Dr Alexander Baranov
School/Department: Computing and Mathematical Sciences, School of
Telephone: +44 (0)116 252 2519
Markfort A, Baranov A, Conneely TM, Duran A, Milnes J, Lapington J, Tyukin I. Utilising machine learning techniques for analysis, generation and compression of data for a single photon counting detector. In2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors (NSS MIC RTSD) 2023 Nov 4 (pp. 1-1). IEEE.
Markfort A, Baranov A, Conneely TM, Duran A, Milnes J, Mudrov A, Lapington J, Tyukin I. Utilising machine learning algorithms for high speed data processing of a single photon counting 256 channel PMT with a timing resolution of 60 ps. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2023 Feb 1;1047:167867.
Markfort A, Baranov A, Conneely TM, Duran A, Lapington J, Milnes J, Moore W, Mudrov A, Tyukin I. Investigating machine learning solutions for a 256 channel TCSPC camera with sub-70 ps single photon timing per channel at data rates> 10 Gbps. Journal of Instrumentation. 2022 Jul 19;17(07):C07023.
Markfort A, Baranov A, Conneely TM, Duran A, Milnes J, Mudrov A, Lapington J, Tyukin I. Assessing machine learning solutions for high-speed data analysis and imaging for a single photon timing detector with 60 ps single photon timing per channel. InAI and Optical Data Sciences III 2022 Mar 2 (Vol. 12019, pp. 55-60). SPIE.
Markfort A, Baranov A, Conneely TM, Duran A, Lapington J, Milnes J, Mudrov A, Tyukin I. Investigating Machine Learning Solutions for High-Speed Data Analysis and Imaging of a Single Photon Counting Detector with Picosecond Timing Resolution. In2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) 2021 Oct 16 (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
Alexander Baranov, Alexandre Zalesski, Weight zero in tensor-decomposable irreducible representations of simple algebraic groups, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 225 (2021), 106768.
Alexander Baranov, Hogir M. Yaseen, Lie algebras graded by the weight system (Θnsln), J. Algebra 581 (2021), 1-44.
Alexander Baranov, Hasan Shlaka, Jordan-Lie inner ideals of finite dimensional associative algebras, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 224 (2020), 106189.
Alexander Baranov, Antonio Fernández López, Maximal zero product subrings and inner ideals of simple rings, J.Algebra 538 (2019), 140-148.
Alexander Baranov, Andrey Mudrov, Vadim Ostapenko, Quantum exceptional group G2 and its conjugacy classes, Algebras and Representation Theory (2019),
Alexander Baranov, Andrey Mudrov, Hasan Shlaka, Wedderburn-Malcev decomposition of one-sided ideals of finite dimensional algebras, Commun. in Algebra 46 (2018), 3605-3607. arXiv:1609.05812
Alexander Baranov, Simple locally finite Lie algebras of diagonal type, in Lie Algebras and Related Topics, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 652, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2015, pp. 47-60.
A.A. Baranov, A.A. Osinovskaya, I.D. Suprunenko, Modular representations of the special linear groups with small weight multiplicities, J. Algebra 397 (2014), 225 - 251.
A.A. Baranov, Classification of the direct limits of involution simple associative algebras and the corresponding dimension groups, J. Algebra 381 (2013), 73-95.
A.A. Baranov, J. Rowley, Inner ideals of simple locally finite Lie algebras, J. Algebra 379 (2013), 11-30.