Esteemed academics from top UK universities to take part in Black in Academia panel event at Leicester

An upcoming event at the University of Leicester will see some of Britain’s leading academic minds take part in a discussion on equality in Higher Education on Thursday 26 October.

Hosted by Leicester’s BAME officer Eden Mesfun, this highlight evening event invites academics and representatives from some of the UK’s top institutions to offer their perspectives on a range of topics relating to the attainment gap across Higher Education. The panel will explore why the attainment gap across Higher Education remains to this day, lived experiences, the role of liberated curricula and other mechanisms institutions can implement to eradicate the gap over time.

Azza Abdulla, Education Officer for the University of Leicester Students’ Union, said: “This event is a very important one as it brings together the university community to discuss barriers to education and how we can work together to overcome these barriers.

“We hope that this event will empower BME students and educate the wider university community on racial inequality issues in Higher Education today. I think it’s important to have a platform whereby staff and students can have discussions on existing institutional barriers- as to solve these problems, we should have open discourse.”