
Professor Athina Karatzogianni

Professor of Technology and Society

School/Department: School of Criminology, Sociology and Social Policy



My primary scholarship is a sustained inquiry into how digital networks have transformed conflict, security, activism, and geopolitics. Employing diverse digital methods such as netnography and various forms of data analytics in collaboration with scholars from political communication, history, sociology, and computer science, I have led research on the impact of digital communication technologies on ideology, governance, and organisation, particularly in relation to conflict, cybersecurity, and digital governance. Combining elements of digital media theory and internet studies with social movement/resource mobilisation theory, and international conflict analysis, I developed an integrated framework (Cyberconflict Theory) with specific entry points for scholars of political conflicts in the everyday-networked environment. This had a particular focus on the use of digital networks by protest organisations, social movements, and insurgencies, for the investigation of civic media engagement, conflict, and mobilisation. My latest book is titled Fractal Leadership: Ideologisation from the 1960s to Contemporary Social Movements (2024, Emerald). I am currently working on the book Cybersecurity and Digital Politics for Oxford University Press.


Currently I am co-Investigator (co-I) on the UKRI project 'Self-learning AI-based Digital Twins for Accelerating Clinical Care in Respiratory Emergency Admissions' (SLAIDER). Previously, I was the Principal Investigator (PI) for the H2020 project for the European Commission DigiGen THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGICAL TRANSFORMATIONS ON THE DIGITAL GENERATION, leading the work on ICT and Civic Participation (2019-2022)

Other Key funded projects projects include: Principal Investigator IRDF ODA: COVID-19 Urgency Call: COVID19 Disinformation and Response in India, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand: A Comparative Social Network Analysis Study on Twitter (2020-2021);

Principal Investigator BA/Leverhulme The New Frontier of Industrial Relations Research: Investigating the Social Media Networks and Digital Geography of Contemporary Industrial Action (2020-2021);

Co-Investigator Enurture ESRC Live Streaming and Mental Health in Children and Youth (2019-2021); Principal Investigator HEFCE GCREF Megacities and Development: Megamachines of Hope and Alienation (2018-2019);

Co-Investigator ESRC PACCS The Common Good: Ethics and Rights in Cyber Security (2014-2017). Principal Investigator FP7 EU MIG@NET Transnational Digital Networks, Migration and Gender (2010-2013)



(2021) 'Research Design for an Integrated Artificial Intelligence Ethical Framework'. Monitoring of Public Opinion. pp 31-45.  
(2020) Aldrich, R.J and Karatzogianni A. 'Postdigital War Beneath the Sea? The Stack's underwater Cable Insecurity', co-authored with Richard Aldrich, Journal of Digital War
(2019) Karatzogianni A, Robinson A.'Virilio's Parting Song: The Administration of Fear and the Privatisation of Communism through the Communism of Affect', co-authored with Andrew Robinson, Media Theory 3(2):161-178.  
(2018) 'Platform Ideologies: Ideological production in digital intermediation platforms and structural effectivity in the 'sharing economy'' co-authored with Jacob Matthews, Television & New Media.  
(2017) 'Schizorevolutions vs. Microfascisms: The Fear of Anarchy in State Securitization' co-authored with Andrew Robinson, Journal of International Political Theory, 13(3), pp. 282 - 295. 
(2017) 'Evil Intermediation Platforms', short article co-authored with Jacob Matthews, special issue Evil Infrastructures, edited by Christopher Kelty, Cultural Anthropology, April 2017. 
(2017) 'A Comparative Cyberconflict Analysis of Digital Activism Across Post-Soviet Countries', co-authored with Galina Miazhevich and Anastasia Denisova, Journal of Comparative Sociology, 16:1, pp. 1-25. Brill.
(2015) 'Hack or Be Hacked: The Quasi-Totalitarianism of Global Trusted Networks', co-authored with Martin Gak, New Formations: A Journal of Culture, Theory, Politics, No.84/85 Societies of Control.
(2015) 'The Social Media Political Subject is an Infant', Social Media + Society, Volume: 1 issue: 1, article first published online: May 11, 2015; Issue published: April 29, 2015
(2014) 'Digital Prometheus: WikiLeaks, the State-Network Dichotomy and the Antinomies of Academic Reason' co-authored with Andrew Robinson, International Journal of Communication, 8, Feature 1-20. 1932–8036/2014FEA0002
(2010) ‘Blame it on the Russians: Tracking the Portrayal of Russians During Cyber Conflict Incidents’, Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media, 4, pp. 127-150. ISSN 2040-462X.
(2009) 'Cyberconflict at the Edge of Chaos: Cryptohierarchies and Self-organization in the Open Source Movement' co-authored with G. Michaelides, in P Moore and A. Karatzogianni, (eds) Parallel Visions of P2P production: Governance, Organization and the New Economies, Special issue, Capital and Class, 97, pp.143-159.
(2004) ‘The Politics of Cyberconflict’, Journal of Politics, 24:1, pp.46-55.

