Fighting gender injustice in a changing world


Shadow Attorney General for England and Wales and Director of Liberty from September 2003 to March 2016, Baroness Shami Chakrabarti, is to address issues of gender injustice at a public lecture on 10 May.

Baroness Chakrabarti will talk about her new book, Of Women, on gender injustice, at a moment when such concerns risk being ‘crowded out’ by other pressing issues.

The event, ‘Fighting Gender Injustice in a Changing World’, is being hosted by the University of Leicester’s Unit for Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement (DICE) based in the School of Media, Communication and Sociology.  It takes place on Thursday 10 May from 6pm-8.20pm at the Peter Williams Lecture Theatre, University Road, Leicester.

Assistant Professor John Williams from DICE said: “It is a great honour to be hosting Shami Chakrabarti, a woman who is an inspiration to our students and to women and many men around the country and across the world. Her work on civil liberties will be very well known to most people but, in the era of ‘Me too’ and extreme gender pay differentials, this connected avenue of concern is a timely reminder of what still needs to be done in order to achieve gender justice.”

Professor Surinder Sharma from DICE said: “DICE exists at the University of Leicester precisely to bring internationally-known speakers, such as Baroness Chakrabarti, to the Leicester public: BAME women who have truly made their mark in the world and who continue to strive for meaningful social change. This presentation and subject is important for everyone in our society, because men from our multi-cultural communities will also benefit, of course, from greater gender justice.”

During the event Baroness Chakrabarti will lay out the huge challenges we face in creating a more gender equal world for women from all backgrounds, a world in which women and men can do better at sharing power, responsibility and opportunity and where everyone has a chance to fulfil their full potential. Baroness Chakrabarti outlines what needs fixing and why we must put women's rights at the centre of any progressive global political agenda.

This is a free event for the public, but it likely to be in high demand. Please register now to save your place:

The University is a supporter of HeForShe, a global solidarity movement for gender equality, with the aim of engaging and encouraging men and boys to take action against the gender inequality which women across the world face. This worldwide movement seeks to progress the advancement of gender equality, specifically through increased engagement of men and young people as advocates and agents of change.