Our international campus opens in China

Our first international Institute - in China – offering dual degrees in STEM subjects opens this month. The Institute is the result of a partnership between Leicester and leading Chinese University - Dalian University of Technology.

The Chinese Ministry of Education announced approval in March for the ‘Leicester International Institute, Dalian University of Technology’ to be established on the Panjin campus of Dalian University of Technology. Students will study for degrees, in Chemistry and Engineering - from the University of Leicester and Dalian University of Technology.

Dalian University of Technology is ranked among the ‘Ivy League’ of Chinese universities, being included in both of the Chinese government’s prestigious ‘211’ and ‘985’ rankings of elite institutions.

The joint institute provides students with the scholarship and skills to equip them for lifetime careers as leaders in industry and academia.

‘Leicester International Institute, Dalian University of Technology’ is housed in a new building with state-of-the-art facilities. The Chinese students have the opportunity to take part of their degree in Leicester, and UK students in Leicester have the chance to have a year or more of their degree in China.

The first cohort of students start being taught at the Institute following opening ceremonies attended by our President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Boyle alongside academic and civic leaders.

Read the press release