
Professor David Wright

Head of School of Healthcare

School/Department: Healthcare, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 5992




David Wright is a Professor of Health Services Research and Head of the School of Healthcare at the University of Leicester. He is also a Professor of Clinical Pharmacy at the University of Bergen in Norway.

David is an enthusiastic educator, having won Chancellor awards for his teaching at two of his previous institutes.  He has been responsible for setting up a number of new undergraduate and postgraduates courses, always working closely with employers and students to ensure that courses produce excellent and and highly employable graduates.

With over 100 peer-reviewed publications, David has attracted more than £8M in research income as principle investigator and successfully supervised 15 PhD students to completion. David is responsible for chairing a number of national reviews in the field of pharmacy practice and the development of three national guidelines for people with dysphagia.  He has published three books and contributed to chapters in two others.

David’s research interests are centred on the optimisation of medicines for older people, in particular those living within care homes, individuals with dysphagia an the use of pharmacogenomics.  He additionally has an interest in pedagogical research, particularly in the development of pharmacists as clinical practitioners and their integration into healthcare teams.  His research expertise is in the evaluation of complex interventions, through the delivery of systematic reviews, feasibility studies and definitive randomised controlled trials. 

David’s research resulted in the development of, which is designed to support patients, carers and practitioners to identify the best medication formulation for those with dysphagia plus International Massive On-Line Open Courses regarding ‘Medicines and dysphagia’, ‘Administering medicines in care homes’ and ‘The development and evaluation of Complex Interventions’.  He has also created an interactive, free to access, app 'Pharmaquest' to held healthcare professionals enhance their knowledge of medicines.


David's research area is medicines optimisation within older people particularly within the care home environment, in those with dysphagia and in the use of pharmacogenomics. His expertise is in the development and evaluation of complex interventions which significant experience of undertaking feasibility studies and definitive trials. To date David has secured over £8M in research funds as principle investigator with a further £2M as co-applicant. David has also attracted research funding from the Medicines Research Council and Norwegian Pharmaceutical Society. He has over 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals with a Google H-Index of 31.


Kandiah J, Nazar H, Wright D. Formative service evaluation of transfer of care service for care home residents after hospital discharge.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 2022; riac045,

Youssef, E., Thornley, T., Guchelaar, H.-J. and Wright, D.J. Pharmacogenetics: optimising prescribing in primary care 
Prescriber 2022; 33: 10-13.

Ngo E, Nordeng H, Wright D. Impact of a mobile application for tracking nausea and vomiting during pregnancy (NVP) on NVP symptoms, quality of life, and decisional conflicts regarding NVP treatments: the MinSafeStart randomized controlled trial
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth (forthcoming). doi:10.2196/36226

Rendell T, Barnett J, Scott S, Wright D. The development of a pharmacogenomic testing service in community pharmacy 
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 2022: In Press.

Rendell T, Barnett J, Scott S, Wright D. Co-designing a community pharmacy pharmacogenomics testing service in the UK
BMC Health Services Research 2022; 22: 378.

Kinsey, H., Sokhi, J., Christou, M., Wright, D. Longitudinal placements for trainee pharmacists: Learning whilst improving patient care. 
Medication Education 2022; 56(2): 220-8.

Dziewas R, Michou E, Trapl-Grundschober M, Lal A, Arsava EM, Bath PM, Clavé P, Glahn J, Hamdy S, Pownall S, Schindler A, Walshe M, Wirth R, Wright D, Verin E. European Stroke Organisation and European Society for Swallowing Disorders guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of post-stroke dysphagia. Eur Stroke J. 2021 Sep;6(3):LXXXIX-CXV. 

Birt, L., Dalgarno, L., Wright, D.J. et al. Process evaluation for the Care Homes Independent Pharmacist Prescriber Study (CHIPPS). 
BMC Health Serv Res 21, 1041 (2021).

Wright, DJ., Blyth, A., Maskrey, V., Norris, N., Bond, CM., Hughes, CM., Alldred, DP., Holland, RC., CHIPPS Team. Development and feasibility testing of an evidence-based training programme for pharmacist independent prescribers responsible for the medicines-related activities within care homes. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 2021; 29(4): 376-84.

Rendell, T., Barnett, J., Wright, D. How community pharmacy pharmacogenomics testing services around the world can inform their design and delivery in the UK. The Pharmaceutical Journal 2021; November 2021, Vol 307, No 7955; 307(7955): DOI:10.1211/PJ.2021.1.110966.

Kosari S, Koerner J, Naunton M, Peterson GM, Haider I, Lancsar E, Wright D, Niyonsenga T, Davey R. 
Integrating pharmacists into aged care facilities to improve the quality use of medicine (PiRACF Study): protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial.  Trials. 2021 Jun 11;22(1):390. doi: 10.1186/s13063-021-05335-0. PMID: 34116708; PMCID: PMC8193166.

Hatton, K., Bhattacharya, D., Scott, S. & Wright, D. Barriers and facilitators to pharmacists integrating into the ward-based multidisciplinary team: a systematic review and meta-synthesis. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2021;17(11):1923-36. Doi: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2021.02.006. Epub 2021 Feb 16.

