Simply the best

Work by a team from the University of Leicester has been showcased for its excellence.

A research paper by academics in the Department of Engineering has been selected as Editor's choice by Metallurgical and Materials Transactions (MMTA), the most popular metallurgy journal and most widely read journal by metallurgy industry in the world.

The Principal Editor of Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, Professor Tresa Pollock, says:

"This honour is reflective of the comprehensive nature of your article and its overall excellence.  Only a few Editors’ Choice articles are selected each year for Free Access.”

Hongbiao Dong, Professor of Materials Engineering at Leicester, said: “This is wonderful recognition of our work and a great honour. MMTA, as the most popular metallurgy journal, has always been my first choice to publish the research work in my team.”

The article "A three-stage mechanistic model for solidification cracking during welding of steel" is written by Hongbiao Dong, Lee Aucott, Ding Huang, Shuwen Wen, John Marsden, Alexander Rack, and Alan Cocks.

As a result of being selected as Editors’ choice, the article has appeared on Springer's website as a "Free Access" article.  Free Access articles are identified as freely available on the site, and can be viewed 24/7 worldwide at no charge to readers.