Legacy of Smigielski on post-war central Leicester to be explored in symposium

Our University will be holding a symposium in partnership with the Leicester City Council on town planning and the historic environment in the post-war era since the 1960s.

Taking place on 1 and 2 July, the free two-day event will bring together local residents, scholars and City Council professionals in addition to a wide range of guest speakers from prominent organisations to discuss the post-war reshaping of central Leicester.

Speakers will include representatives from Historic England, ULAS, the University of Oxford, the University, the Royal Town Planning Institute, the Twentieth Century Society and also the Mayor of Leicester.

Leicester is a good example of how post war planning has left a strong imprint on an ancient city, and how many of the ‘mistakes’ of the recent past are now being corrected.  In the 1950s/60s the construction of the central ring road split the ancient town in two and caused the demolition of medieval buildings. Konrad Smigielski, one of the most prominent of Britain’s post war planners, was Leicester’s chief planner in the 1960s and his legacy continues to divide opinion.

Booking is essential, find the full programme and how to book from the conference website.

Watch a video on Konrad Smigielski presented by Colin Hyde from our East Midlands Oral History Archive: