Dr Anna Davies-Barrett
Research Associate

School/Department: Archaeology and Ancient History, School of
Address: Office 1.18, School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH
I am a Research Associate in human palaeopathology on the UKRI-funded project ‘Tobacco, Health and History’. I work as an osteoarchaeologist specialising in the analysis and curation of human remains, with a focus on the study of ancient diseases (palaeopathology). I have a particular interest in respiratory conditions, including the effect of air pollution, environment, living conditions, and cultural behaviours on respiratory health in different past societies. Prior to coming to Leicester, I worked as a lecturer in human osteology at Cardiff University and as a bioarchaeologist at the British Museum, where I investigated respiratory diseases in populations from ancient Sudan.
I now work on Industrial era British and Dutch skeletons to investigate what impact the introduction of tobacco into Europe had on disease prevalence during this period.
I am also an ECR representative for the College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities.
Research specialisms:
- Palaeopathology
- Tobacco consumption
- Bone taphonomy and diagenesis
- Inflammatory, respiratory and infectious disease
- Osteological recording and data analysis methods
- Sudanese/Nubian archaeology
- Calculus/microfossil analysis
Current and recent projects:
- Tobacco, Health and History (current) (UKRI AHRC funded)
- Respiratory Disease in the Middle Nile Valley (AHRC funded)
Davies-Barrett, A. M., Holliday, R., Jakubovics, N. S., & Inskip, S. A. (2025). An ‘Index of Oro-dental Disease’: A holistic method for understanding the impacts of different risk factors on oral health in archaeological populations. International Journal of Paleopathology, 48, 43–56.
Davies-Barrett, A. M., Vlemincq-Mendieta, T., Bangsgaard, P. (2024). Gematon: Living and dying in a Kushite town on the Nile. Volume VI – Bioarchaeology. Sudan archaeological Research Society Publication Number 30. London: Sudan Archaeological Research Society.
Casna, M., Davies-Barrett, A. M., Schrader, S. (2024). Exploring the impact of tobacco consumption on the respiratory health of two Dutch skeletal populations (1300–1829 CE). World Archaeology, 1-18.
Casna, M., Davies-Barrett, A. M., Schrader, S. (2024). Smoking histories: A bioarcheological approach to tobacco consumption and its impact on the respiratory health of two skeletal populations from the Netherlands (1300-1829 CE). Post-Medieval Archaeology, 1-13.
Davies-Barrett, A.M., Casna, M., Boyd, D., & Inskip, S. (2024). An analysis of interobserver variability in the recording of maxillary sinusitis in human osteoarchaeological remains. International Journal of Palaeopathology, 34(2): e3293.
Davies-Barrett, A. M., & Inskip, S. A. (2024). Who smokes anymore? Documentary, archaeological and osteological evidence for tobacco consumption and its relationship to social identity in industrial England, 1700–1850. In E. Craig-Atkins & K. Harvey (Eds.), The material body: Embodiment, history and archaeology in industrialising England, 1700—1850 (pp. 133–169). Manchester University Press.
Davies-Barrett, A. M., Antoine, D., & Roberts, C. A. (2023). Desert dust and city smoke: investigating the impact of urbanisation and aridification on the prevalence of pulmonary/pleural inflammation in the Middle Nile Valley (2500 BC to AD 1500). Bioarchaeology International.
Badillo-Sanchez, D., Serrano Ruber, M., Davies-Barrett, A. M., Jones, D. J. L., Hansen, M., & Inskip, S. (2023). Metabolomics in archaeological science: A review of their advances and present requirements. Science Advances, 9(32), eadh0485.
Badillo-Sanchez, D., Serrano Ruber, M., Davies-Barrett, A. M., Jones, D. JL., & Inskip, S. (2023). Botanical collections as an opportunity to explore nature through the time: An untargeted metabolomic study in historical and modern Nicotiana leaves. Journal of Archaeological Science, 153, 105769.
Robbins Schug, G., Buikstra, J. E., DeWitte, S. N., Baker, B. J., Berger, E., Buzon, M. R., Davies-Barrett, A. M. … Zakrzewski, S. R. (2023). Climate change, human health, and resilience in the Holocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(4), e2209472120.
Badillo-Sanchez, D., Ruber, M. S., Davies-Barrett, A. M., Sandhu, J. K., Jones, D. J. L., Hansen, M., & Inskip, S. A. (2023). Examination of human osteoarchaeological remains as a feasible source of polar and apolar metabolites to study past conditions. Scientific Reports, 13(1), Art. 1.
Rajab, T., & Davies-Barrett, A. M. (2022). A bioarchaeological analysis of the prevalence of rhinosinusitis across two Romano-British and early medieval populations. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 143, 193–213.
