
Dr Clara Garavelli

Associate Professor in Spanish and Latin American Studies

School/Department: Arts, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 2687



I joined the University of Leicester in September 2013 having previously worked at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain) as Graduate Teaching Assistant. I was also visiting scholar at Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN Tandil Argentina), and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain). At UoL I am a Associate Professor in Spanish and Latin American Studies. I combine my research activity with being an editorial board member of the Spanish film journal 'Secuencias. Revista de Historia del Cine' (UAM-Maia Ediciones) with working with the art collective Art Ubicua ( and with administering Argentine artist Graciela Sacco's Estate.


I specialise in Argentine cinema, particularly the connections between cinema and Fine Arts. I have been working with various research groups and cultural institutions, including the Argentine Association of Audiovisual Studies (ASAECA, 2014-2015); the Instituto Internacional de la lengua Española (FIILE, 2016-2019); Grupo Arte y Contemporaneidad (UNR, Argentina) (2016-2020); Museo Castagnino+macro (Argentina, 2018-2020); and the International Festival of Video Art (FIVA, Buenos Aires, 2012-2020). I have curated several exhibitions, including:

Entre la caja negra y el cubo blanco: Cine y video en sus límites mediales - Castagnino+macro Museum, Rosario (Argentina), October 2019 - March 2020 (> 6,000 attendees)

Entre lenguas: Video experimental argentino - Cinemateca Brasileira (Brazil) & Centro Cultural de España (Miami, USA), 2017; Museu Da Imagem e Do Som (Brazil), 2016. Funded by Instituto Cervantes and FIILE.

I was jury member of: VIII International Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art (2019, Madrid, Spain), the 2nd and 3rd Edition of FIVA, Buenos Aires 2012 & 2013.
In the past years, I have been working on Latin American Stardom, focusing on Argentine actor Ricardo Darí­n. 



  • Garavelli, C. (Forthcoming), Ricardo Dara­n and the Construction of Latin American Film Stardom, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Exhibition Catalogue (2016) - Entre lenguas: Video experimental argentino (Rosario: Fundacion Instituto Internacional de la Lengua Espanola y Centro Arte y Contemporaneidad de la UNR). Available online at:
  • Video Experimental Argentino Contemporáneo: Una Cartografía Crítica, (Buenos Aires: Eduntref)

Edited Books and Special Issues

  • Garavelli, C. and Wilson, K. (eds.) (2021), 'Gender, Sexuality, Film, and Media in Latin America', Latin American Perspectives, Issue 237, Vol. 48, no2, March -
  • Campo, J.; Crowder-Taraborrelli, T.; Garavelli, C.; Piedras, P.; and Wilson, K. (eds.) (2020), El cine documental: Una encrucijada estatica y politica, Buenos Aires: Prometeo libros.
  • Torres, A. and Garavelli, C. (2015) Poaticas del movimiento. Aproximaciones al cine y video experimental argentino, Buenos Aires: Libraria.
  • Arroyo, P.; Garavelli, C.; M. Casa¡us, and M. L. Ortega, Reflexiones fragmentadas: pensar los Estudios Culturales desde Espaza, (Madrid: Editorial Verbum, 2012)

Articles and Book Chapters

  • 'Experimenting with TV: The Hour of the Furnaces at the crossroads of Cinematic Experimentalism and Video Art', in Campo, J. and Parez-Blanco, H. (eds.), A Trail of fire for Political Cinema. The Hour of the Furnaces. Fifty Years Later, (Bristol: Intellect, forthcoming 2019)
  • 'Recycling in Times of Crisis: The Case of Oligatega Numeric (Argentina)', in alter/nativas: Latin American cultural studies journal, Spring no6, 2016, ISSN 21688451.
  • 'Ricardo Daran', in Urraca, B. and Kramer, G. M. (eds.), Directory of World Cinema: Argentina, Vol. II, (Bristol: Intellect, 2016).
  • 'Cinema as Found footage in experimental Argentine video', New Cinemas, 13: 1 (2015): pp. 65-77, doi: 10.1386/ncin.13.1.65_1
  • Le XXIe siècle et les défis de la numérisation, in special issue edited by M. L. Ortega and P. Feenstra, Le Nouveau Du Cinama Argentina, in Cinamaction, 2015, Paris: Ed. Corlet, pp. 50-57
  • 'Conquering the Conquerors: Ricardo Daran's Rise to Stardom in Spanish Film Culture', in Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 92.4 (2015): pp. 411-428
  • The Swimming Pool as a Site of Subversion During the Spanish Transition: The Case of Pepito piscina (Delgado 1978), in Hirsch, P. and Brown, C. (eds.), The Cinema of the Swimming Pool, (Switzerland: Peter Lang, 2014)
  • 'Fernando E. Solanas', in Urraca, B. and Kramer, G. M. (eds.), Directory of World Cinema: Argentina, (Bristol: Intellect, 2014), pp. 32-36.
  • 'Memorias en transicion. Producciones videogra¡ficas argentinas contempora¡neas entre el video de creacian y el corto documental', in Revista Cine Documental, no9, 2014, pp. 24-45.
  • ‘La cultura visual en la Argentina. De la construcción binaria a la incertidumbre’, in Gutman, M. and Molinos, R. (eds.), Construir Bicentenarios Latinoamericanos en la era de la Globalización, (Buenos Aires: Infinito, 2012). [This article was awarded a special mention by OLA, FADU and the New School University of New York, 2008].
  • 'Post-Crisis Argentine Films: de-localizing daily life through the lens of Jorge Gaggero', in Studies inHispanic Cinema, 7.1 (2010): pp. 35-46.


I would welcome enquiries from prospective postgraduate students, particularly in the following areas:

Argentine cinema

Argentine History of Art

Latin American cinema

Documentary film

Video art

Experimental film and video



I currently teach on the following undergraduate modules:

    SP1022 Introduction to Spanish and Latin American Studies
    SP2025 Argentina: From Perón to Kirchner
    SP3010 Final Year Spanish Language Proficiency Level
    SP3160 New Argentine Cinema
    SP3140 Cinematic Representations of Latin America: Local versus Global
    SP2037 Hispanic Documentary Film
    HA2030 Researching World Cinema

I also teach on the following postgraduate course:

    HA7207 Film and Film Cultures in Historical Contexts

Press and media

I would welcome enquiries on the following topics:

  • Argentine cinema
  • Ricardo Darín
  • Latin American cinema
  • Video art
  • Graciela Sacco
  • Argentine Fine Arts


    PhD, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
    MPhil, University of Cambridge, UK
    BA in Spanish and Latin American Studies, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK
    Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy

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