Animated film showcases risk-free ways to support victims of hate crime
The Centre for Hate Studies has produced a short animated film urging members of the public not to turn a blind eye when witnessing acts of hate and hostility.
The animated film, entitled ‘I Can’t Ignore Hate Crime: Can You?’ and spearheaded by Dr Stevie-Jade Hardy and Professor Neil Chakraborti, showcases the stories of four victims of hate crime whose experiences have been made worse when witnesses have walked on by or ignored their suffering without offering to help.
The film, which was produced in association with Seed Creativity, is designed to highlight ways in which we can all support hate crime victims without putting ourselves at any risk.
Rather than placing the responsibility to report on the individual victim, the animation illustrates what bystanders, frontline practitioners and organisations can do to support victims more effectively.
The Centre for Hate Studies is also asking people to tweet their own ideas for how to challenge hate using the hashtag ‘#myresponse2hate’.
You can watch the film 'I Can't Ignore Hate Crime: Can You?' below: