Prestigious fellowship for life-saving research

A researcher from our Department of Cardiovascular Sciences has won a prestigious Fellowship grant in a novel area of research.

Dr Jatinder Minhas has received a Fellowship Grant for £211,471 from the Dunhill Medical Trust. This highly competitive award provides Dr Minhas with three years funding for a higher degree. He will investigate whether a simple breathing exercise in survivors of acute intracerebral haemorrhage is safe, feasible and effective in improving brain blood flow control. If successful, the researchers hope to take this simple bed-side intervention forward to design a larger definitive trial.

The project is entitled “Feasibility of Improving Cerebral Autoregulation in Acute Intracerebral Haemorrhage – BREATHE-ICH Study”.

Dr Minhas is a Specialist Registrar in Geriatrics (Stroke) and NIHR ACF, in the Cerebral Haemodynamics in Ageing and Stroke Medicine (CHIASM) Cardiovascular Sciences Research Group.

The Dunhill Medical Trust is a charity which supports innovation in the care of older people and research into the causes and treatments of disease, disability and frailty related to ageing.  It welcomes high quality grant applications, particularly those within the following areas: care of older people, including rehabilitation and palliative care; and research into the causes and treatments of disease, disability and frailty related to ageing.