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Expert opinions cover football the Bemba conviction and Obamas visit to Cuba
John Williams from the Department of Sociology has written three opinion pieces recently hosted on Think: Leicester.
Richard III mosaic unveiled at visitor centre
The King Richard III Visitor Centre unveiled a huge photo-mosaic portrait of the King to coincide with the one year anniversary of the reinterment...
Richard III team share memories of reinterment week
Dr Turi King, of the University's Department of Genetics and Mathew Morris of University of Leicester Archaeological Services (ULAS), have joined...
Could Leicester mathematicians have solved 78 year old mystery
Researchers in the University of Leicester’s Department of Mathematics have developed a solution to a 78 year old mystery.
Unruly bodies and minds in the medical museum
Following Mat Fraser’s astonishing and award-winning commission Cabinet of Curiosities that toured UK museums in 2015, Exceptional & Extraordinary...
Leicester nominated for two Learning on Screen Awards
The University has been nominated for two awards at the 12th annual Learning On Screen Awards for its HeForShe video which pledges its commitment...
Ancient supereruptions in Yellowstone Hotspot track significantly larger than expected
A number of giant super-eruptions between 8 and 12 million years ago that could be larger than the colossal eruptions known to have taken place at...
Chevening and Commonwealth Shared Scholars share experiences of Leicester
The International Office organised a reception on 16 March which was attended by the Vice-Chancellor and President of the University Professor...
Research reveals solar storms trigger Jupiters Northern Lights
Solar storms trigger Jupiter’s intense ‘Northern Lights’ by generating a new X-ray aurora that is eight times brighter than normal and hundreds of...
Research shows human impact forms striking new pattern in Earths global energy flow
The impact humans have made on Earth in terms of how we produce and consume resources has formed a ‘striking new pattern’ in the planet’s global...