Archaeologists recover Iron Age pottery at site in Welford

University of Leicester Archaeological Services (ULAS) has carried out an archaeological excavation of an Iron Age settlement at Newlands Road in Welford, Northants on behalf of Mears New Homes.

The initial nine trench evaluation identified several features in the south-east of the proposed development area, including ditches, pits and a narrow gully. At the site the team recovered Iron Age pottery before the site was then stripped under archaeological control, exposing an Iron Age roundhouse, further structural evidence and part of two enclosure ditches.

The roundhouse measured some 9m in diameter, had an entrance at the east side, and several internal features survived as well. Further middle Iron Age pottery was recovered, of Scored Ware type, and several querns and stone honestones/rubbers were also found.

On 8 January the ULAS team will be giving an Open Day at the site for the local Primary School children and their parents. The morning will have visits to the site and in the afternoon the team will be giving a display at the school, with some of the finds and information displayed from the excavations.