Botanic Garden family day is huge success

The University Botanic Garden annual Plant Sale and Family Day took place on Sunday 1st July and once again it was a great success, attracting more than 1,500 people and raising more £7000.

There were specialist plant nurseries, arts and crafts stalls with sales and activities, environmental and wildlife societies with information, activities and entertainments. A local band performed in the Garden while visitors enjoyed refreshments on the lawn.

Richard Gornall, Director of the Botanic Garden, said: “Raising funds is clearly the motivation behind the event, but there is more to it than that: it’s the sense of community that has built up over the years. Families and plant lovers return year after year to support us. Organisations, charities, nurseries and local small businesses all contribute by participating, and the local press continue to promote us.

“The event, our 38th consecutive open day of this type, was a little bigger than last year, with more crafts stalls, environmental organisations and a variety of children’s entertainment, including a bouncy castle and face painting.  Fortunately, we were blessed with good weather and on the day the Friends continue to promote the Botanic Garden and demonstrate how much the community value it.”

All proceeds go to the Friends of the Botanic Garden, who spend the money directly for the benefit of the Garden and its work.