Books (Monographs, Co-authored)

(Forthcoming 2022) Cybersecurity and Digital Politics, co-authored with Richard Aldrich, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(2018) Platform Economics: Rhetoric and Reality the ""Sharing Economy"", co-authored with Cristiano Codag and Jacob Matthews, Bingley, UK: Emerald.
(2015) Firebrand Waves of Digital Activism 1994-2014: The Rise and Spread of Hacktivism and Cyberconflict, Palgrave MacMillan. 
(2010) Power, Resistance and Conflict in the Contemporary World: Social Movements, Networks and Hierarchies, co-authored with Andrew Robinson, Routledge: London and New York. 
(2006) The Politics of Cyberconflict, Routledge Research on Internet and Society, Routledge: London and New York. 

Books (Edited volumes)

(eds) (2020) Media Technologies and Protest Revolutions: The Longue Duree, co-edited with Michael Schandorf and Ioanna Ferra, Bingley: Emerald.
(eds) (2020) The Emerald Handbook of Digital Media in Greece: Journalism and Political Communication in Times of Crisis, c-edited with Anastasia Veneti, Bingley: Emerald.
(eds) (2016) The Digital Transformation of the Public Sphere: Conflict, Migration, Crisis and Culture in Digital Networks, co-edited with Dennis Nguyen and Elisa Serafinelli, Palgrave Macmillan. 
(eds) (2012) Digital Cultures and the Politics of Emotion: Feelings, Affect and Technological Change, co-edited with Adi Kuntsman, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. 
(ed.) (2012) Violence and War in Culture and the Media: Five Disciplinary Lenses, Routledge Media, War and Security Series, London and New York: Routledge. 
(ed.) (2009) Cyber Conflict and Global Politics, Routledge Contemporary Security Studies, London and New York: Routledge.


Current PhD students as first supervisor:

Adogla, D: 'Africa's New Media-driven Political Activism';

Alathiyath Valappil, P: 'Patient Advocacy Groups and Big Pharma during the Opioid Crisis';

Covaliu P: 'The Influence of Secret Services on Media Freedom in Romania';

Jitkaroon, L: 'A Study of Dis- and Misinformation of Facebook Users in Thailand';

Ortiz Aravena, S: 'The Visual Communication of Chilean Environmental NGOs'

Completed as first supervisor:

Bajandouh, A: 'Digital Empowerment of Saudi Women in the Workforce';

Alshareef, M: 'Technosocial transformations of Education in Saudi Arabia';

Al Sultan, M: 'Digital Political Economy of Public Service Advertising in Saudi Arabia';

Macmillan, C: 'Posthumanism and the Sci-Fi Genre';

Mangalousi, D: 'Smart Cities and Communities in Europe';

Ferra, I: 'Social Media Activism and the Greek Crisis';

Dey, A: 'Digital Gender Activism in India';

Olabode, S: 'ICTs and Protest Mobilizations in Nigeria';

Serafinelli, E: 'New Mobile Visualities on Instagram';

Nguyen, D: 'The European Digital Public Sphere';

Kalogeras, V: 'Transmedia Storytelling and Internet Marketing';

Rahman, N: 'E-Health Services in Malaysia'


I currently do not teach for the university, because both my teaching and administrative duties have been bought out through research projects until January 2023. Previously I had the pleasure of leading and/or (co-)teaching the following modules:

(2014-2019) The Politics of Digital Media 
(2016-2019) Activism and Protest in the Information Age
(2014-2017) Digital Media in Everyday Life 
(2014-2016) Technology Culture and Power 
(2008-2014) Media Movements and Radical Politics 
(2008-2014)Media and Cultural Politics 
(2008-2014) Reporting the War and Security post 9/11 
(2008-2014) Media Convergence: Political Economy and Social Networking 
(2008-2014) Cyberculture and its Discontents 
(2007-2014) Media Theory, Analysis and Research Techniques 
(2006-2007) Media Globalization 
(2006-2007) Communication Theory, Analysis and Research Techniques 
(2006-2007) Internet Globalisation 
(2006-2007) Conflict Theory, Analysis and Resolution: From Traditional War to Cyberconflict
(2005-2006) Global Uprisings
(2002-2006) Understanding Global Politics
(2002-2006) Problems in Global Politics
(2002-2006) Ideas in Conflict
(2002-2006) Ideas in Revolution 

