
Dr Alexander Korb

Associate Professor in Modern European History

School/Department: History Politics and International Relations, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 2784



I received an MA in modern and medieval history and gender studies from the Technische Universität Berlin, with academic exchanges in Aix-en-Provence, Prague and Voronezh. I copleted my PhD at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2011.
From 2000 until 2010, I worked at several museums and memorials in Frankfurt/Main, Oranienburg and Berlin, where I conducted research, developed exhibitions and guided visitors.

I joined the University as a Lecturer in 2010 and I served as director of the Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studiesfrom 2014-2018. 

For my doctoral research, I was awarded several grants and fellowships, amongst others a research fellowship at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum during the 2006-2007 academic year.

I was an Erasmus Exchange Professor at the Universities of Regensburg, Rostock and Belgrade. I received research grants from the USC Shoah Foundation, the German Historical Institute in Washington, D.C., the Imre Kértesz Kolleg Jena, and other institutions. 

I am most familiar with Holocaust- and WWII related archives in Eastern Europe, the  post-Yugoslav space, Italy, Germany, the US, and Israel.


I research the Holocaust in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, namely collaboration between Germans and their local partners, how the Holocaust was intertwined with Ethnic Cleansing, and the moral and intellectual justifications of the Holocaust and Antisemitism. 

Current projects: 

I study of the legal attempts to undo the 1918-revolution in Bavaria, by examining the ""People's Courts"" (Volksgerichte, 1919-1924), and by analysing criminal law and capital punishment.

I am writing a book on collaboration between the Nazis and their European partners during the Holocaust.

Together with co-applicants, I am developing a project on the history of Nazi sexual enslavement during WWII.

I am CI of Narrative Art & Visual Storytelling  in Holocaust & Human Rights Education, an interdisciplinary project funded by the a SSHRC Partnership Development Grant that unitesacademics, educators, Holocaust survivors, and artists and produces graphic novels on survial, ->

I am CI of Ideologies of Natioanl Socialism, a multi-volume edition on the role of ideology, and varying ideologies, within Nazism in Germany and Europe, in the 20th Century, ->



Im Schatten des Weltkriegs: Massengewalt der UstaSa gegen Serben, Juden und Roma in Kroatien 1941-1945 (Hamburg: Hamburger Edition, 2013; 2nd ed. 2014; in Italian: All' ombra della guerra mondiale: Edizione Massari 2017) 

Reaktionen der deutschen Bevölkerung auf die Novemberpogrome (2nd ed., Saarbrücken: Akademikerverlag, 2012; 1st ed. 2008)

Edited Vols.

Ethnic Homogenisation in Southeastern Europe. Journal of Genocide Research 18, 2016/4 (with Philipp Ther)

Nationalsozialistische Lager : neue Beiträge zur NS-Verfolgungs- und Vernichtungspolitik und zur Gedenkstättenpädagogik (Münster: Klemm & Oelschläger, 2006) 

I am editor of Mass Violence in the Modern World. A Routledge Series.


From the Balkans to Germany and Back: The Croatian Labour Service, 1941-1945, in Kiran Patel, Sandrine Kott (eds), Nazism across Borders. The Social Policies of the Third Reich and their Global Appeal, OUP 2018, 259-282.

Muslim Volunteers in Nazi Units, in Jochen Böhler and Robert Gerwarth (eds), The Waffen-SS. A European History, OUP 2017 

Genocide in Times of Civil War: Popular Attitudes towards Ustasa Mass Violence, Croatia 1941-1945, in Andrea Löw, Frank Bajohr (eds) The Holocaust and European Societies. Social Processes and Social Dynamics, Palgrave 2017

Ustasha Mass Violence Against Gypsies in Croatia, 1941-42, in Anton Weiss-Wendt (ed.) The Nazi Genocide of the Roma: Reevaluation and Commemoration, ed. (Berghahn, New York, first edition 2013, pb 2015)

Understanding Ustasha Violence, in Journal of Genocide Research, 12 (2010), 1-18.


Holocaust and Memory Studies
Modern German History
South Eastern and Eastern European History
Comparative Fascism Studies
Genocide Studies
Intellectual History


HS7026: The Holocaust - A Genocide: Mass Murder in Comparative Perspective
HS3769: The Holocaust: Genocide in Europe
HS2349: Stormtroops, Iron Guard and Arrow Cross: Fascism and Genocide in Eastern Europe, 1938-1945
HS1016: Europe 1861-1991: Emancipation and Subjugation

Press and media

I have been interviewed by a number of newspapers TV and radion stations in the UK and Europe including the BBC the Leicester Mercury Deutschlandfunk Der Spiegel and others and I am happy to talk about my research interests: 20th-Century Genocides; how right wing tendencies antisemitism racism and conspiracy theories cause a threat to liberaral democracies; nationalism in Europe; I am an expert in the legacies of WWII and the Holocaust and their impact on our societies; moreover I am an expert in questions of representation of the Holocaust and other Genocides.
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