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How the future species of Earth may view fossils left behind after mankinds extinction
Giant hyper-evolved rats 100 million years from now, carefully and logically analysing petrified remains from the long-vanished human civilization...
Six leading Midlands universities launch flagship initiative to support research innovation and growth in the region
A major new fund designed to drive cutting-edge research, innovation and skills across the Midlands Engine, has been officially launched today...
Expert opinions cover referees the Anthropocene and the Hillsborough Inquests
John Williams from the Department of Sociology has written an article for the Leicester Mercury discussing how referees should be cut a little...
Leicester doctor reducing asthma admissions
One of our academics has played a key role in a new national drive to reduce asthma deaths and hospital admissions.
University researchers contribute to new announcement aiming to improve person-centred care
NHS England has today announced a deal seeking to improve access to more person-centred care as part of its developing Self Care programme.
Discovery of Hadrosaur footprint over 30 years ago was first dinosaur fossil finding in Scotland
Recent discoveries in Patagonia and other parts of South America as part of a four-year study has revealed a ‘mass grave’ littered with charred...
Researchers provide new insights into gene regulation
A team of researchers led by the our University has shed new light on how the regulation machinery that controls gene expression works by...
Surface of Mars revealed in unprecedented detail
The surface of Mars – including the location of Beagle-2 – has been shown in unprecedented detail by scientists using a revolutionary image...
Type 2 diabetes people let down over delayed treatment
People with Type 2 diabetes are being ‘let down’ because they are being forced to wait for further treatment when needed, according to new research.
New advance announced in fight against Alzheimers and Parkinsons
A five-year study by an international team led by Leicester has found a way of ‘reversing’ symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases such as ...