Owens, L. S., Davies-Barrett, A. M., & Service, L. M. C. (2022). Unilateral Congenital Aural Atresia from an Ychsma Group Burial at the Site of Pachacamac, Peruvian Central Coast. Journal of Bioanthropology, 2(1), pp. 45-55.
Davies-Barrett, A. M., Owens, L. S., & Eeckhout, P. A. (2021). Paleopathology of the Ychsma: Evidence of respiratory disease during the Late Intermediate Period (AD 1000-1476) at the Central Coastal site of Pachacamac, Peru. International Journal of Paleopathology, 34, 63–75.
Davies-Barrett, A. M., Roberts, C. A., & Antoine, D. (2021). Time to be nosy: Evaluating the impact of environmental and sociocultural changes on maxillary sinusitis in the Middle Nile Valley (Neolithic to Medieval periods). International Journal of Palaeopathology, 34, 182-196.
Davies-Barrett, A. M., Antoine, D., & Roberts, C. A. (2020). Respiratory disease in the Middle Nile Valley: the impact of environment and aridification. In G. Robbins Schug (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of the Bioarchaeology of Climate and Environmental Change (pp. 122-140). Abingdon: Routledge.
Davies-Barrett, A. M., Antoine, D., & Roberts, C. A. (2019). Inflammatory periosteal reaction on ribs associated with lower respiratory tract disease: a method for recording prevalence from sites with differing preservation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 168(3), 530-542. Doi:
Davies-Barrett, A. M., Whiting, R., & Antoine, D. (2018). New insights into disease prevalence in two Medieval cemeteries from the Fourth Cataract. In S. Tipper & G. Tully (Eds.), Current Research in Nubian Archaeology (pp. 129-154). Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.
Although I am mainly research focussed, you can regularly find me teaching human osteology in the School of Archaeology and Ancient History to undergraduates and PGRs.
I have previous teaching experience at Cardiff University, Durham University, and at Birkbeck, University of London.
My teaching specialisms are in:
- Human osteology
- Palaeopathology
- Ethics in archaeology
- Study and writing skills
- Database management in archaeology
Conference organisation and hosting:
Co-Primary Organiser: British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology Annual Conference 2025
Primary organiser and chair: ‘Taking a breath: reflecting on respiratory disease in bioarchaeology’ online symposium (7th – 8th June 2021)
Co-organiser: ‘Tobacco, Health & History’ Annual Seminar, University of Leicester (23rd – 24th Jan. 2023)
Session chair: ‘Intersectional Bodies’ Symposium, University of Leicester (16th – 17th June 2022)
Lifelong Ageing Fair, Lambeth Town Hall, London, 16th Nov. 2024. How old are we anyway? (Public Engagement stall)
Great Exhibition Road Festival, 18th-19th June 2022. How old are we anyway? (Public Engagement stall)
British Science Festival, Leicester, 17th Sep. 2022. Skeleton Science. (Public Engagement stall).
Awarded for the research project ‘Investigating air quality and its effect on inflammation in the Industrial Period'
PPA European Annual Conference Early Career award, 25th Aug. 2023
Prize in recognition of work that makes a strong contribution to any aspect of paleopathology.
University of Leicester Citizen Recognition Scheme, 5th Oct. 2023
Prize recognising exceptional contribution to support another research project by delivering a relational database.
Social Science History Association, Toronto, Canada, 31st Oct. – 3rd Nov. 2024
A. M. Davies-Barrett & S. Inksip. Interdisciplinary approaches to understanding the history of tobacco consumption in western Europe.
European Archaeology Association Annual Conference, Sapienza University of Rome, 31st Aug. – 4th Sep. 2024
A. M. Davies-Barrett & S. Inskip. Exploring the health burden of smoking-related respiratory disease in the past.
Paleopathology Association European Annual Conference, Leiden University, 21st – 24th Aug. 2024
A. M. Davies-Barrett & S. Inskip. An ‘index of oro-dental disease’: a holistic method for understanding the impacts of different risk factors on oral health in archaeological populations.
The Sudan Archaeological Research Society (SARS) Colloquium, Swansea University, 25th May 2024
A. M. Davies Barrett & R. Whiting. Life and death at the town of Kawa: osteological analysis of the Kushite cemetery assemblage (Hybrid lecture; Invited talk).
BABAO 24th Annual Conference, UCL, 15th – 17th Sep. 2023
A. M. Davies-Barrett, D. Badillo Sanchez, M. Serrano Ruber, & S. Inskip. The archaeometabolomic identification of tobacco users: Improving understanding of tobacco-associated disease prevalence in post-medieval England.
