Leicester academic explores unanswered questions about Easter

Dr Philip Shaw, from the University of Leicester, will explore the pagan origins of Easter in a free public event on 6 April.

The event, ‘Fixing Easter’, at the University of Nottingham will debate many of the unanswered questions about Easter traditions - should the date be fixed? Was it originally a Pagan festival? Why do rabbits deliver chocolate eggs on the anniversary of Jesus’s resurrection?

Dr Shaw, Senior Lecturer in English Language and Old English in the University of Leicester’s School of Arts, will be joined by academics from the University of Nottingham, UCL, and Bournemouth University, as well as author and researcher of magic and paganism, Adrian Bott.

Dr Shaw said: “This exciting new project represents a wonderful opportunity to delve into the many puzzling questions surrounding the festival of Easter.

“We hope to shed light on the origins of the Easter bunny, originally the Easter hare, and how it relates to the Christian festival.”

Dr Shaw's research focuses on Old English and other early Germanic languages, with particular interests in linguistic evidence for pagan religious life and conversion to Christianity.

‘Fixing Easter’ will be held on 6 April from 6-7pm in the Humanities Building on University Park in Nottingham.

The event is free to attend and you can register at fixingeaster.eventbrite.co.uk