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Business students promote Leicester Comedy Festival 2018
International students from the University of Leicester’s School of Business have collaborated on a live project to promote the Leicester Comedy...
Academic to share research on violence and harassment in the digital economy
The International Labour Organization’s Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV) and the University will launch a new research on psychosocial...
School of Business talk to ask whether statistics matter in a world of fake news
For an upcoming lecture, National Statistician John Pullinger will discuss how statistical communication between those creating and using...
Hannah Lewis MBE to recount her experiences surviving the Holocaust
An upcoming lecture will see Holocaust survivor Hannah Lewis MBE recount her experiences growing up Poland and surviving the atrocities of the...
Go-ahead given for business school in new city location and state-of-the-art student facilities
Two developments critical to the future of our University have received the go-ahead.
Expert opinions cover trust within cultures colour the Anthropocene and more
Professor Jo Brewis from our School of Business has explored the ways in which the gig economy is providing an insidious new means for women to be...
School of Business researcher mapping creative industries in Vietnam
Lecturer in Design and Innovation Management in the School of Business Dr Marta Gasparin is carrying out a body of research and data collection...
University joins local organisations in marking Holocaust Memorial Day
The millions of people killed in the Holocaust and in subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur will be remembered at an event...
Gender equality in sports governance boards to be explored by Leicester researcher
A researcher from our University will be examining gender equality in corporate governance of sport organisations as part of a funded European...
Historian explores Chinas political history
Dr Michael Lynch, Honorary Fellow in our School of History, Politics & International Relations, recently gave a lecture at the University of...