
Dr David Edwards

Lecturer in Archaeology

School/Department: Archaeology and Ancient History, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 2881



I studied History at York University an MLitt in Archaeology at Newcastle University and a PhD at Cambridge University while also working for several years as a professional field archaeologist around Britain; coming to Leicester in 1999. I have extensive field experience in Nubia/Sudan as well as in many parts of Britain as well as Egypt Jordan and Libya. My primary research interests remain in Sudanese/Nubian archaeology from the Bronze Age to the recent.


Much of my research has found a regional focus in Nubia Sudan and Sudanic Africa with more recent research concerned both with large multi-period landscape studies the Historical/Islamic/Ottoman archaeology of Sudanic Africa as well as social archaeologies relating to pottery and pottery use. My current work is focussing in publishing the archives of the (UNESCO-Sudan Antiquities Service) Archaeological Survey of Sudanese Nubia 1963-1969.


Edwards, D.N. (ed.)  2020. The Archaeological Survey of Sudanese Nubia 1963-69. The Pharaonic Sites, Oxford: Archaeopress/SARS. [with A.J. Mills]
Edwards, D.N. 2020. Landscape Archaeologies in Nubia and the Middle Nile, in G. Emberling & B. Williams (eds) Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Edwards, D.N. 2020. 'Early states and urban forms in the Middle Nile' In. Sterry, M. and Mattingly, D.J. (eds). Urbanisation and State-Formation in the Ancient Sahara and Beyond. Cambridge University Press, 359-395.
Edwards,  D.N. 2019. Islamic archaeology in Nubia, in D. Raue (ed.) Handbook of Ancient Nubia, Berlin: De Gruyter, 965-84. 
Edwards, D.N. 2019.  'Between the Sahara and the Nile: some comparative perspectives', In Gatto, M. et al. (eds). Burials, Migration and Identity in the Ancient Sahara and beyond. Cambridge: CUP, 195-22
Edwards, D.N. 2018. 'Late Antique Nubia revisited'. In Bacs, T., Bollok, Ã. and Vida, T. (eds) Across the Mediterranean - Along the Nile. Studies in Egyptology, Nubiology and Late Antiquity dedicated to Laslo Torok on the Occasion of His 75th Birthday, Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences/LTE, 539-556.
Edwards, D.N. 2018. 'Towards a Historical Archaeology of Ottoman Nubia, In Honegger, M. (ed.) Nubian Archaeology in the XXIst Century. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference for Nubian Studies (Neuchatel, 1-6 September 2014). (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 273), Leuven: Peeters, 645-660.
Edwards, D. N. 2014. 'Creating Christian Nubia: Processes and Events on the Egyptian Frontier', in J. Dijkstra and G. Fishers (eds) Inside and Out. Interactions between Rome and the Peoples on the Arabian and Egyptian Frontiers, Leuven: Peeters.
Edwards, D. N. (ed.) 2012. The Archaeology of a Nubian Frontier, Leicester: Mauhaus
Edwards D.N. 2004. The Nubian Past: An Archaeology of the Sudan, London: Routledge.
Edwards D.N. 1999. Musawwarat es Sufra III. A Meroitic Pottery Workshop at Musawwarat es Sufra. (Meroitica 17:2). Weisbaden: Harrassowitz.
Edwards D.N.  1998. Gabati. A Meroitic, post-Meroitic and medieval cemetery in central Sudan. Volume 1. London: SARS.
Edwards D.N.  1996. The Archaeology of the Meroitic State: new perspectives on its social and political organisation. Cambridge Monographs in African Archaeology 38. Oxford. 


Applicants are welcome from those interested in PhD research relating to Sudan Nubia and Sudanic Africa particularly relating to ceramic culture pottery mortuary archaeologies and landscape-scale studies. Students interested in working with the ASSN archive would be especially welcome.


I teach at all levels of Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies campus and distance learning including Egyptian and Nubian/Sudanese archaeology medieval archaeology landscape archaeologies archaeologies of religion and belief and skills for Professional Archaeology.


Associate Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (ACIfA)

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