Leicester DNA and Forensic Science Centre

Inspirational world-class research from the University is inspiring a third proposed visitor attraction in Leicester.

The National Space Centre is the University’s brainchild and our discovery of the mortal remains of King Richard III led to the creation of a visitor attraction telling his story.

Now a partnership has been set up to consider the feasibility of developing a brand new city centre attraction which will focus on the evolution of forensic science and the important role this has played in solving crimes. It will hopefully feature, alongside other forensic procedures, the work of Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys, who pioneered DNA fingerprinting techniques at the University.

The partnership, led by the King Richard III Visitor Centre and the University of Leicester, also includes Leicester City Council and Leicestershire Police, has received conditional approval on Project Development Funding of £150,000 from the LLEP.

The LLEP funding will be used to investigate the potential for an attraction and will include research on style, content, how the story will be told, and audience development. The aim is to produce a business plan which will also enable the partnership to approach funding providers.

Professor Kevin Schürer from the University of Leicester, who has been involved in setting up the project, stated: “Modern forensic work played an important part in the identification of the remains of King Richard III and this led to the idea for the proposed new centre.  The aim of the new attraction will be to provide an engaging explanation of the role that forensic science and DNA have played in solving and preventing crime.

“It is highly appropriate that such a centre is based in Leicester, not only because of Richard III and the landmark research of Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys, but also due the world-class applied forensic research that has and is being undertaken in Leicester.”