Bird of prey inspires Leicester walkers

A bird of prey inspired researchers from the Leicester Diabetes Centre to take part in a national drive to encourage exercise.

They got their walking boots on for a ‘hawk walk’ with Apenimon to mark National Walking Month with a stroll near Leicester General Hospital where the centre is based.

Organiser Rebecca Pritchard – who is the Patient and Public Involvement Lead at the international centre of excellence in diabetes research, education and innovation – said: “It’s not everyday you get the opportunity to go for a walk with a hawk and what better occasion than National Walking Month. I thought it was a good way to encourage my colleagues to get outdoors and enjoy some fresh air and exercise.”

The Redtail Hawk is from the Cotswold Falconry Centre where Rebecca trained in handling the bird but he regularly makes an appearance with her at Bradgate Park.

The Leicester Diabetes Centre is a partnership between the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust and the University of Leicester and is led by Professor Melanie Davies CBE and Professor Kamlesh Khunti.