Press and media

A diverse array of media outlets has shown considerable interest in my work totalling over 40 interviews (i.e. BBC World Wired Prospect Le Monde Business Insider Daily Mail Sputnik The Conversation TRTWorld). I would be always very excited to talk to journalists as an expert on digital politics social network communication and the future of technology.


Recent Conferences  I organised or co-organised: 

(29-30 June/ 1 August 2022) 'Unblock: The potential of the Blockchain for Social Innovation', University of Leicester.

(26-27 May 2022) 'Divergent Temporalities: Capitalism and the Conquest of Space-Time' Panteion University Athens Greece.

(28 April 2022) 'Data Science Enhancement Workshop', University of Leicester.

(10 September 2021) OUT OF TIME: Revolutionary Arguments Past and Present organised with Roger Hallam and Jacob Matthews. Online symposium.

(31 March 2021) 'Geopolitics and Cross-cultural Comparisons of ICT Use by Governments Corporations and Civil Society Actors in the Global South' with Bassant Hassib at the Leicester Institute for Advanced Studies University of Leicester. 

(25-26 March 2021) 'Duty To Revolt: Transnational and Commemorative Aspects of Revolutions'. Online. 

(17 February 2021) 'Hacking Democracy: The Future of Network Activism in the Age of Coronapolitics and Disinfotainment'. Digital Symptoms Lab.

(16 September 2020)  ‘Leicester in Protest - Leicester in Lockdown’ CAMEo Online Symposium.

(24 June 2020) ‘Digital Symptoms’ CSSAH Online event.

(26-27 June 2018) ‘Megacities and Development: Megamachines of Hope and Alienation’ Cairo Egypt.

Recent Invited Conference Talks: 

(17 March 2021) 'Sleeping on a Volcano: The Ideologisation Process on Digital Networks'. Joint seminar at the Populism Research Group and the Centre for Research in Communication and Culture at Loughborough University. Online

(25 February 2021) 'The Black Box of Movement Leadership: From the 1960s to the Current Context' at the (De)Mobilising with Digital Media TREND webinar series at the University of South Carolina/Paris 8. Online.

(22 February 2021) 'Disinformation and Fake News' speaker at the International Seminar 'Disinformation as a Tool of Strategic Warfare', Institute of Regional Studies, Pakistan.

(11 February 2021) Speaker at the DEL4ALL Webinar 'Women in Science - Emerging Technologies in an E-Learning Environment'. Online.

(8 December 2020) Speaker at the 'AI Coordinate System for Further Research and Development Trajectory' panel at the 'AI Global Dimension - Governance Challenges' Conference at the Department of Digital Economy and Artificial Intelligence ADV Group at MGIMO-University, Russia. Online.

(27 October 2020) The Dark Side of Journalists Digital Labour within Indian Political Culture; Association of Internet Researchers, Dublin, Ireland. Online.

Media coverage

(4 March 2021) Interviewed for 'Red Sea Cables How UK and US spies listen to the Middle East' Middle East Eye.

(28 March 2020) 'Not having lockdown parties on Zoom?' Wired.

(14 January 2020) 'Arab Spring to #MeToo: How social media became a political force' Televisor.

(5 January 2020) 'Why this Instagram post is a stalker's dream' Sunday Mail You Magazine

(25 June 2019) TRT World. Targeted Political Ads: Are they Changing Democracy

(5 April 2018) BBC World News on Facebook Cambridge Analytica affair and its political effects in Southeast Asia.


2005 PhD Politics, School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham. Thesis title: The Politics of Cyberconflict.
2000 MA, International Conflict Analysis, London Centre of International Relations (LCIR), Kent University. 
1999 BA (Hons), International Relations with Politics, Lancaster University. 
1996 Diploma in Journalism, Antenna College of Journalism, Athens, Greece.
Other Degrees - Continuing Education
2011 Professional Development Certificate in General Management Skills, University of Hull.
2008 Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology, Computer Science and Information Technology Institute, University of Nottingham.

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