Study suggests physical activity and functional ability increase after weight loss surgery

People who have their stomach size surgically reduced move around more and easier after weight loss surgery, a study led by Leicester researchers has found.

Patients are able to walk further and are more physically active in the first year following the procedure, according to the research. Although patients have an increased step count (they walk further), the intensity of the exertion is lower in the early stages after surgery, the paper published in the Obesity Reviews journal has shown.

The researchers looked at the impact the surgery has on physical activity and physical function both before and after surgery by examining 50 published studies.

The research was carried out by the NIHR Leicester-Loughborough Diet, Lifestyle and Physical Activity BRU.

BRUs are focused on translational clinical research, taking new ideas from the laboratory bench to the patient’s bedside to improve health. The Leicester and the Leicester-Loughborough BRU is a national centre of excellence in diet, lifestyle and physical activity. It harnesses the power of experimental science to explore and develop ways to help prevent and treat chronic disease.