
Professor Adrian Beck

Emeritus Professor

School/Department: Criminology, School of

Telephone: +44 (0)166 443 4427



After graduating from the University of Leicester in 1988 Professor Beck worked with Professor John Benyon and others to establish the Centre for the Study of Public Order which became the Scarman Centre in the mid 1990s subsequently the Department of Criminology in the early 2000s and then the School of Criminology. He was Head of the Department of Criminology from 2009 until 2015 and in 2017 became an Emeritus Professor at the University of Leicester.


Over the last 30 years his research has focused primarily upon developing new ways to understand and manage losses in retail businesses. He is currently the academic advisor to the ECR Community Retail Loss Group and regularly undertakes a range of studies on their behalf to improve awareness and understanding of the problems of loss throughout retail supply chains. His more recent research has focussed upon developing the concept of Total Retail Loss enabling businesses to better understand the overall impact losses can have upon their organisations. He has also completed a number of studies measuring the impact and control of losses associated with Self-scan Checkouts as well as studies on the use of a range of other technologies including video systems and Radio Frequency Identification.


Beck, A. (forthcoming) Examining the Use of Video Technologies in Retailing, in M. Gill (ed) The Handbook of Security, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Beck, A. (2020) Reviewing the Use of Video Technologies in Retailing, An ECR Community White Paper, Brussels: ECR Community.

Beck, A (2018) The Rise of Self-checkout in Retailing: Understanding the Risk and Managing the Problem, Leicester: Erudite Publishing.

Beck, A. (2018) 'Moving Beyond Shrinkage: Developing a Definition and Typology of Total Retail Loss', Security Journal, 31 (1): 93-110.

Beck, A. (2018) Self-checkout in Retail: Measuring the Loss, An ECR Community White Paper, Brussels: ECR Community.

Beck, A. (2018) Measuring the Impact of RFID in Retailing: Key Lessons from 10 Case-study Companies, An ECR Community White Paper, Brussels: ECR Community.

Beck, A. and Hopkins, M. (2016) 'Scan and Rob! Convenience Shopping, Crime Opportunity and Corporate Social Responsibility in a Mobile World', Security Journal, doi:10.1057/sj.2016.6, 1-17.

Beck, A. (2014) Understanding Loss in the Retail Sector, in M. Gill (ed) The Handbook of Security, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 361-382.

Beck, A. (2011) 'Self-scan Checkouts and Retail Loss: Understanding the Risk and Minimising the Threat', Security Journal, 24 (3): 199-215.

Beck, A. with Peacock, C. (2009) New Loss Prevention: Redefining Shrinkage Management, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.


I no longer supervise PhDs.


I no longer teach.

Press and media

Retail crime self-scan technologies video systems staff dishonesty facial recognition radio frequency identification technologies.

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