Leicester experts comment on Westminster terror attack

Experts at our University have commented on the recent terrorist attack outside Westminster, which took place on Wednesday 22 March.

Dr Rob Dover, Associate Professor in the School of History, Politics and International Relations has suggested that reporting of terrorist incidents could be placing UK leaders, police officers, and counter-terrorism officials in danger.

In an article for Think: Leicester, Dr Dover said: “Whilst the coverage of yesterday's attack was shocking for the events that it so vividly catalogued, there were additional worrying dimensions to it that potentially further compromise the security of London.

“To place the leadership of the country in this kind of danger to fill a gap in the coverage, is unacceptable and needs to be addressed.

“I believe there should now be limits placed on aspects of the coverage, and in particular upon the reporting of the standard operational procedures around responding to terrorist events, and in terms of depicting the images of key counter-terrorism officials.”

Dr Simon Bennett, Director of the Civil Safety and Security Unit in the University’s School of Business, has commented on the threats terror attacks pose to freedom of speech and the rule of law. 

Dr Bennett said: “Yesterday's terror attack symbolises two things. First, that free and open societies face a continuing and deadly threat from those who reject such basic human rights as freedom of speech, freedom of belief, freedom of expression, tolerance and the rule of law. Secondly, that stable democracies cannot be shaken. Given that Britain has defeated every attempt to destroy its ancient parliament, it should be obvious that a hate-filled man with a knife stands no chance."

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