-Amoah, J., Donbesuur, F., & Opoku, R. A. (2021). Strategic decision speed and international performance: the roles of competitive intensity, resource flexibility, and structural organicity. Management International Review, 61, 27-55.(ABS: 3; ABDC: A)
Donbesuur, F., Ampong, G. O. A., Owusu-Yirenkyi, D., & Chu, I. (2020). Technological innovation, organizational innovation and international performance of SMEs: The moderating role of domestic institutional environment. TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, 161, 11 pages. (ABS: 3; ABDC: A)
Donbesuur, F., Boso, N., & Hultman, M. (2020). The effect of entrepreneurial orientation on new venture performance: Contingency roles of entrepreneurial actions. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, 118, 150-161. (ABS: 3; ABDC: A)
Adomako, S., Amankwah-Amoah, J., Dankwah, G. O., Danso, A., & Donbesuur, F. (2019). Institutional voids, international learning effort and internationalization of emerging market new ventures. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT, 25(4), 12 pages. (ABS: 3; ABDC: A)
Boso, N., Adeleye, I., Donbesuur, F., & Gyensare, M. (2019). Do entrepreneurs always benefit from business failure experience?. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH, 98, 370-379. (ABS: 3; ABDC: A)
- Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (Postgraduate)
- Help To Grow Management Programme
- PhD in Strategic Entrepreneurship: University of Leeds (UK)
- MSc in Economics and Finance: University of Durham (UK)
- B.Ed. in Economics: University of Cape Coast (Ghana)