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Academic working with British Council to empower women in Vietnam
Expertise from our School Of Business is being applied to empower women in Vietnam through the development of creative social enterprise and...
National conference to focus on menopause policy in the workplace
Experts from our University are to showcase menopause policies in the workplace at a national conference.
Worklife balance supports can improve employee wellbeing research shows
Work-life balance supports provided by employers, often known as flexible working arrangements, can have a significant effect on employees who use...
Leicester researcher organises international workshop on Risk Crisis Disaster and Development Management
Funded by Kansai University’s ‘Improvement in Research & Education Fund’, Dr Nibedita Ray-Bennett from our School of Business, in collaboration...
Fellowships to support the creative economy
Two AHRC Fellowships awarded to the University are to be undertaken in partnership with The Museums Association and Phoenix - Leicester’s centre...
University of Leicester and NHS collaborate on young peoples awareness of urgent care
A collaborative project between the University of Leicester and NHS organisations in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland and Derbyshire Health...
Literary Leicester 2017 highlights
Last month our annual Literary Leicester festival took place, featuring acclaimed literati guests, the dramatic arts and several school events.
Unique event starts countywide conversation about Leicesters literary scene
On Wednesday 13 December literary enthusiasts from across the county came together to look at the literary activity that takes place in...
Showcasing talent free public event to discuss raising the profile of Leicester and Leicestershires literary scene
Raising the roof on Leicester’s literary talent will be a subject up for discussion between members of the public and key figures from the city...
School of Business Professor features in FT on impact of trauma
The impact of trauma on working life, and how it can even affect political and economic decisions, is the subject of a FT article featuring the...