
Professor Bee Kang Tan

Professor of Obstetrics & Reproductive Sciences and College of Life Sciences International Lead

School/Department: Cardiovascular Sciences Department of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 5841


Address: Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Leicester, LE1 7RH


Professor Bee K Tan is a clinician scientist based at the University of Leicester United Kingdom (UK). He is also an Honorary Consultant at University Hospitals Leicester NHS Trust and RCOG accredited Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine (he completed his fellowship in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery in Cambridge). He obtained his Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from the Norwich Medical School and his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree from the University of Warwick. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (FRCOG), Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Glasgow [FRCS (Glasg)], Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland [FRCP(Ire)] and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). I have 110 manuscripts, published a monograph and contributed to 3 book chapters to date. I am primary author (first or senior) for 56 of these publications with a Scopus h-index of 43 and m-index of 2.7.


"Medical Research Council (MRC) UK research grants:  1. MAGIC (MAlaysian Glycaemia In pregnancy Cohort study) study (Principal Investigator) 2. Role of HbA1c and 50g GCT in early detection and prediction of gestational diabetes and associated maternal and fetal complications in Thailand (Principal Investigator) 3. Challenging the dogma of homogeneity in gestational diabetes (Co-Investigator) "


Hu J Gillies CL Lin S Stewart ZA Melford SE Abrams KR Baker PN Khunti K Tan BK. Association of maternal lipid profile and gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 292 studies and 97880 women. EClinicalMedicine 2021;34:100830

Gharanei S Fishwick K Peter Durairaj R Jin T Siamantouras E Liu K Straube A Lucas ES Weston CJ Rantakari P Salmi M Jalkanen S Brosens JJ Tan BK. Vascular adhesion protein-1 determines the cellular properties of endometrial pericytes. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 2021;8:621016

Ahmed I Azhar A Eltaweel N Tan BK. First Covid-19 maternal mortality in the UK associated with thrombotic complications. British Journal of Haematology 2020;190(1):e37-e38

Vounzoulaki E Khunti K Abner S Tan B Davies M Gillies C. Progression to type 2 diabetes in women with a known history of gestational diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. British Medical Journal 2020;369:m1361

Seedat F Geppert J Stinton C Patterson J Freeman K Johnson SA Fraser H Brown CS Uthman OA Tan B Robinson ER McCarthy ND Clarke A Marshall J Visintin C Mackie A Taylor-Phillips S. Universal antenatal screening for group B streptococcus may cause more harm than good. British Medical Journal 2019;364:l463

Johnston R Uthman O Cummins E Clar C Royle P Colquitt J Tan BK Clegg A Shantikumar S Court R O’Hare JP McGrane D Holt T Waugh N. Canagliflozin dapagliflozin and empagliflozin monotherapy for treating type 2 diabetes: systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment 2017;21(2):1-218

Murakami K Bhandari H Lucas ES Takeda S Gargett CE Quenby S Brosens JJ Tan BK. Deficiency in clonogenic endometrial mesenchymal stem cells in obese women with reproductive failure - a pilot study. PLoS One 2013;8(12):e82582

Tan BK Adya R Chen J Lehnert H Sant Cassia LJ Randeva HS. Metformin Treatment Exerts Antiinvasive and Antimetastatic Effects in Human Endometrial Carcinoma Cells. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2011;96(3):808-16

Tan BK Chen J Farhatullah S Adya R Heutling D Kaur J Heutling D Lewandowski KC O'Hare JP Lehnert H Randeva HS. Insulin and Metformin Regulate Circulating and Adipose Tissue Chemerin. Diabetes 2009;58(9):1971-77

Tan BK Vandekerckhove P Kennedy R Keay SD. The investigation and current management of recurrent IVF treatment failure in the UK. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2005;112(6):773-80 "


My research and supervision focuses on metabolic, cardiovascular, reproductive disorders and reproductive stem cells.

I have supervised BSc, MSc, MPH, MPhil, MD and PhD students; successfully completed supervision of 12 postgraduate research students.

I currently supervise 1 MPhil and 5 PhD students.

I am also a supervisor of the RCOG Advanced Professional Module in Clinical Research; successfully completed the supervision of 2 subspecialty clinical trainees.

In addition to my research students, my research team comprises a postdoctoral research associate and 2 NIHR Clinical Lecturers.

Together we are the 'Reproductive Sciences Research Group, University of Leicester'.



I teach BSc, MSc, MBChB, MPH, MPhil, MD and PhD students.

Press and media

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, metabolic, cardiovascular, reproductive disorders and reproductive stem cells.


MyO&G 2022, 12-13 March 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Invited Speaker)


Classical music and walking.

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