Dr Fathima Roshan Rakeeb
Lecturer in Accounting

School/Department: Business, School of
Fathima is a Lecturer in Accounting at the department of Economics, Finance and Accounting (EFA) at the University of Leicester School of Business. She joined the university in January 2020. Previously she has worked at Queen Mary University of London and Kingston University London.
Fathima holds a PhD in Finance from Kingston University London, which was funded by the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences of the University. During her PhD, she was a Graduate Teaching Assistant in the Department of Accounting, Finance and Informatics. She completed her MSc. Accounting and Finance (distinction) and MRes. Management and Business Studies Research (distinction) from Kingston University London and BSc. Management and information Technology (upper second-class) from Sri Lanka.
Prior to her PhD studies, Fathima worked as a Management Accountant in the social care sector and she is a qualified finalist of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), UK.
Fathima’s current research interests include,
- Exploring the dynamics of firm idiosyncratic volatility in equity markets
- Capital market implications of managing climate risks
- Performance management and accountability dynamics in the healthcare industry.
Fathima has previously worked as a research assistant for a World Bank funded project that investigated the implications of exchange rate volatility for investment and income inequalities in South Africa.
- Chortareas, G., Noikokyris, E. and Rakeeb, F. (2021). Investment, firm-specific uncertainty, and market power in South Africa, Economic Modelling, 96, 389-395. DOI:
- Rakeeb, F.R. (2020) Firm-level Idiosyncratic Volatility - Evidence from the UK Market, PhD Thesis, Kingston University London.
Fathima is currently supervising a PhD student, whose research focuses on corporate governance in the banking industry. She will be interested in supervising potential PhD candidates in the following areas; exploring determinants and modelling of market volatility including idiosyncratic volatility, climate risk and governance, performance and risk management in the healthcare industry.
Fathima is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA) and has extensive experience in teaching accounting and finance to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. She currently teaches,
- MN7061 - Accounting for accountability and decision-making (Level 7)
- MN7262 - Accountability, Representation and Control (Level 7)
- MN2136 - Corporate Governance (Level 5)
- MN3207 - Dissertation (Level 6)
- MN7063 - Research methods and Dissertation (Level 7).
She has also taught a range of other modules including, management accounting, financial accounting and reporting, financial statement analysis, valuation and private equity and corporate finance. Additionally, Fathima is also a curriculum committee member for accounting modules within the department.
Fathima is a recipient of the following research grants;
- ULSB Research Development Funding for Early Career Researchers, University of Leicester – 2021 (Co-investigator). Project title – The Impact of Covid- 19 Uncertainty on Student's Employability Prospects.
- ULSB Research Development Funding for Early Career Researchers, University of Leicester – 2020 (Principal Investigator). Project title – Exploring the performance management-accountability dynamics in the healthcare industry.
Pereira, J., Rakeeb, F.R., and Malafronte, I. (2023) The role of climate governance in moderating the relationship between carbon performance and equity risk. Presented at the 3rd annual conference of the Academy of Sustainable Finance, Accounting, Accountability & Governance (ASFAAG), Valencia, Spain.
Rakeeb, F.R. (2018) Firm Size, Firm Age and Idiosyncratic Volatility: The Role of Financial Constraints. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Applied Theory, Macro and Empirical Finance, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Rakeeb, F.R. (2017) Determinants of Idiosyncratic Volatility Dynamics: Evidence from the UK. Presented at the Doctoral colloquium, Mercator Business School, University of Essen, Germany.
Rakeeb, F.R. (2016) Does financial market volatility impact idiosyncratic volatility of firms? – An exploration of trend throughout the global financial crisis. Presented at the Doctoral colloquium, Belk College, University of North Carolina, USA.
Rakeeb, F.R. (2016) Does financial market volatility impact idiosyncratic volatility of firms? – An exploration of trend throughout the global financial crisis” Presented at 7th Annual Faculty Conference, Kingston Business School, Kingston University London.