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Green Party leader to speak at Careers event
The leader of the Green Party Natalie Bennett will be speaking to and meeting a number of students at an event on Wednesday 24 February.
Local children enjoy Making Money in new project
Hundreds of local children have been drawing their own £100 notes, and thousands of these brilliant designs will be on display in the Knoll House...
Supply of GPs and detection of hypertension in England associated with premature mortality rates
General practitioner numbers appear to have a small but important influence on premature mortality rates in England, according to research led...
Research shows professionals moving from private sector into teaching experience significant levels of frustration
Professionals moving from the private sector into teaching experience ‘significant levels of frustration’ with a perceived lack of acknowledgement...
Art and sociology help to reveal lives of British South Asian Women
Leicester sociologists will collaborate with a local artist to bring new insights to their research into the experiences of migrant communities in...
Research shows red meat metabolite levels high in acute heart failure patients
Patients with acute heart failure often have high levels of the metabolite trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) – of which red meat is a major dietary...
Fossils solve mystery of how life moved onto land
A collection of Scottish fossils which solve the mystery of how vertebrate life came to move from water to land will be displayed in a new...
Report suggests democratisation is key to protecting animals
A groundbreaking new report from the Centre for Animals and Social Justice, and involving Leicester research, recommends fundamental changes to...
Expert opinions cover film stunts football trade unions higher education and Beyonc
Professor James Chapman from the Department of the History of Art and Film has written an article for The Conversation discussing history's most...
Ethics4Sports project to address discrimination in sporting world
Our University is involved in a new international project to address challenges faced by many in the world of sport, including racism, sexism and...