Science Minister praises Leicesters leading position in space science and pledges to visit University

The Minister for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation, Sam Gyimah, has spoken of ‘Leicester’s leading position in space research and science research’ and pledged to visit the University during a debate on Space Policy in the House of Commons.

In response to a question from Leicester West MP Liz Kendall, Mr Gyimah said: “I am very aware of Leicester’s leading position in space research and science research, and I am looking forward to visiting the university shortly to discuss some of these matters.”

In the debate that took place on July 18, Ms Kendall said: “Leicester is a world leader in space research and engineering, working with NASA and partners across the world. Our new space park will create 3,000 jobs—I hope the Minister will visit us one day. He says he is frustrated with the EU’s reaction on Galileo, but I have heard nothing practical from him about what he will do to protect the Airbus jobs directly related to Galileo in Leicester and to ensure the free movement of EU scientists and researchers, who are so vital to this critical industry of the future.”

Earlier, Mr Gyimah visited the Farnborough Air Show and met with Professor Martin Barstow, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Strategic Science Projects and Director, Leicester Institute of Space and Earth Observation.  Professor Barstow said: “It was a great pleasure to meet the Minister and talk about the important role the University is playing in the development of the space economy, through the Space Park Leicester development. He was already aware of Leicester’s great space heritage and I will look forward to seeing him again on his promised visit.”

You can read the full text of the debate here and watch the debate here

  • Press release
  • Leicester is the UK’s leading space city, home to the National Space Centre, Space Park Leicester and the University of Leicester’s #outofthisworld space research.