
Professor Clive D Fraser

Professor of Economics

School/Department: Business, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)798 627 0032



I am a Jamaican-born microeconomic theorist specialising in mathematical economics and all aspects of public sector economics. I have a BSocSci degree in Mathematical Economics from the University of Birmingham and a PhD in Economics from the University of Southampton. My academic career began in 1978 at the University of York continued 1980-95 at the University of Warwick and since September 1995 I have been a Professor of Economics at the University of Leicester. I was Head of Department 2005-2008 and I have undertaken the full range of major service roles within the Departments at Warwick and Leicester. I am currently the school of Business' Diversity Champion and a member of the University's Gender Equality Action Group. I am heavily involved in outreach work especially with community interest organisations seeking to boost the attainment and recognition of members of the Global Majority (i.e. Blacks and Browns) in the UK. I have also been an External Examiner for microeconomics at the Universities of Exeter Lingnan (Hong Kong) and Warwick and a PhD examiner at various institutions.


I research problems where risk and/or population size are significant - e.g., the provision of shared goods when congestion matters (e.g., "clubs"), or with "large number" effects analogous to "free-rider problems". One such problem with risk and population size playing significant roles involves "safety in numbers" in the household. Does an increase in the population at physical risk in the household induce increased risk-reduction efforts? I develop new mathematical tools to analyse this problem. Much of my recent research tries to understand charitable giving and to model theoretically the empirically important role religion plays in giving. I develop the first model wherein charitable donations can be used either for private transfers to the poor (poverty alleviation), from which donors do not benefit directly, or for the provision of a public good, from which everyone benefits. I show that the dominant theoretical models in the literature cannot explain giving for poverty alleviation in competition with public good provision in large societies, but my new model that reflects certain religious tenets can. 


Clive D Fraser, 1984, Optimal Compensation for Potential Fatality, Journal of Public Economics, 23(3), 307-332.

Clive D. Fraser, 1992, The Uniqueness of Nash Equilibrium in the Private Provision of Public Goods: An Alternative Proof, Journal of Public Economics, 49(3), 389-90.

Clive D. Fraser, 1995, Misperceived Job Hazards and Welfare, Journal of Public Economics, 56(1), 97-123. DOI: 10.1016/0047-2727(93)01414-6

Clive D. Fraser, 1996, On the Provision of Excludable Public Goods. Journal of Public Economics, 60(1), 111-130.

Clive D. Fraser, 2000, When is Efficiency Separable from Distribution in the Provision of Club Goods? Journal of Economic Theory, 90, 204-221.

Clive D. Fraser, 2001, Income Risk, the Tax-Benefit System and the Demand for Children. Economica, 68, 105-125.

Ali al-Nowaihi and Clive D. Fraser, 2007, Is the public sector too large in an economy with club goods? A case when consumers differ in both tastes and incomes. Economic Modelling, 24 (6), 1018-31. DOI:10.1016/j.econmod.2007.04.002.

Bipasa Datta and Clive D Fraser, 2017, The company you keep: Qualitative uncertainty in providing a club good. Journal of Public Economic Theory. 117, pages 763-788. DOI: 10.1111/jpet.12244.

Clive D. Fraser, 2021, Protection in numbers? Self-protection as a local public good. Journal of Mathematical Economics (forthcoming).

Clive D. Fraser, 2021, Faith? Hope? Charity? Religion Explains Giving that Impure Altruism and Warm Glow Do Not. Status: Revise & Resubmit at the Manchester School.


I am willing to supervise students who wish to work in any topic in Public Economics including: political economy public good provision taxation poverty and inequality the state and the economics of the family including fertility behaviour regulation EDI.


EC3004 The Economics Dissertation; EC1025 Contemporary Issues in Economics Finance and Business.

Press and media

Analysing charitable behaviour; the analysis of risk; political economy; the economic position of Global Majority people (i.e. Blacks and Browns); decolonisation in Higher Education.


I work with Reach Society (RS; as a Black role model at careers conferences that they organise in London to inspire Black youngsters particularly males to explore viable career strategies. I also organise similar employability days in Leicester at the University of Leicester in association with RS and and the affiliated Foundation for Reach Society Leicestershire (FFRSL). These activities link with my role as Diversity Champion in the School of Business and member of the University's Gender Equality Action Group.


I am a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (FIMA).

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