Leicester Heroes event smashes record number of stem cell sign-ups in one drive

A record number of sign-ups to a stem cell register has been achieved at an event on the University of Leicester campus.

The University of Leicester paired up with The Rik Basra Leukaemia Campaign to host a Leicester Heroes event on campus on Tuesday 25 October which recruited 1,406 new potential donors to the Anthony Nolan Stem Cell Register.

The event also celebrated seven unsung heroes, who were chosen to receive a Leicester Hero Award and were treated to a VIP lunch in the University’s Charles Wilson Building.

President and Vice-Chancellor at the University of Leicester, Professor Paul Boyle said: “We are absolutely thrilled that the Leicester Heroes event has resulted in us breaking the record number of sign-ups to the Anthony Nolan Stem Cell Register in one drive. I couldn’t be more proud of the volunteers, staff and students who have helped to make yesterday’s event a success. I’d also like to thank the local Colleges and Academies who we have teamed up with and enabled us to exceed our target and of course Rik and Kas Basra for their hard work.

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“Today was also about celebrating our seven Leicester Heroes who were treated to a VIP lunch as a reward for their selfless actions and contributions to the community.

“The University of Leicester is proud of its local impact and the difference it makes to our city and region.”

Rik Basra said: “The University of Leicester’s Leicester Heroes event saw us recruit an unprecedented 1,406 new lifesavers to the Anthony Nolan Stem Cell Register. I’ve no doubt amongst the many students we’ve signed up there will be an up-and-coming hero who will one day save a life.

“I’d like to thank all our volunteers and supporters, every single one is a hero to us we just could not have done it without them. A special thanks to Professor Paul Boyle at the University of Leicester for hosting the event and the University events team who helped us make it such a special day not least for our seven chosen Leicester Heroes.”

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