University of Leicester performs strongly on Student Voice and Organisation and Management in the National Student Survey

This year’s National Student Survey results show a strong performance for the University of Leicester in the questions on Organisation and Management, which ranked within the top 20% of institutions, with over 79% of students responding positively to questions in this group. The University also placed in the top 30% of institutions for Student Voice, which over 75% of students responded positively to. View the questions used to rank our performance in Organisation and Management and Student Voice.

These positive results recognise efforts by both academic and professional services staff to ensure that the University’s programmes are coherent, consistent and clearly communicated to students. They also demonstrate how well the University listens to students and responds to their feedback, working in partnership with them to ensure the best possible experience.

Particularly strong performances in the University’s subject areas this year were seen in medicine, which ranks in the top decile in all five of the key NSS question areas, while midwifery and modern languages also ranked highly in all key question groupings. Midwifery is ranked first, nationally, for satisfaction with the teaching on the course, with 100% positivity from NSS respondents.

The National Student Survey is one of the largest of its kind in the world, with more than 339,000 responses across the UK this year. Changes to the survey methodology for 2023, including the removal of the ‘overall satisfaction’ question, means it is difficult to directly compare the results to previous years.

The Times Higher Education has conducted its own analysis of the National Student Survey results to produce an overall positivity measure, with the University of Leicester rated at 80.6% and ranked 39th among 114 Higher Education providers.

Professor Liz Jones, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) at the University of Leicester, said: “Our positive NSS results are testament to the hard work of academic and professional services colleagues across the University. We’ve done particularly well in Organisation and Management: my thanks to everyone who goes the extra mile to make sure our programmes are coherent, consistent and clearly communicated to students.

“Our top 30% result for Student Voice is a fabulous achievement, and, combined with the excellent ranking for the Students’ Union question (top 20%), shows just how important our partnership with students is. From positive student-staff committees to enhancement projects in which students are empowered to improve the curriculum, we have much to be proud of in this area.

“The NSS results really do give us important insight into how our students are thinking, and a clear direction on how to deliver the very highest quality, most consistent, engaging and well-organised education for our entire student community.”