
Dr Asako Ohinata

Lecturer in Economics

School/Department: Business School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 2894



I am an applied microeconomist conducting research on the topics of education and ageing. In the past I have analysed questions on immigrant children. More specifically I have studied their educational attainment as well as their potential influence on the native students who are studying in the same classroom. I am currently working to see how governmental financial support affects people's savings and caregiving behaviours


I am an applied microeconomist conducting research on the topics of education and ageing. In the past I have analysed questions on immigrant children. More specifically I have studied their educational attainment as well as their potential influence on the native students who are studying in the same classroom. I am currently working to see how governmental financial support affects people's savings and caregiving behaviours.


Young immigrant children and their educational attainment Economic Letters 2012 3 288-290 (with J.C. van Ours)

How immigrant children affect the academic achievement of native Dutch children? Economic Journal 2013 123 F308-F331 (with J.C. van Ours)

Quantile peer effects of immigrant children at primary schools Labour 2016 30 135-157 (with J.C. van Ours)

The educational consequences of language proficiency for young children Economics of Education Review 2016 54 1-15 (with Yuxin Yao and J.C. van Ours)

Financial support for long-term elderly care and household saving behaviour Oxford Economic Papers 2020 72: 247-268 (Asako Ohinata Matteo Picchio)

Demographic transition and fertility rebound in economic development The Scandinavian Journal of Economics forthcoming (with Dimitrios Varvarigos)


Economics of health economics of education


EC1005 Maths for Economics I. EC3082 Economics of Health

Press and media

Government financial support for long-term care and behavioural responses

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