Expert opinions cover trust within cultures colour the Anthropocene and more

Professor Jo Brewis from our School of Business has explored the ways in which the gig economy is providing an insidious new means for women to be exposed to sexual harassment.

Geologist Professor Jan Zalasiewicz has discussed the danger posed to oceans by the Anthropocene – and how we can work together to protect them

In an article for The Conversation, Dr Nuala Morse from our School of Museum Studies has discussed ways in which we can use colour to develop non-verbal approaches to assess mood and well-being outcomes.

In an article for The Conversation, Dr David Clark from our School of Arts has discussed how Oscar-nominated film Call Me By Your Name offers positive messages and profoundly premodern meditations on friendship.

In an article for The Conversation, Drs Eva Krockow, Andrew Colman and Briony Pulford from our School of Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour have discussed how different cultures do not necessarily differ in the amount of trust but in the type of trust that they display.

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