Expert opinions cover football the Bemba conviction and Obamas visit to Cuba

John Williams from the Department of Sociology has written three opinion pieces recently hosted on Think: Leicester. In the first, ''​Could Leicester City's success boost Asian support for the home-town club?', he discusses how LCFC's success could increase BME support for the team. In the second, 'The legend of Johan Cruyff will live on', he discusses the huge hole in the world of football left behind after the death of the great Netherlands footballer. In the third, 'The pros outweigh the cons in local football', he writes about fights breaking out in local football matches.

Dr Yassin Brunger from the School of Law has written an article for The Conversation discussing the recent landmark Bemba conviction.

Dr Tara McCormack from the Department of Politics and International Relations has written an article for Spiked Online discussing how relations between Cuba and the US are improving.

Dr Massimo Giovanardi has written an article for Think: Leicester discussing the ‘Ranieri-effect’ and how it is being embraced by Italian academics in the East Midlands.

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