Leicester health expert discusses how to slash Type 2 diabetes risk

Professor Kamlesh Khunti (pictured) from the Diabetes Research Centre has been featured in the front page story of today’s edition of the Daily Express (19 July 2017) discussing ways in which we can slash our risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

In the article, which explores how weight gain over the years is bad for you and highlights the benefits of exercise, Professor Khunti says: “Exercise is a highly underrated form of medication which, if prescribed more often and earlier in life, would result in more people being healthier, living long and avoiding long-term conditions.

“Higher levels of sedentary behaviour are associated with worse health whereas higher levels of physical activity are associated with better health.”

The article also highlights how regularly consuming convenience food, which is often high in fat and sugar, increases the risk of weight gain and potentially causes health issues, including developing Type 2 diabetes.