29th EAA Annual Meeting, Belfast, 30th Aug. – 2nd Sep. 2023
A. M. Davies-Barrett, D. Badillo Sanchez, M. Serrano Ruber, & S. Inskip. Disease prevalence and its relationship to tobacco consumption in Industrial England.
Food Systems and Practices: Past, Present and Future, The University of Sheffield, 27th – 28th June 2023
A. M. Davies-Barrett. The historic health impacts of the commodification and consumption of tobacco: an osteoarchaeological perspective (Invited talk).
‘Back(bone) to the future – bioarchaeological perspectives on climate change and climate crisis’, German Archaeological Institute, 2nd – 3rd Dec. 2021
A. M. Davies-Barrett. Desert dust and city smoke: investigating the impact of environmental aridification and urbanisation on respiratory health in the past. (Online; Invited talk).
BABAO 22nd Annual Conference, Teeside University (Online), 17th – 19th Sep. 2021
A. M. Davies-Barrett, D. Badillo Sanchez, M. Serrano Ruber, & S. Inskip. Piping up on the issue of notches: microscopic investigation of dental modifications caused by tobacco pipe-smoking.
5th Sudan Studies Research Conference, Warsaw, 4th – 5th Sep. 2021
A. M. Davies-Barrett & T. Vlemincq-Mendieta. Life and death at the town of Kawa: findings of the recent osteological analysis of the Kushite cemetery assemblage. (Online; Invited talk).
Taking a breath: reflecting on respiratory disease in bioarchaeology (Online), 7th – 8th June 2021
A. M. Davies-Barrett, L. S. Owens & P. A. Eeckhout. Palaeopathology of the Ychsma: respiratory disease at the Central Coastal site of Pachacamac, Peru.
T. Rajab & A. M. Davies-Barrett. A bioarchaeological analysis of the prevalence of rhinosinusitis across Romano-British and Early Medieval populations.
BABAO 21st Annual Conference, Natural History Museum, 13th – 15th Sep. 2019
A. M. Davies-Barrett, C. A. Roberts, & D. Antoine. Respiratory disease in the Middle Nile Valley: the impact of environmental and sociocultural change from the Neolithic to Medieval periods.
Third Sudan Studies Postgraduate Conference, Oxford University, 4th May 2019
A. M. Davies-Barrett. Respiratory disease in the Middle Nile Valley: the impact of environmental and sociocultural change from the Neolithic to Medieval periods.
BABAO 19th Annual Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, 8th – 10th Sep. 2017
A. M. Davies-Barrett, C. A. Roberts,& D. Antoine. A new method for recording and presenting the true prevalence of rib lesions related to respiratory disease.
‘Stressed out: debunking the stress myth in the study of archaeological human remains’, UCL, 9th – 20th May 2017
A. M. D. Barrett. Respiratory disease as a ‘non-specific indictor of stress’? The value of identifying specific causative factors.
Sudan Studies Postgraduate Conference, Durham University, 13th May 2017
A. M. D. Barrett, R. Whiting, & D. Antoine. Insights into disease and lifestyle in two medieval cemeteries from the 4th Cataract of Sudan.
The Sudan Archaeological Research Society (SARS) Colloquium, The British Museum, 8th May 2017
D. Antoine & A. M. D. Barrett. Life and Death in the Kerma Classique at the Fourth Cataract: the evidence from site 4-L-2.
Palaeopathology Association (PPA) 44th Annual North American Meeting, New Orleans, 17th – 19th April 2017
A. M. D. Barrett, C. A. Roberts, & D. Antoine. Investigating the impact of air quality on the occurrence of respiratory disease in the Middle Nile Valley: comparing Kerma and Medieval sites.
BABAO 18th Annual Conference, University of Kent, 8th – 10th Sep. 2016
A. M. D. Barrett & P. Nystrom. Why water matters: investigating the effects of site hydrology on the diagenetic alteration of bone.
Viva: May 2019. Graduated: July 2019.
PhD in Archaeology/Palaeopathology - AHRC funded Collaborative Doctoral Award (CDA)
Thesis: Respiratory disease in the Middle Nile Valley: a bioarchaeological analysis of the impact of environmental and sociocultural change from the Neolithic to Medieval periods.
MSc: The University of Sheffield, Oct. 2014 – Sep. 2015
MSc Human Osteology and Funerary Archaeology (Distinction)
Dissertation: An investigation into the potential effects of site hydrology on the diagenetic alteration of bone.
BA: University of Kent, Sep. 2011 – June 2014
BA (Hons.) Archaeology and Anthropology (First Class Honours)