Expert opinions cover museums Donald Trump driverless cars nuclear weapons Brexit craftivism and managers

Robin Clarke from the School of Museum Studies has discussed how museums can respond to the rise of the far-right in Europe.

Dr Andrew Futter from the School of History, Politics and International Relations has discussed President Trump's contradictory statements about nuclear weapons.

Dr Neil Walkinshaw from the Department of Informatics has discussed the advent of driverless car technology.

Dr Andrew Futter has also commented on the United States's nuclear arsenal and whether it is safe from cyber attack in an interview for NTI.

Professor Iain Gillespie has explained how UK universities and EU funding will be affected by Brexit.

School of Business PhD student Rasim Kurdoglu has written an article for Think: Leicester discussing just what we can learn from Leicester City’s lack of success this season.

Dr Jessica Bain from the School of Media, Communication and Sociology has written an article for The Conversation discussing how craft has long been used to make political statements.

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