Netball teams 24hour sponsored shootout raises over 1000 for Open Hands charity

The University’s Netball team have recently raised over £1000 for the Open Hands charity through a 24 hour sponsored shootout on campus.

Located on the University’s main square from the 15-16 Feb, the ULNC team shared the event on social media and the incentive behind their fundraising- to raise awareness about the poor living conditions those living rough can face, including a lack of access to sanitary products and toilets, and the impact that these conditions can have on mental health.

In an attempt to experience even the smallest likeness to homeless, members had hour slots ranging from 1 to 5 hour periods shooting out in the cold with nothing but the clothing they had on their backs. Their experiences were recorded and the club posted a video to raise awareness of the issue of homelessness in Leicester, with many shocked by the physical toll the cold had on them after just a few hours.

Over 50 people took part in the shootout, and the team’s target of raising £500 was doubled. The money raised will be going to the charity ‘Open Hands’, who work with disadvantaged people and families from varied backgrounds to provide clothes, toys, furniture and food.

ULNC Club Captain Ciara Molyneux said: “We decided to have a 24hr shootout in the cold weather to emphasise how difficult it is to have very little, especially around this time of year by putting ourselves in their shoes for a few hours. Over 50 members of our club got involved along with a few extra volunteers. In true ULNC style, we even had a few members come straight from their night out clubbing, to be able to shoot in their designated time slot.

“I am so proud of all the girls for their commitment to the cause especially the committee members who had at least a three-hour shift to watch over participants and others who stayed for over 7hrs on their shift.

“My special thanks also go to those members that stayed throughout to support and assist the committee and encourage participants through adverse conditions that fully empathised the daily grind and hardship endured by many; at least we all had a choice. We may not yet have fully defrosted but it was worth it!!

“One final thank you is to everyone who donated; people were so generous and we couldn’t have raised this money for such a good cause without your support.”

  • As part of RAG and Wellbeing week at the University, ULNC and Oge Obioha will be leading a blood donation drive in the Queen's Hall Foyer tomorrow from 9.30am-3.30pm.