Thornley, T., Esquivel, B., Wright, D. J., van den Dop, H., Kirkdale, C. L. & Youssef, E. Implementation of pharmacogenomic testing service through community pharmacy in the Netherlands: Results from an early service evaluation. 12 Feb 2021. Pharmacy. 9, 38.

Youssef, E. Kirkdale C, Thornley T, Wright, D. Estimating the potential impact of implementing pre-emptive pharmacogenetic testing in primary care across the UK. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2021; 87(7): 2907-2925.

Christou, M., Shelton, G., Walji, M., Kinsey, H., Whiteside, H. & Wright, D. Structured block placements of hospital pre-registration trainee pharmacists in primary care medical practices across the United Kingdom: Lessons from a pilot scheme. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. 2021; 13(3): 302-311.

Scott, S., Wright, D. J. & Bhattacharya, D. The role of behavioural science in changing deprescribing practice. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2021; 87(1): 39-41

Kirkdale, C., Archer, Z., Thornley, T., Wright, D., Valeur, M., Gourlay, N. & Ayerst, K. Accessing mole-scanning through community pharmacy; a pilot service in collaboration with dermatology specialists. Pharmacy 2020; 8(4): 231. 

Desborough, J., Clark, A., Houghton, J., Sach, T., Shaw, V., Kirthisingha, V., Holland, R. & Wright, D. Clinical and cost effectiveness of a multi-professional medication reviews in care homes (CAREMED). International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 2020; 28(6): 626-634.

Scott, S., May, H., Patel, M., Wright, D. J. & Bhattacharya, D. A practitioner behaviour change intervention for deprescribing in the hospital setting. Age and Ageing. 2021; 50(2): 581-586

Lane, K., Bond, C., Wright, D., Alldred, D. P., Desborough, J., Holland, R., Hughes, C. & Poland, F.  “Everyone needs to understand each other’s systems”: stakeholder views on the acceptability and viability of a Pharmacist Independent Prescriber (PIP) role in care homes for older people in the UK. Health & Social Care in the Community 2020; 28(5): 1479-1487.

Sokhi, J., Desborough, J., Norris, N. & Wright, D. Learning from community pharmacists' initial experiences of a workplace-based training program. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 2020; 12(8); 932-939.

Wright, D., Maskrey, V., Blyth, A., Norris, N., Alldred, D. P., Bond, C., Desborough, J., Hughes, C. & Holland, R. Systematic review and narrative synthesis of pharmacist provided medicines optimisation services in care homes for older people to inform the development of a generic training or accreditation process. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2020; 28(3) 207-219.

Dann-Reed, E., Poland, F. & Wright, D. Systematic review to inform the development of a community pharmacy-based intervention for people affected by dementia. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 2020; 28(3): 233-245.

Bond, C. M., Holland, R., Alldred, D. P., Arthur, A., Barton, G., Blyth, A., Desborough, J., Ford, J. C., Handford, C., Hill, H. J., Hughes, C. M., Maskrey, V., Massey, K., Myint, P. K., Norris, N., Poland, F., Shepstone, L., Turner, D., Zermansky, A. & Wright, D. Protocol for the process evaluation of a cluster randomised controlled trial to determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of independent pharmacist prescribing in care home: the CHIPPS study. 
Trials 2020; 21: 439.

Evans, G. & Wright, D. Long-term evaluation of a UK Community Pharmacy-Based Weight Management Service. 
Pharmacy 2020; 8 (1): 22. doi: 10.3390/pharmacy8010022.

Bond, C. M., Holland, R., Alldred, D. P., Arthur, A., Barton, G., Blyth, A., Desborough, J., Ford, J. C., Handford, C., Hill, H. J., Hughes, C. M., Maskrey, V., Massey, K., Myint, P. K., Norris, N., Poland, F., Shepstone, L., Turner, D., Zermansky, A. & Wright, D.
Protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial to determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of independent pharmacist prescribing in care homes: the CHIPPS study. Trials 21 2020; (103):



I am interested in supervising PhD topics focused on the provision of pharmaceutical care for older persons and development of the skills necessary to develop and evaluate complex interventions.


David is an experienced teacher who has taught undergraduate and postgraduates across a number of different healthcare professions. He currently teaching medical statistics, health economics and evidence-based practice for healthcare professionals. He has a particular interest in teaching how to manage the influence of pharma when prescribing.

David has experience of problem based learning, team based learning and portfolio based assessment and had undertaken national reviews of pharmacist education and the use of competency frameworks within the profession. Whilst enjoying delivering traditional lectures, David prefers small group teaching via seminars and workshops.

David has created and continues to manage a number of massive open on-line courses regarding 'Medicines and dysphagia', 'Medicines administration for carers' and 'Development and evaluation of complex interventions'.  He has developed a website to support people with dysphagia, and create an interactive app to develop healthcare professional knowledge of medicines, 'Pharmaquest'.


Press and media

Medicines use within care homes. Community pharmacy.


Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society Member of the Primary Care Pharmacy Association Senior Editor of Pharmacy Journal


BPharm(Hons), PGCHEP, PhD

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