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Leicester Precision Medicine Institute leads discussion on innovation in healthcare at Venturefest 2017
The University of Leicester will be showcasing its strengths in healthcare, space and transport innovation at a major event designed to support...
University seeks to drive biomedical innovation at first UK life sciences opportunities zone
Together with the site owners, Charnwood Campus, and the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership, the University of Leicester is...
Universities and colleges receive 245 million to tackle sexual harassment
HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council for England) has awarded grants to over 60 projects in universities – including University of Leicester -...
New project explores art and DNA at Leicester
Leicester-based artists Ruth Singer and Gillian McFarland have begun working with Dr Turi King, Reader in Genetics and Archaeology, on a project...
Expert opinions cover the British Empire air pollution the CIA and how society sleeps
Dr Stan Neal from the School of History, Politics and International Relations has written an article for The Conversation about how the British...
Lecture series launched in memory of eminent microbiologist
A pioneering cellular microbiologist from the Pasteur Institute in Paris will deliver the inaugural lecture of the University of Leicester’s...
Leicester students set crowdfunding target to enter the IMechE Formula Student 2017
Leicester students are aiming to become the highest placed UK electric vehicle team at Silverstone for IMechE Formula Student 2017.
Research suggests bowel cancer medication could help combat earlyonset Parkinsons disease
People with certain forms of early-onset Parkinson’s disease could potentially benefit from taking a medication used to treat certain forms of...
Leicester teams lead the podium in Formula 1 aerodynamics race
Two teams from the University's Department of Engineering took the top two positions on the podium in the second race of the UniFi Motorsport...
Leicester researchers involved in project to address Malaysias environmental challenges
Researchers from our University are part of a team delivering an Earth and Sea Observation System (EASOS) for Malaysia in order to address some of...