
Dr Dan Stewart

Lecturer in Ancient History

School/Department: Archaeology and Ancient History, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 2172



BA (Memorial University of Newfoundland) MA (British Columbia) PhD (Leicester) SFHEA Prior to joining the school in October 2008 I held positions at University College London and the University of Birmingham. I am the co-director of a fieldwork project at Roman Knossos served as field director of the Sikyon Survey Project and have been involved in archaeological projects in Greece Syria and North America. My research straddles the line between Ancient History and Archaeology interweaving texts and objects to examine the landscapes of the Eastern Mediterranean.


My research explores the relationship between ancient texts archaeological materials and the way we frame our understandings of the past. I’m particularly interested in cultural interaction in the Hellenistic and Roman eastern Mediterranean with a focus on what is now mainland Greece and Crete. Most recently this has entailed research projects on Roman Knossos change and continuity in landscape and land use within the Peloponnese of Greece and how landscapes affect communities over time. My research methodology involves the integration of both urban and rural data from a variety of sources. I have experience integrating archaeological field survey data excavated material and textual data.My current work on Knossos uses a new programme of geophysical investigation and archival research in order to help illuminate the Roman city. This work on archaeological landscapes has led to an interest in exploring literary landscapes or how landscapes (both urban and rural) were represented within ancient sources. This has led to research on the historiography of landscape and landscape archaeology especially within the work of Pausanias 


D. Stewart (2013a) Reading the Landscapes of the Rural Peloponnese: Landscape Change and Regional Variation in an Early 'Provincial' Setting: BAR International Series 2504. Oxford: Archaeopress. 
D. Stewart (in prep.) Sparta: An Archaeological History. Under contract at Bloomsbury (due 2022).
D. Stewart (forthcoming, 2022) Inventing the Hellenistic Peloponnese in M. Pagkalos, A. Scarpato, J. Ainsworth (eds.) The Hellenistic Peloponnese: New Perspectives. Leiden: Brill.
D. Stewart (forthcoming, 2021) When Words Paint Pictures: Text and Visual Reconstruction in Archaeology in S. Klamm, E. Hoffman, and C. Schnell (eds.) Archeologie und Rekonstruktion [Archaeology and Reconstruction]. Transformationen der Antike 55. Berlin: De Gruyter. 
D. Stewart (2020) Sikyon Contribution to Survey Methodology in Y. Lolos (ed.) The Sikyon Survey Project, 2004-2010. Athens: Melethmata. 
D. Stewart (2018) Pinpointing Pausanias: Ethnography, Analogy, and Autopsy, in E. Varto (ed.) The Classics and Early Anthropology: A Companion in Classical Reception. Leiden: Brill. 279-300.
D. Stewart (2017) Spartan History from Leuctra to Nabis, in A. Powell (ed.) A Companion to Sparta. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 374-402.
D. Stewart (in prep) The Making of a Roman City: Knossos on Crete, Annual of the British School at Athens. 
D. Stewart (2014) Rural Sites in Roman Greece Archaeological Reports 60: 117-132.
D. Stewart (2013b) Most Worth Remembering: Pausanias, Analogy, and Classical Archaeology Hesperia 82.2, 231-261.


Hellenistic and Roman Greece especially Crete and the Peloponnese Urban and Rural Landscapes The intersection of Text and Material Culture The Greek East


I am heavily involved in teaching in the School and have taught on many of our modules across all levels. As I straddle the line between Ancient History and Archaeology you’ll often find me popping up in all our degrees - undergraduate postgraduate distance learning and campus based. One of the best parts of the job is interacting with students and exploring the past together. You’ll see me most often in year 1 modules outlining the social history of Greece and Rome (AH1010 AH1011 AH1552) and those that look at our sources of evidence for the classical past (AH1008 AH1009). I am also involved in modules examining sources in close detail (AH2012 AH2045) and will often run a specialist module tied to an area of research (AH3015 AH3061 AH2552). But you’ll also find me in more strictly archaeology modules outlining the material culture of the Greek east or approaches to landscapes. 

Press and media

The archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean Misuse of Ancient History Ancient Urbanism Crete and the Peloponnese Archaeology in modern Greece Relationship between text and archaeology


I am currently chair of the Archaeology Committee at the British School at Athens (BSA). You can find more information on the role of the BSA here:


BA (Memorial University of Newfoundland) MA (British Columbia) PhD (Leicester) SFHEA

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