Experts to discuss research into internet safety for sex workers

Dr Rosie Campbell and Professor Teela Sanders from our Department of Criminology will be taking part in the upcoming Festival of Social Science, running between 4 – 11 November.

On 8 November Dr Campbell and Professor Sanders will be leading an event where they will be discussing findings from the Beyond the Gaze project, outlining their research into online sex workers and safety.

The event draws in existing members of the netreach practitioners forum, which was established in 2015. The event will also open up the forum to other practitioners and sex workers who are experts in safety amongst the internet-based sex worker community.

The festival is taking place from 4-11 November, with over 300 free events across the UK. It is designed to promote awareness of social science research by enabling researchers to engage with the public through debates, talks, workshops, seminars, film screenings, theatre, exhibitions and much more.

The event is called ‘Good practice guidance: Working with online sex workers’.

Please note: this is a closed specialist event and is not open to the public.