Greater integration between courts and extrajudicial bodies called for in public lecture

A legal expert from the University will call for more integration between courts and extrajudicial bodies in order to provide a solution to low-value claims in a Professorial Inaugural Lecture on 9 May.

Professor Pablo Cortés (pictured), Chair in Civil Justice at the Leicester Law School, will explore the role technology and extrajudicial processes, such as mediation, arbitration and ombudsman services, can play in reforming the civil justice system.

Professor Cortés will argue that these increasingly publicly certified extrajudicial bodies are more than mere dispute resolution mechanisms since they provide a public service for consumers that complements, and often replaces, the role of the courts.

Furthermore, he will note that while courts use extrajudicial techniques, and consumer dispute resolution bodies often rely on binding adjudication as a last resort, there is not enough co-operation between extrajudicial bodies and the courts.

This lecture is another in the Professorial Inaugural Lecture Series at the University of Leicester. These lectures allow new professors at the University an opportunity to share their research with a broad audience, including members of the public, as well as family, invited friends and colleagues.

The lecture will take place between 5.30pm and 6.30pm on Tuesday 9 May in Ken Edwards Building, Lecture Theatre 1. The lecture is open to the public and free to attend, all Inaugural Lectures are followed by a reception.