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The key to Leicester’s economic future: First phase of Space Park Leicester is completed
The keys to a pioneering £100 million research, innovation and teaching hub for space-related high-tech companies and researchers in Leicester...
Scientists deliver world-first lobster X-ray telescope mirror
Space scientists at the University of Leicester have delivered a completely new type of super-lightweight X-ray telescope mirror to study the...
Maths students help enhance East Midlands police forces
A group of students from the University of Leicester have been helping police with their enquiries – but not in the way you might think.
Santander scholar on path to career in STEM
An engineer at the University of Leicester has become one of the first beneficiaries of a scheme designed to enhance opportunities for women in STEM.
Virtual clinical trials could revolutionise the way new drugs are developed
New cutting-edge research undertaken at the University of Leicester could revolutionise the way new drugs are developed and the way patients are...
New scheme seeks to help young students realise STEM potential
Sixth Form students from across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland are being offered a stepping stone to a STEM degree under a new scheme.
Swirlonic super particles baffle physicists
In recent years, active, self-propelled particles have received growing interest amongst the scientific community.
EU at ‘critical point’ as Germany searches for Merkel successor
A leading economist has warned that German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s successor will have ‘big shoes to fill’ on the European stage, after...
Space Park Leicester’s ESA Business Incubation Centre UK welcomes first recruits
A team of University of Leicester researchers undertaking pioneering research using space data have been named as the first successful applicants...
Space scientists look to face down climate change
Two pioneering projects led by space scientists at the University of Leicester have been awarded a share of research funding by the UK Space Agency.