Students Union launches new resource on How to Adult

An online resource designed to help students learn ‘How to Adult’ has been launched by our Students’ Union.

Split in four sections: Know your Rights, Understand your Finances, Develop your Skills and Maintain your Wellbeing – students can access a wide range of information and advice from recent graduates and ‘real world adults’ on a range of topics including budgeting, cooking, buying a house, jury service and work/life balance.

'How to Adult' was launched in the Union Square in the University of Leicester Students’ Union on Tuesday 23 January. As part of the launch, four healthy recipe cards were given away to students to help them maintain their wellbeing.

Iain Greig, Training Manager at Leicester Students’ Union, said: “Our students are offered lots of support during their time at university from the Students’ Union, University and external organisations, as for many of them it is their first experience of living away from home. However, life after graduation can be just as scary – if not more and so when recent graduate and current student trainer Hannah came up with the concept of ‘How to Adult’ we thought this would be a fantastic way to bridge that gap.

“The information covers a range of subjects and circumstances and has mostly come from recent graduates who understand the pressures students face after leaving the university bubble. Being an online resource, it can be accessed by everyone – current students, graduates, and even those who graduated twenty years ago!”

The resource can be accessed at: